July 13, 2020

JAMES LILEKS: Twinkling’s Canceled, Little Star.

At some point the mob will run out of things to cancel. All the low-hanging fruit will have been plucked to make smoothies for the commune. Wrongthink professors, authors, movies, newspaper columnists — easy enough. After that? Well, if you’re really going to root out systematic systemism, everything has to go. This means someone will eventually be tasked with canceling children’s songs, or recasting them for the new era. Pity the person who has to find the problematic problems in “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

It’s not that hard.

Read the whole thing.

THAT WOULD BE A GAME-CHANGER: Tesla set to unveil new million-mile battery at in-person event in September. “Tesla is expected to unveil a low-cost battery that will last up to a million miles, which may make its electric vehicles cost the same or even less than a gasoline-powered car.”

DO WE REALLY WANT NURSES WHO DON’T THINK THAT EVERYONE’S LIFE MATTERS? Nursing dean fired after telling students ‘everyone’s life matters.’

TIME RUNNING OUT FOR DC CONSERVATIVES, GOP: Rachel Bovard makes a disturbing case in American Greatness that Republicans and the Washington conservative establishment that, mostly, supports them are absolutely blowing it as the country slides ever closer to suffocation by the Left’s Cancel Culture.

AT AMAZON, Little Giant Ladder Systems 13610-001 King Kombo Professional.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER: Amazon Is Making a Simple Change that Will Change the Relationship Between. “Sellers and Customers ForeverStarting September 1, sellers will have to prove who they are and where they’re located–and share that information publicly.”

IT’S ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT IT’S APPROPRIATE TO INVESTIGATE FOREIGN COLLUSION: Sen. Josh Hawley Tells Hugh Hewitt He’s Open to Subpoenaing NBA Commissioner Adam Silver to Disclose NBA Financial Ties With CCP. (Audio).

GLEICHSCHALTUNG: Georgetown senate publicly condemns student for rejecting Black Lives Matter movement. If you are not shouting the approved slogans of the moment, you are an enemy of the people!

Remember, higher education — especially at elite institutions like Georgetown — was supposed to foster critical thinking.

AT AMAZON, Hot New Releases – Updated Every Hour.

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KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Idiots at USA Today Apparently Ignorant of the American Eagle. “Before we delve into this lunacy about the eagle in question, it should be noted that USA Today is the CNN of newspapers. Just as CNN would have no audience whatsoever if it weren’t being broadcast to people stuck in airport terminals, USA Today wouldn’t have any readership if it weren’t being given away for free in hotels all over the country. Honestly, I rarely read it when I’m on the road and it’s delivered to my hotel room door every weekday.”

NON-CORONAVIRUS MEDICAL DEATHS SOARING: “People who never had the virus may have died from other causes because of the spillover effects of the pandemic, such as delayed medical care, economic hardship or emotional distress.”

PUNISHING THE VICTIMS: St. Louis Police Confiscate Guns From Couple Defending Home From Mob.


JUST GETTING BIDEN IN FRONT OF A CAMERA SHOULD HELP: Pollster: Trump must ‘drive Biden’s negatives up’ to win, like in 2016.


THE IDEOLOGICAL CORRUPTION OF SCIENCE: In American laboratories and universities, the spirit of Trofim Lysenko has suddenly been woke.

In the 1980s, when I was a young professor of physics and astronomy at Yale, deconstructionism was in vogue in the English Department. We in the science departments would scoff at the lack of objective intellectual standards in the humanities, epitomized by a movement that argued against the existence of objective truth itself, arguing that all such claims to knowledge were tainted by ideological biases due to race, sex or economic dominance.

It could never happen in the hard sciences, except perhaps under dictatorships, such as the Nazi condemnation of “Jewish” science, or the Stalinist campaign against genetics led by Trofim Lysenko, in which literally thousands of mainstream geneticists were dismissed in the effort to suppress any opposition to the prevailing political view of the state.

