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                    Apply for a grant from the Urban Forest Fund

                    Green foliage with the words Urban Forest Fund.
                    Do you need financial support to green your property? We want to partner with you!

                    The Urban Forest Fund will support a wide range of projects, including:

                    • new green open spaces
                    • tree planting
                    • green roofs
                    • green walls or facades
                    • water sensitive urban design projects.

                    Applications for 2018 have now closed. However, you can register your interest and view information on eligibility and criteria below, if you wish to start thinking about future grant rounds.

                    Eligibility for partnerships

                    ​The Urban Forest Fund Partnership Program aims to increase the amount of green infrastructure across the City of Melbourne by fund-matching greening projects dollar for dollar.

                    To be eligible to apply, your greening project must:

                    • be located within the City of Melbourne municipal area
                    • be primarily focused on creating new green infrastructure
                    • have demonstrated community benefits
                    • have demonstrated environmental benefits
                    • be visible from the public realm or be regularly accessed by a large number of people
                    • have a clear plan for long-term maintenance
                    • be completed by May 2020
                    • have determined if a planning permit is required, and if so, a permit application must have been submitted.
                    • be located on land owned by the applicant or, where greening is to take place on private property that is not owned by the applicant, a secured lease is required for at least five years and written consent must be provided by the building owner.

                    The Urban Forest Fund will provide partnership grants ranging between $25,000 and $500,000.

                    All Expressions of Interest will be notified when applications open.

                    Assessment criteria

                    Applications for partnership grants through the Urban Forest Fund will be assessed against their ability to provide environmental and public benefits. The Fund will prioritise projects that:

                    • are located in areas with low canopy cover or open space ratios
                    • are publicly accessible
                    • are located in Urban Heat Island hotspots which would benefit from urban cooling, particularly where there is a high density of vulnerable people (<5 or >74 years of age)
                    • contribute to community health and wellbeing
                    • use innovative approaches that support further research.

                    What we fund

                    ​The Fund may support the following types of projects:

                    • tree planting
                    • green roofs, walls and facades
                    • creation of new green spaces including pocket parks and temporary parks
                    • vegetation cover to increase biodiversity
                    • water sensitive urban design
                    • improvements to below-ground soil conditions to support healthy vegetation.

                    Useful resources for designing your project

                    ​There are a number of useful resources available to inform the development of your greening project.

                    • Greening Howlett Street

                      Greening Howlett Street was one of the projects that received a partnership grant in the first round of the Urban Forest Fund Partnership Program in 2017. 

                    • Growing Green Guide
                      The Growing Green Guide: A guide to green roofs, walls and facades in Melbourne and Victoria was released in 2014. The Growing Green Guide has been developed with advice from industry experts and knowledge from academic research, to explain how to create high quality green roofs, walls and facades.
                    • How to Grow an Urban Forest
                      How to Grow an Urban Forest is a 10 step guide to create urban forests and covers – everything from decision-making processes, species selection, the briefing process, measurement, funding and maintenance.
                    • Trees for Melbourne’s Climate Future
                      The University of Melbourne and the City of Melbourne have collaborated alongside industry leading experts to deliver a world-first research report: Trees for Melbourne’s Climate Future. This research explores the vulnerability of tree species currently planted in the City of Melbourne, and identifies some potential new species that may be more suitable for the city’s climate future.
                    • Rooftop Project
                      In 2014, the City of Melbourne mapped all of the rooftops in the municipality to see if they have the potential to be turned into solar, cool or green roofs.

                    Urban Forest Fund – FAQs

                    Can I apply for a partnership grant to incorporate greening into a new development?

                    Yes. The Urban Forest Fund will consider partnership applications where greening is to be integrated into the design of a new property, provided that the application complies with the other eligibility requirements.

                    Can I apply for a partnership grant to retrofit new green elements onto an existing building or property?

                    Yes. Urban Forest Fund partnership grants apply to both new buildings and retrofits.

                    Can I apply for a grant to refurbish or replace existing green infrastructure on my property?

                    ​If the replacement or refurbishment project will increase the total amount of vegetation or green space, then it may be eligible for a partnership grant.

                    Can residential strata groups or Owners Corporations apply for a partnership grant?

                    Yes. Provided that the proposed project meets the eligibility requirements, Owners Corporations and strata groups can apply for partnership grants.

                    Can I seek funding from other sources to make up my component of the matched funding arrangement?

                    Yes. The Urban Forest Fund will match successful applications dollar for dollar. Applicants are able to seek funding from other sources to subsidise their total investment in the project.

                    Can the City of Melbourne provide advice on the viability of my green project?

                    The City of Melbourne cannot provide technical advice relating to the feasibility or design of your greening project. Independent advice should be sought from a relevant expert. Information about the types of expertise to consider for green roof and wall projects can be found in the Growing Green Guide.

                    Can the cost of preliminary work on my greening project (such as feasibility studies, structural assessments, design development) be included in my grant application?

                    Yes, the cost of developing application material can be claimed as a portion of your application, however, the primary funding outcomes should be physical works to achieve a greening outcome.

                    Can I seek an extension on the deadline?

                    ​No. All applications must be submitted by the final submission date as specified under the application details. Please allow adequate time to complete your application.

                    Can I include the cost of maintenance in my grant application?

                    No. Urban Forest Fund partnership grants apply only to design and delivery of your greening project. Ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of the applicant.

                    Can I include the cost of project management in my funding application?

                    Project management fees can be included in the funding application, but must not exceed 10 per cent of the total project cost.

                    How can I find out if I need a planning permit?

                    ​If you are unsure if you require a planning permit, visit planning and building registers.  Please note there may be a small cost associated with obtaining a planning permit.

                    Contact us

                    Contact name
                    Urban Forest Fund
                    Telephone number
                    9658 96589658 9658
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