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                    Waste and recycling

                    Staff member emptying recycling bins in the city

                    Businesses in the City of Melbourne can access a wide range of services for reusing, recycling or disposing of waste. 

                    We have installed communal garbage compactors and recycling hubs, and the Degraves Street Recycling Facility to improve commercial waste and recycling and tackle amenity issues in busy central city hot spots.

                    Central city waste laws help keep our laneways and streets cleaner and less cluttered, and help minimise disturbance from late-night bin collection. Find out what your responsibilities are while operating in the City of Melbourne and how you can reduce your waste impact.

                    Problems or questions?

                    Fill in our form if your business needs to request a new waste service or bin, or to report an issue with your City of Melbourne bin or collection service.

                    ​Featured videos

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                    Our shared garbage compactors and recycling hubs is one of a number of our waste management initiatives. See how this project has helped businesses in Melbourne’s central city.
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                    Find out how the City of Melbourne is working with businesses in Degraves Street to divert plastics, paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass and food waste from commercial bins using innovative technology.
                    Did you know?
                    We're currently developing a new Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (and an initial four-year implementation plan). The new plan will be presented for approval in November 2018. To learn more visit Participate Melbourne.