Or so we thought. In recent years, and especially since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, academic science leaders have adopted wholesale the language of dominance and oppression previously restricted to “cultural studies” journals to guide their disciplines, to censor dissenting views, to remove faculty from leadership positions if their research is claimed by opponents to support systemic oppression.

In June, the American Physical Society (APS), which represents 55,000 physicists world-wide, endorsed a “strike for black lives” to “shut down STEM” in academia. It closed its office—not to protest police violence or racism, but to “commit to eradicating systemic racism and discrimination, especially in academia, and science,” stating that “physics is not an exception” to the suffocating effects of racism in American life.

While racism in our society is real, no data were given to support this claim of systemic racism in science, and I have argued elsewhere that there are strong reasons to think that this claim is spurious. The APS wasn’t alone. National laboratories and university science departments joined the one-day strike. The pre-eminent science journal Nature, which disseminates what it views as the most important science stories in a daily newsletter, featured an article titled “Ten simple rules for building an anti-racist lab.”

At Michigan State University, one group used the strike to organize and coordinate a protest campaign against the vice president for research, physicist Stephen Hsu, whose crimes included doing research on computational genomics to study how human genetics might be related to cognitive ability—something that to the protesters smacked of eugenics. He was also accused of supporting psychology research at MSU on the statistics of police shootings that didn’t clearly support claims of racial bias. Within a week, the university president forced Mr. Hsu to resign. . . . As ideological encroachment corrupts scientific institutions, one might wonder why more scientists aren’t defending the hard sciences from this intrusion. The answer is that many academics are afraid, and for good reason.

This sort of thing completely undercuts the rationale for public-funded higher education.

UNLIKE AMAZON’S QUICK ABOUT FACE, THIS ORDER SEEMS TO BE STICKING: Wells Fargo employees ordered to uninstall TikTok from work phones.

WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? D.C. Black Lives Matter Protest Turns Anti-Semitic.

COME SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE LEFTISM: Miami man arrested for damaging police cars says group recruits others to incite protest violence.


THE OPPORTUNISTIC FRAUD THAT IS “CANCEL CULTURE.” Biden proclaims the ‘European’ identity of America: “Our culture is not imported from some African nation.” “If this won’t get you cancelled… well, it won’t, so that shows you one more thing that’s wrong with cancel culture.”

WELL, THEY DON’T MIND CLEMENCY FOR THEIR ALLIES, ONLY FOR THEIR ENEMIES: Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But Democrats Are Angry About Roger Stone.

LET’S RENAME THE REDSKINS TO BETTER REFLECT LOCAL CULTURE: “The Washington Lobbyists.” “The Washington Special Interests.” “The Washington Underpaid Holders of Useless Masters’ Degrees Working at NGOs.” “The Washington Logrollers.” “The Washington Vulnerable Incumbents.” “The Washington Expense Accounts.” “The Washington Blusterers.” “The Washington Anonymous Sources.” “The Washington Backstabbers.” “The Washington Midlevel Bureaucrats.” “The Washington GS-13s.” “The Washington Gridlock.” “The Washington Demagogues.” For my academic friends, “The Washington Rent-Seekers.”

MORE: “The Washington Scandals.” “The Washington Deep State.” “The Washington Cover-Ups.” “The Washington Talking Heads.” “The Washington Kinsley Gaffes.” “The Washington Tax Loopholes.”

BATTLESWARM BLOG: How to Skew a Poll: Texas 2020 Edition. “This is the poll that purports to show Joe Biden beating Donald Trump by five points and Senator John Cornyn under 50% against either M.J. Hegar or Royce West.”

Yeah, I’m not buying those numbers.

SOROS GROUPS GOT MILLION$ FROM PPP: Well, I’m not surprised, how about you?

ISN’T THAT GOOD NEWS? CDC now estimates that 40% of people infected with Covid-19 don’t have any symptoms. “Under the CDC’s ‘current best estimate,’ 40% of people with Covid-19 are asymptomatic. This number is up from the 35% the agency estimated on May 20.”

