Institute of Public Affairs


The voice for freedom - established in 1943.

Melbourne, Australia
Joined August 2009


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  1. 2 hours ago
  2. 3 hours ago

    The Institute of Public Affairs estimates that the real unemployment rate, including those who have on net left the labour force since March and those who are employed but working zero hours for economic reasons, is 11.7%. Media release ⬇️

  3. Former prime minister Tony Abbott has called on MPs and top bureaucrats to take a temporary 20 per cent pay cut.

  4. 11 hours ago

    🎙️ NEW PODCAST: The 28th Prime Minister of Australia, joins the Executive Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, John Roskam for a three-part discussion about the future of the Australian way of life. Episode one is now available:

  5. Jul 15

    📺 "The fact that we are repeating this awful, awful experiment that will ruin thousands and thousands of lives is just reprehensible" - on

  6. Jul 14

    🎙️ joins & on The Young IPA Podcast to discuss ending extradition to Hong Kong, the colonialism of China and if we can build a new Hong Kong here in Australia.

  7. Jul 14

    📰 "The Palace Letters will not advance the republican cause as it is a niche issue of interest to a relatively small group of people concentrated mainly in academia and the ABC" - John Roskam & Morgan Begg in the

  8. Jul 13

    "The Vic Gov is shirking responsibility off to a judicial inquiry that can't even look into its own Ministers, they've suspended Parliament and now using their numbers on their version of estimates to block scrutiny on what happened with hotel quarantine."

  9. Jul 13

    Polling shows only 17 per cent of Australians disagree with the proposition “Sporting codes like the AFL and NRL have become too politically correct.” So why aren't the administrators listening?

  10. Jul 11
  11. Jul 10

    📚 First episode available now: Discussing 'The Year Of Living Dangerously' by Christopher Koch.

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  12. Jul 10

    Greg Sheridan discusses his five favourite books in the today, previewing a new IPA podcast: Five Favourite Books with Dr Bella d'Abrera.

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  13. Jul 10

    On the latest Looking Forward Podcast and discuss their article 'Tunnel Vision' in the IPA Review on the failures of Victoria's infrastructure boom.

  14. Jul 9

    📰 "Australians have had a gutful of their favourite past-times being dominated by the narrow obsessions of Australia's sporting elite" - Morgan Begg in

  15. Jul 8

    Don’t think that a collapse of the Victorian economy can be quarantined like a coronavirus patient. All Australians will be forced to pay for years of economic mismanagement and the botched handling of COVID in Vic.

  16. Jul 8

    . discusses a new poll by the IPA on which finds that a majority of Australians think the and are too politically correct.

  17. Jul 8
  18. Jul 8
  19. Jul 7

    A new poll has found that the majority of Australians believe sporting codes like the and have become too politically correct.

  20. Jul 6

    "The people of Hong Kong would make a tremendous contribution to this country. These are people that love freedom more than some people who live here." -


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