Showing posts with label EPL 08/09. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPL 08/09. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2009

Another gem . . .

. . . via the good folk at Urban 75.

March 14th seems so long ago.

Ruffled Benitez

Inspired . . . and I don't even have that much of a problem with either Benitez or Liverpool.

Once again, Fergie wins the minds games and Man Utd wins the title.

Sammy Lee as Uncle Albert is just brilliant. Made my day seeing that. Those Surrey Reds can be creative when they put their minds to it.

Hat tip to the good people at Urban 75.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Final pieces in a couple of jigsaws?

Not surprised by this signing. It's been on the cards for a few days but I wonder if Benitez will live to regret not going for the signature himself?

Could Villa be genuine title contenders next season? They're on the up and up, whilst it could be argued that neither Arsenal nor Chelski will be as strong next season as they are this season or recent seasons past. Throw into the mix that if Liverpool do a bottle job this year, and that will scupper their chances for another couple of years. Could get interesting.

Villa to qualify for this year's Championship League. Arsenal of the big four to miss out.

Is now the right time that I remind blog readers that Villa were my favourite English team back in the early eighties? Just happened to coincide with their last League Championship and European Cup. Honest, I wasn't glory hunting. Just rather taken by that Tony Morley goal against Everton in their championship season.

To be honest, my flabber is ghasted by this signing also hitting the BBC Sport headlines today. Cracking player and a cracking signing for Hull City but I'm genuinely surprised no bigger club came in for Bullard. Man City should have thrown some spare change Fulham's way. If they can pay well over the odds for Bellamy and Bridge, signing Eric Stoltz's doppleganger would have been a tidy bit of business.

I'd love Hull to stay up despite their recent blip in firm but good bloke that Phil Brown is, I wish he wouldn't speak of himself in the third person. Who the hell does he think he is?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Depending on Berbatov . . . . and Midtablebrough

Oops, been slacking off with the Guardian's preview of the upcoming English Premier League. That calls for some last minute substitutions:

  • Man Utd
  • Middlesbrough
  • Sunday, August 10, 2008

    Friday, August 08, 2008

    Thursday, August 07, 2008

    The toffeemen and the diddymen

    Jose Baxter? Love the name, but the bloke's from Bootle!

  • Chelsea
  • Everton
  • The Guardian thinks that Chelsea will end the season as champions. They won't even finish in the top three.

    Wednesday, August 06, 2008