I THINK THERE’S ROOM FOR A LOT OF LITIGATION HERE: To stop ‘cancel culture,’ protect people’s viewpoints under civil rights law. And while Title VII doesn’t reach this sort of thing, I think the civil rights conspiracy laws, both civil and criminal, do, and should be so employed.

July 12, 2020

REPORT: Washington Redskins to ‘retire’ team name on Monday.

Related: Redskins: A Manufactured Controversy.

NOW OUT FROM KURT SCHLICHTER: The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump (and you!).

GOOD IDEA: Defeat the radical St. Louis prosecutor, support Mary Pat Carl. “Gardner operates with a handicap. Competent prosecutors don’t want to work for her. Her office has experienced a more than 100 percent turnover in staff since she took office in 2017. More than 65 attorneys with a combined experience of over 460 years in prosecutorial experience have departed during this three-and-half year period. Even some of the attorneys she hand picked have since quit.”

ROGER KIMBALL: Double Standards on View in Outrage at Stone Commutation.





As Janice Dean of Fox News tweets, “When The NYS Nurses Association calls for independent investigation after seeing ⁦[Cuomo’s] nursing home report you know things are serious. God bless them.

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “Faculty members at some universities are being asked to name a next-of-academic-kin, meaning only the person who will finish their *teaching* if they die from covid mid-semester. Who’s your next-of-academic-kin for research? Who’ll finish your next book for you?”

Luckily, my next book is already in page proofs, and my next article is in page proofs, and the one after it is coauthored. So I’m covered for research.

OPEN THREAD: We’re only tourists in this life.

AT LEAST 21 INJURED AFTER FIRE ERUPTS ON NAVY SHIP: “At least seventeen sailors and four civilians were hospitalized after an explosion erupted during a roaring blaze aboard a military assault ship at Naval Base San Diego Sunday morning, according to Naval Surface Forces. Plumes of smoke arose from USS Bonhomme Richard as firefighters battled the three-alarm blaze on the 3400 block on Senn Street at about 8:30 a.m. The vessel is an amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego, according to Krishna Jackson of Naval Base San Diego.”

MAN, 30, DIES AFTER ATTENDING A ‘COVID PARTY,’ SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS HOSPITAL SAYS. “Dr. Appleby said the man had told his nurse that he attended a Covid party. Just before he died, she said the patient told his nurse: ‘I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not.’”

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Think 2020 has been bad? It’s an election year. The worst is yet to come.

HMM: Coronavirus surges linked mostly to protests — and proximity to US-Mexico border. “Protesting, sharing megaphones, screaming … That’s a setup to spread cases.”

DEFUND HOLLYWOOD: Hollywood’s identity crisis: Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man.

White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities – racial and sexual – can be given jobs.

A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as ‘more toxic than Chernobyl’, with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labelled racist.

The first sign came with one of the most powerful black directors in Hollywood, Oscar-winning Jordan Peele – the man behind box office hits such as Get Out and Us – stated in public that he did not want to hire a leading man who was white.

‘I don’t see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie,’ Peele said. ‘Not that I don’t like white dudes. But I’ve seen that movie before.’

As one studio executive responded privately: ‘If a white director said that about hiring a black actor, their career would be over in a heartbeat.’ Few doubt it. . . .

The latest buzzword in Tinseltown is ‘Bipoc’ – an acronym for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour – and ‘Menemy’, which means a white, male enemy of the diversity movement. ‘Everyone wants to be able to check all the boxes for each new hire,’ according to one Oscar-nominated insider.

‘Directors normally have a say about who is in their project. Not any more. It’s all about ‘Bipoc hiring’. And it’s coming directly from the heads of the studios who know their jobs are on the line. White middle-aged men are collateral damage. They are the Menemy.’

When people tell you you’re their enemy, believe them and act accordingly.

