
Policies for www.monbiot.com

The policies described below outline this website’s Terms Of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. They describe how we gather, use, and treat your personal information. We respect your privacy and only utilise very basic gathering and tracking technologies for the normal running of this website. We do not implement advertising on this website, nor do we pass on personal information to third parties.

1. Terms of Use for www.monbiot.com


The terms and conditions below govern your use of the www.monbiot.com website. By continuing to access our website you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.

The term www.monbiot.com or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website. If you would like to contact us by post, our postal address is:

George Monbiot
Office 21797
PO Box 6945

The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. If you would like to send us an email, please use the website’s contact form. The web address of the contact form is: https://www.monbiot.com/contact/

Intellectual Property Rights

Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights of this website and the material on it belong to George Monbiot.

Licence To Use This Website

When using the www.monbiot.com website you can view, download for caching purposes, and print pages. However, the following conditions apply:

  • material from this website must not be republished in any form or be reproduced or stored on any other website or retrieval system without our express permission.
  • You must not copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit our website for commercial purposes.
  • Material on our website must not be edited or modified in any way.

Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.

Limitations Of Liability

All information on this website is given freely and without charge. We will make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is correct; however, we do not guarantee its accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness, or suitability. The content on this website is subject to change without notice. We cannot be held liable in respect to any of the information provided. Your use of any information on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. We will do our best to ensure that our website is available, however we do not guarantee uptime.

From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse those websites. We have no responsibility, and cannot be held liable, for the content of the linked websites.

Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

2. Privacy Policy

Introduction To Privacy & GDPR

We are committed to security and to protecting your privacy. Whenever you provide us with personal information, we will treat that information in accordance with this policy, current UK Data Protection legislation, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Internet best practices. The following policy applies to the www.monbiot.com website.

What Information We Collect

You can use most of the features of this website without disclosing any personal information. A few optional features of this site, such as the contact form, ask you to provide some personal information (e.g. name, email address, subject, and message). The contact form is hosted by this website and all information transmitted by the form is encrypted.

In addition to the contact form, www.monbiot.com uses Feedburner in order to provide website visitors with an article subscription service, alerting them when new articles are published on this website. Use of Feedburner is optional, at your discretion, and solely for your convenience. The Feedburner account is owned by us and the only data collected is your email address. Feedburner is owned by Google. Please use the following links to access their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy:

Google Terms of Service for Feedburner
Google Privacy Policy for Feedburner

Finally, www.monbiot.com uses the Google Analytics service to gather visitor usage information about our website. The Google Analytics service account is owned by us and we do not share any of the information collected. Google Analytics uses cookies in order to identify visitor numbers. It is possible for you to disable cookies to prevent your identification. Please see our Cookie Policy for further information about cookies and tracking. Please see the following links for further information about Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Analytics commitment to your data privacy and security.

Google Analytics Terms of Service (GB)
Google Analytics Data Privacy and Security

By providing us with your personal data you consent to our holding and processing of it by us as described in this Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We primarily use the information we collect on www.monbiot.com to communicate with you. We use the contact form on this website to communicate directly with anyone that fills in and submits the form. We also use the Feedburner service in order to provide an article subscription service to anyone who signs up for it. By entering your information into either of these, you consent for us to contact you and use the details you provide for the purposes we have outlined in this document. You can request that your information be removed from either of these services at any time. Please see the section on ‘Managing Your Information That We Hold’ for details about how to withdraw your consent for us to hold and use your information.

In addition to using your information to communicate with you directly, we also use the information collected on this website (via the Google Analytics service) for internal research about our website visitors numbers and the effectiveness of our marketing and reach.

Finally, your information may also be used in accordance with our legal obligations, for example, in the prevention of fraud or other crimes.

Disclosure And Retention Of Your Data

We will not sell or give your data to any third party not referred to in this Privacy Policy. We will retain your personal data for as long as deemed necessary to provide legitimate services to you. Personal information sent to us by may be withdrawn at any time. Please see section on ‘Managing Your Information That We Hold’ for further information and how to withdraw consent.

How We Secure Your Personal Data

We take security seriously and have taken appropriate measures to protect your personal information. Where we hold information ourselves, it is held on systems that are protected with electronic security systems and backed up regularly. Where we use third party systems (Feedburner and Google Analytics), we rely on their security provisions in order to protect your data.

Embedded Content From Other Websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc) from other third-party websites. Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if you had visited the other website. These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, and utilize additional third-party tracking systems to monitor your interaction with that embedded content.

We are not responsible for the data that these websites collect, nor how they use your data. If you have any concerns about the collection and treatment of your data by these websites, please consult their Terms Of Service and Privacy Policies for further information.

Managing Your Information That We Hold

You are entitled to see copies of all personal data held by us and to amend, correct, or
delete such data. You can withdraw your consent for us to hold and use your information at any time. If you have any queries or concerns or wish to withdraw consent to your data please contact us via our contact form (https://www.monbiot.com/contact/). Please write ‘Information Consent’ in the subject field of the contact form.

We will respond to all ‘Information Consent’ requests as soon as possible, usually, by the next working day. We will do our best to deal with your enquiry, however, there may be exceptions where we are required by law to retain some data or information.


If you wish to complain about our use of your personal data please contact us via our contact form (https://www.monbiot.com/contact/). Please write ‘Complaint’ in the subject field
of the contact form. It is also possible to contact us by post. If you would like write to us, our postal address is:

George Monbiot
Office 21797
PO Box 6945

In addition to complaining directly to us, you are entitled to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (https://ico.org.uk/). This is the body responsible for the protection of personal data in the UK.

Policy Amendments

We may occasionally update this privacy policy by posting a new version on our website. It is in your interest to check this page regularly to ensure that you are comfortable with any changes made.

This Privacy Policy, together with our Terms Of Use and Cookie Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website. These policies supersede all previous agreements in respect to your use of this website.

3. Cookie Policy for www.monbiot.com

Cookies are small pieces of data contained in text files that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to ‘remember’ you and your preferences, either for a single visit (with a ‘session cookie’) or for multiple repeat visits (with a ‘persistent cookie’). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors to websites, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in. Cookies may be set by the site that you are visiting (known as ‘first party cookies’), or by other parties other than the website owner, such as those that serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (known as ‘third party cookies’).

Most browsers will allow you to control how cookies are handled, whether to accept or deny them, and how long to store them on your computer. All browsers do this differently, but if you have concerns about your privacy and security, then please look for the ‘help’ documentation for your particular browser.

This website utilizes cookies that are necessary for the normal functioning of the website. Disabling cookies may affect the way that the website works and prevent you from accessing it or parts of it. These cookies are not used to identify you or track you. We do not use cookies for advertising purposes.

This website also utilizes cookies to analyse visitor numbers and performance statistics. Performance cookies collect information on how users interact with our website, including what pages are visited most, as well as other analytical data. We this data to improve how our website functions and to understand how users interact with it. We do not use this data to personally identify visitors. This website utilizes Google Analytics for generating performance and statistical visitor data. If you have any concerns about the collection of this data, please see the following links for further information:

Google Analytics Terms of Service (GB)
Google Analytics Data Privacy and Security