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                    Program governance and decision making

                    Find out about the organisations and decision-making process behind the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program and key Council resolutions to date.

                    Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program governance

                    As owners of the Queen Victoria Market, the City of Melbourne will have oversight and responsibility for the suite of projects to renew the market. Day-to-day operation of the market will continue to be managed by Queen Victoria Market Pty Ltd.

                    Our program team

                    We have put in place a program team that combines dedicated people from City of Melbourne and Queen Victoria Market’s management that will work together for the duration of the renewal program to realise our vision. Guided by our Program Director, the renewal team is overseen by our Program Control Group, who ultimately report to Council to safeguard the future of Queen Victoria Market on behalf of the people of Melbourne.

                    Program funding

                    The City of Melbourne has made a commitment to spend up to $250 million to deliver the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal (QVMPR) Program. The Queen Victoria Market (QVM) Program Reserve has been established as a dedicated fund to provide a transparent vehicle for administration of the QVMPR Program. Funds to be used solely for the capital redevelopment of renewal works are transferred into the QVM Program Reserve annually, or periodically, as approved by Council. Quarterly reports are presented to Council on the performance of the fund and the QVM Program Reserve is audited as part of the City of Melbourne’s financial statements on an annual basis by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office.

                    Council resolutions

                    A number of decisions have been made by Council to progress the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program since renewal was first announced in October 2013.

                    Find a timeline of all of the Council resolutions to date: QVMPR Council resolutions (PDF 61 KB).

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