DON’T GET COCKY: GOP voter registrations outpace Dems in swing states: report.

But, without getting cocky, ask yourself: If five years ago you’d been told that in 2020 the Democrats’ messaging would revolve around defunding the police and taking down statues of George Washington, how would you have expected the election to go?

Still, if you care, get to work: Donating, volunteering, helping out however you can. There’s always the margin of fraud to overcome, and it’ll be bigger this time than in 2016, when the Democrats were cocky.

ANSWERING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why do law professors do what they do?

UYGHUR LIVES MATTER, TOO: Coke, Nike, and Pro-Black Lives Matter Corps are Using Slave Labor.

A factory making shoes for Nike was “equipped with watchtowers, barbed-wire fences and police guard boxes.” Nike Shox were discovered being made in another factory by slave laborers shipped far from home to produce shoes for the sportswear giant. Too far for them to run away.

“We can walk around, but we can’t go back,” one worker said.

The same company that holds up Colin Kaepernick, a millionaire anti-American activist, as an icon of social justice, also profits from an alleged slave labor facility that moved to be closer to “the region’s cotton fields”. The millionaire victims of imaginary racism that Nike wants us to care about are on their billboards while modern day slaves still toil in the cotton fields because their lives don’t matter.

The dirty secret of the big Corporate Left brands is that behind the familiar names and commercials, are huge conglomerates and financial investors who cut costs by outsourcing their production to China. The Americans design and market, but the real work is done by huge Communist enterprises, either owned directly by the state or by oligarchs tied to the Communist leadership, whose names you don’t know.

All this leaves the executives with plenty of time to come up with new social justice initiatives and call the country and the American people whose wealth, future, and hopes they’ve stolen, racists.

Read the whole thing.

THE CORBYNIZATION OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Nick Cannon spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories online. TV host references ‘Rothschild’ control and claims that Black people are ‘the true Hebrews:’

Video of TV host and actor Nick Cannon spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and praising virulent antisemite Louis Farrakhan has resurfaced in recent days.

Cannon — who currently hosts “The Masked Singer” on Fox and previously hosted “America’s Got Talent” on NBC — spoke with Richard Griffin, aka Professor Griff, on a recent episode of “Cannon’s Class,” the TV host’s YouTube talk show. Cannon appears to have filmed the video last year, and reposted it to his channel a few weeks ago — where it gained renewed attention over the weekend.

Griffin was a member of the hip hop group Public Enemy until the late 1980s, when he was ousted over antisemitic remarks he made in a series of interviews. In the reposted video with Cannon, the TV host praised Griffin for having “the most substance and weight in speaking unapologetically… and you stuck to your guns.”

* * * * * * * *

Cannon later referenced “going as deep as the Rothschilds, centralized banking, the 13 families, the bloodlines that control everything even outside of America.” Cannon claimed that when people understand who the real Jewish people are, “it’s never hate speech, you can’t be antisemitic when we are the semitic people. When we are the same people who they want to be. That’s our birthright.” He later added that “we are the true Hebrews.”

Cannon also spoke about “giving too much power to the ‘they’ — and then the ‘they’ turns into the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Rothschilds.”

Cannon has praised Farrakhan repeatedly on his YouTube show, saying that “every time I’ve heard him speak, it’s positive, it’s powerful, it’s uplifting… for whatever reason, he’s been demonized.”

Related: From the Obama White House Archives, dated September 1, 2016: Remarks by The First Lady, Nick Cannon and Seth Meyers in a Discussion with Howard University Students.

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: The Most Intolerant County in America (and the Most Tolerant City): Suffolk County Massachusetts, which represents the heart of the Boston-Cambridge-Newton part of New England, appears to be the most politically intolerant county in the US.

Plus: “This most tolerant town is in a county that voted for Trump by a 20-point margin,” Andrew Sullivan observed in New York magazine. “Let’s absorb that fact for a while, shall we?”

