Dissent Magazine


The oldest democratic socialist magazine in the United States.

Se unió en marzo de 2009


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  1. Tweet fijado
    6 jul.

    Our Summer 2020 issue, WORK, POLITICS, AND THE PLAGUE, is now online.

    , , y 7 más
  2. hace 11 horas

    "Lewis's political vision is present in the speech he sought to make at the 1963 March on Washington. Archbishop Patrick J. O’Boyle found the text was too radical and threatened to withdraw from the march program unless Lewis modified his text."

  3. hace 11 horas

    “I’m struggling just to stay afloat now,” he said. “This is not acceptable at all. How long can I go on like this? . . . Something has to change.”

  4. hace 13 horas

    "We want the decisions of government to be made by a fully representative electorate, not by a tilted or bleached voter pool." &

  5. hace 13 horas

    While the company boasted that it would donate $1 million to fight racism, workers argue it is perpetuating racial injustice by mistreating its many Black and Latinx workers.

  6. hace 14 horas

    A state that made voting a requirement would be compelled to take steps to make the registration and voting processes as accessible and navigable as possible.

  7. hace 15 horas

    In a moment when Black Lives Matter has succeeded in bringing longstanding police abuses to public attention, Lewis’s legacy has never been more visible.

  8. retwitteó
    hace 17 horas

    John Lewis: "What we tried to instill, particularly among the young people coming down, was that even as they came there, we weren’t going to change Mississippi in a summer or a year, that it was a much longer effort."

  9. hace 18 horas

    If citizens were required to vote, our democracy would be improved in critical and far-ranging ways.

  10. hace 19 horas

    "The United States should, as a matter of policy, procedure, and culture, adopt the principle that voting is a both a fundamental right and a universal civic duty." &

  11. hace 20 horas

    "The Mississippi Freedom Summer was an attempt to bring the nation to Mississippi, to open up the state and the South and bring the dirt of racism and violence from under the rug so all of America could see and deal with it." John Lewis writing in 1985:

  12. hace 20 horas

    Universal civic duty voting would represent a milestone in the two-century-long struggle to expand the franchise.

  13. retwitteó
    18 jul.

    John Lewis in Dissent in 1985: Mississippi Freedom Summer—20 Years Later via

  14. 18 jul.

    In memory of John Lewis, we feature his reflections on the Mississippi Freedom Summer in our Winter 1985 issue.

  15. 18 jul.

    "As the tragedy unfolded, I felt a mounting sense of bewilderment at the numbers in New York."

  16. 17 jul.

    The world has ended again and again for many, although in the realm of power that thinks of itself as the world—and this includes not just Wall Street, the Capitol, and Silicon Valley, but also universities, media, and publishing—no one has noticed.

  17. 17 jul.

    "I included, in the backdrop of the novel I’ve been working on, long before COVID-19 emerged, a cruise ship in temporary quarantine, something the Indian corporate media calls the China virus, as well as coughing people with makeshift masks."

  18. 17 jul.

    No one in America knew as much about democracy in trade unions as Herman Benson, who died on July 2 at the age of 104.

  19. 17 jul.

    "The United States is still the wealthiest country in the world, but apparently without the capacity or will to provide surgical masks to its health workers, healthcare to its people, or much of any kind of needed support at all."

  20. retwitteó
    17 jul.
  21. 17 jul.

    For many people, the world has ended again and again. on fiction and apocalypse:


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