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: AOC: New York City crime spike possibly due to people failing to pay rent or shoplifting out of hunger.

As Noam Blum of Tablet tweets, “‘Ackshually these are bread riots’ is quite the take.” And it gets worse!

UPDATE: (Via Dan Foster):

FAUCI HAS UNDERPERFORMED IN GENERAL: Fauci ‘not 100 percent right’ about COVID-19 spike, top US testing official says.


ESPN reportedly suspended NBA insider and reporter Adrian Wojnarowski after he sent an email to Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley reading, “F— you.”

The Republican senator asked NBA Commissioner Adam Silver last week if he would allow players to wear jerseys with the message: “Free Hong Kong.” Hawley was criticizing the league after officials announced “pre-approved phrases” would be allowed on the back of jerseys while “censoring support” for law enforcement and criticism of China, according to Fox News.

Wojnarowski responded to Hawley with the two-word email, which Hawley shared on social media. The columnist soon issued an apology for the message.

“I was disrespectful and I made a regrettable mistake,” Wojnarowski wrote in a message he shared on Twitter. “I’m sorry for the way I handled myself and I am reaching out immediately to Senator Hawley to apologize directly. I also need to apologize to my ESPN colleagues because I know my actions were unacceptable and should not reflect on any of them.”

The New York Post reported Sunday that ESPN suspended Wojnarowski without pay. Outkick also reported that he was suspended.

Hawley’s response?

Given that Disney owns ESPN, he’s speaking rhetorically, of course:

Earlier: China’s Long Tentacles Extend Deep Into American Media.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Six Great Midsize Pistols.

THEY TOLD ME IT WAS JUST ABOUT CONFEDERATE GENERALS: Virgin Mary statue set on fire at Boston church, officials say.

IN THE INTEREST OF RACIAL PROGRESS, IT’S BEST TO AVOID ANY PUBLIC DEPICTIONS OF BLACK PEOPLE: Vermont Law School To Paint Over Mural Celebrating State’s Role In The Underground Railroad And Abolitionist Movement Because Depiction Of Blacks ‘Made Some People Uncomfortable.’


Shot: Coronavirus scofflaws arrested, criminally charged as California cracks down.

—The L.A. Times, April 4th.

Chaser: California to release 8,000 inmates in attempt to combat COVID-19 spike in prisons.

The Blaze, yesterday.

WE NEED TO MATCH THAT WITH A SYSTEM TO ENSURE THAT WHO AND CHINA DON’T LIE ABOUT IT FOR A MONTH: Experts pitch surveillance system to detect viruses before next pandemic.


It’s not clear whether or not the McCloskeys still have any arms to defend themselves, there were reports the pistol Mrs. McCloskey had is with their attorney.

But in a Facebook post, a local gun store, Alien Armory Tactical, put its money where its mouth is and offered the couple a free new AR-15 if they wanted it. The store scolded the police for going along with the warrant.

To the couple that had this warrant served, please come on by our shop and we will gladly rearm you with a brand new ar15 for (FREE) thats right if you see this post contact our page and we will gladly assist you with a replacement for you to protect your private property for FREE! Also we will assist you with some FREE firearms training so if anything were to happen you will be better prepared, we will take you with your brand new ar15 and show you how to be better prepared! Thank you from your friendly neighborhood watch.

Nice move! Hopefully, the couple is able to take advantage of it.

Earlier: “Kimberly Gardner, one of four Democrats running for St. Louis circuit attorney in the Aug. 2 primary, is taking heat for a new political ad paid for with money from a national super PAC that is at least partly funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.”

BRUCE BAWER: The Unbearable Whiteness of Being.

WELL, THEY DON’T MIND CLEMENCY FOR THEIR ALLIES, ONLY FOR THEIR ENEMIES: Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But Democrats Are Angry About Roger Stone.


The Soviets changed the capital city from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and they renamed St. Petersburg Petrograd. They entirely reworked the system of government, killed the royal family, instituted atheism as the official religion and massacred Russian Orthodox priests, and more. They destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques and unleashed the terror of secret police on the citizens.

Yet the Soviets also took pride in Russia’s history, and restored the great palaces of the Czars.

In fact, the Soviets arguably represent the exact opposite of their modern wannabes wreaking havoc on the streets of America today. The Marxist agitators with antifa and Black Lives Matter propose unserious “reforms” like abolishing the police (which didn’t even work in Seattle’s CHOP antifastan) while destroying national monuments in a lawless abandon, while the Soviets perpetrated devastating oppression on the Russian people while restoring some of the Czar’s magnificent palaces.

Now, I’d gladly take the fringe antifa over an official atheist Marxist tyranny that murders its own people and unleashes a secret police. I only mention this contrast to point out that the Soviets would likely mock their modern wannabes and to illustrate that even the most virulent Marxists don’t have to engage in the disgusting kind of vandalism America is witnessing today.

In fact, it likely undermines their cause.

To which the statue-smashing far left would likely reply, “See? We told you that true socialism has never been tried!”

Tyler O’Neil’s article is just for our VIP members; please use the discount code LOYALTY if you’ve been thinking of becoming a supporter.


NO, IT DIDN’T START WITH TRUMP: Fight Club: Rivalries in the White House form Truman to Trump. While reading Tevi Troy’s excellent history of infighting at the White House, I found myself thinking of John Bolton, the new media darling now that he has turned on Trump. Troy describes how Eisenhower’s secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, alienated Harold Stassen and other foreign-policy colleagues with his unremitting arrogance: 

According to Stassen, “My best summary of Dulles is that he always knew he was absolutely right. Further, he knew that anyone who disagreed with him was, of logical necessity, always wrong. And finally, he could not understand how anyone could dare question the fact that he was always right.” It wasn’t just Stassen who had a problem with the priggish Dulles, though. As Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas once said, “I’m not sure I want to go to heaven. I’m afraid I might meet John Foster Dulles there.” Some U.S. allies had misgivings about Dulles as well. Harold Wilson, a British member of Parliament and future prime minister, once mocked Dulles’s propensity to try to be everywhere all the time: “I heard they are inventing an airplane that can fly without Dulles! They hope soon to get it into production.” Winston Churchill himself once famously mocked Dulles via declension: “Dull, Duller, Dulles.”

Read the whole thing.



THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Understanding the collapse of liberal Zionism. Peter Beinart claimed to speak for Jewish critics of Israel. Now he wants to replace it with a binational state, leaving Jews defenseless. Is anyone really surprised?

Related: Twitter thread from Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom:  

I have heard weak condemnation of the anti-Semitic rants of those in the National Farrakhan League from a few of these erstwhile woke Uber-prog scolds; others have been largely silent.

As Mitch Albom points out in a column today, this very conspicuous variance in responses is not only troubling, it’s terrifying.

What it says to Jews is this: “stop whining. We progressives are trying to help black folk!”

It is paternalistic, but hardly surprising….

Here’s Albom’s column: DeSean Jackson’s anti-Semitic remarks is hateful to all.

SCIENCE, UNSETTLED: ‘Aerosol boxes’ meant to protect COVID health teams may be dangerous.

ROB LONG: The Devil Wears Prada: CDC Edition.  

Miranda Priestly: (eyes flash, angry muffle)

Subtitle: “Something funny?”

Andrea: (shrugs, makes equivocating rumbles from behind her mask)

Subtitle: “No, no, nothing. Y’know, it’s just that both those antiviral caftan hoods look exactly the same to me. Y’know, I’m still learning about all this stuff.”

Miranda Priestly: (short angry bark)

Subtitle: “This ‘stuff’?”

The room freezes. Terrified assistants, eyes darting in terror.

Miranda Priestly: (a series of muffled words and noises conveying contained rage)

Subtitle: “Oh . . . okay. I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet and you select, oh, I don’t know, that drab blue mask, for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself and COVID-19 too seriously to care about what you put on your face to hold the droplets in. But what you don’t know is that that mask is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean. And you’re also blithely unaware of the fact that, in 2020, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean face wraps. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent . . . wasn’t it? Who showed cerulean military nose plugs?”

Miranda holds up an antivirus caftan.

Miranda Priestly: (a soft aside muffle to an assistant)

Subtitle: “I think we need some nose plugs here.”

Heh. Read the whole thing.


But over an hour and a half after their initial tweet, the paper had to issue this statement: “Clarification: The claim that Trump 2020 has put out a T-shirt with a symbol similar to a Nazi eagle and is being criticized for it is true. Worth noting, the eagle is a longtime US symbol, too.”

In response to the paper’s outlandish tweet, they were rightly ridiculed with other images of eagles hold round objects such as the Marine Corps’ eagle, globe, and anchor, an Obama campaign logo, the official of Nancy Pelosi’s office (eagle and a globe), and stamps from the U.S. Postal Service.

Upon clicking on their “fact-check” article, it became clear that what they fact-checked wasn’t whether or not the campaign was selling a shirt with a Nazi symbol, but rather, they ridiculously fact-checked how the campaign was accused of such a thing.

“The paper wanted so desperately to have a ‘true’ associated with a Trump/Nazi controversy that they ‘fact-checked’ the existence of the controversy, not whether or not the image was Nazi related. Pathetic.”  The “Worth noting” self-own is a nice touch, however.

BIGGEST FEDERAL UNION LEADERSHIP IS CESSPOOL OF SEXUAL ABUSE ALLEGATIONS: The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is being sued by a group of career civil servants in federal court for multiple allegations that 16 high officials repeatedly committed sexual abuse of subordinates, then covered it up.


In 1996, the late great Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami was on stage taking questions at the Lincoln Center in New York City after the premiere of his film Through the Olive Trees, when someone asked why he had used classical music (a piece from Concerto for Oboe and Strings by Domenico Cimarosa) in a movie that was set in a small village in northern Iran? Kiarostami turned to me, his translator for the hour, and said, in his soft voice and even softer manner, “Tell him classical music has long ceased to belong to the West. It belongs to the world now.”

That exchange, the way Kiarostami disabused the audience of the notion that music knew borders or that great ideas, once invented, remained the “property” of one nation or region, was on my mind when I signed the “Letter on Justice and Open Debate,” which ran in Harper’s Magazine last Tuesday. What I saw at the heart of the text was a defense of American democracy, which no longer belongs solely to America. For every activist on the streets of Hong Kong, every feminist in the prisons of Saudi Arabia, and every interned Uighur in China, America and its democracy remain, for better or worse, the last hope. Are they naïve and misguided? Right or wrong? It does not matter. Those who are suffering under tyrannies around the world, who are trying to imagine a different future for themselves and their fellow citizens, do not dream of Moscow, Beijing, or any nation in Europe. Just as little girls in the far corners of the world who do not even speak English want to dance like Beyoncé, and just as the youth living under prohibition in the Middle East huddle together to secretly watch bootlegged copies of Hollywood films, activists everywhere look to America, and dream of this democracy.

Read the whole thing.

A CORONAVIRUS CHART THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE. “Does Axios consider the United States to have lost the war on H1N1? I’m asking for a friend.”

Read the whole thing.


The drive-by attack on the Rushmore presidents was part of its cancel-culture agenda.

Yet the Times has never applied to its own history the standards it uses to demonize others. If it did, reporters there would learn that the Ochs-Sulzberger family that has owned and run the paper for 125 years has a “complicated legacy” of its own.

That legacy includes Confederates in the closet — men and at least one woman who supported the South and slavery during the Civil War. In fact, Times patriarch Adolph S. Ochs contributed money to the very Stone Mountain project and other Confederate memorials the Times now finds so objectionable.

To be clear, I detest the Times’ determination to judge and revise history using criteria conceived 20 minutes ago. The paper’s Marxist-inspired activism and race-based fetish have taken it so far off course that it no longer functions as an actual newspaper.

Read the whole thing.

LEFTIST THEOLOGY: Creighton U. prof calls pro-police gathering a ‘white supremacist rally.’

Remember when they told us that the justification for higher education was that it instills critical thinking?


So let’s just play a little thought experiment here. What if the email had been sent by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, who raised the exact same issues about the NBA’s response to Hong Kong protesters? And what if Woj had immediately responded, “Fuck you,” to her?

There’s a good chance he would have been fired.

You know it, I know it, everyone reading this column right now knows it.

I’m not advocating for firing anyone for an email that expresses their true opinions. Never have, never will. The same should hold true for Tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts, you name it. We have to stop canceling people just because we disagree with what they say. Cancel culture, which has been wielded as a weapon by the far left wing in this country for years, is not healthy for our country, period.

But the reason why Woj felt like he could respond to Senator Hawley’s office like he did is because in 2016 ESPN employees donated 100x as much money to Hillary Clinton as to Donald Trump. He knows he can say whatever he wants to a Republican and there will be no consequences.


Read the whole thing. Incidentally, Hawley’s reply to Wojnarowski’s “apology” was perfect:

He knows that thanks to parent company Disney, ESPN is only going to report on the NBA being beholden to China in the politest of language:

Earlier: Josh Hawley vs. the NBA.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Rutgers profs, students blame ‘peace’ & ‘law and order’ for death of George Floyd.

I NEED A STUDY TO TELL ME THIS? Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in ‘Virtuous Victim Signaling,’ Says Study.

(Classical reference in headline.)

AMBUSHED: 2 slain police officers ‘never had a chance’ in Texas shooting, chief says.

Two police officers who were responding to a disturbance call were killed Saturday in a South Texas town after a suspect met the officers at the door and shot them, police say.

The shooting happened so quickly that “our officers did not draw their weapons, did not fire, never stood a chance – never had a chance,” McAllen, Texas, Police Chief Victor Rodriguez said in a statement to the media.

The police department learned about the fatal shooting when other officers stopped by the scene to do a routine check, Rodriguez said.

The officers were responding to reports of a violent disturbance, Rodriguez said. “They were doing their job. That is what we are supposed to do.”

The officers approached the door of the residence after meeting people outside the house who reported that a disturbance or assaults were occurring inside, Rodriguez said.

Blue lives matter too, though it can be worth your job to say so some places, these days.

PAUL BEDARD: Power rallies: The answer for Trump is airport events.

TWO TEXAS POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN AMBUSH ATTACK; SUSPECT DEAD, AUTHORITIES SAY: “The slain McAllen officers were identified as Edelmiro Garza, 45, and Ismael Chavez, 39. They were killed while responding to a domestic disturbance complaint, [The Monitor of McAllen, Texas, on the border with Mexico] reported… The suspect was identified as Audon Ignacio Camarillo, 23, who was most recently arrested last month on assault charges, according to The Monitor.”

Thus, this story will be rapidly memory-holed by the DNC-MSM.

AT AMAZON, Edge Shave Gel Sensitive Skin with Aloe, 9.5 oz, 3 Pack.

DOUG ROSS: Google Declares Me Guilty of Thought Crimes, Sends My Blog Posts to the Memory Hole. “Google has a great search engine when they’re not squelching conservative and GOP (not the same thing) content. I recommend using DuckDuckGo; here’s why.”

DEFUND MICHIGAN STATE: Michigan State May Scrub James Madison From Campus: Students, alumni express disappointment at ‘ridiculous’ proposal.

Between the rampant sex abuse and the absurd wokeness, it’s a place that needs to be shut down.

WHAT PRIVILEGE LOOKS LIKE: Joe Biden’s family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving — but no jail time.


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