The Guide


Image: Diana Snape Photography

The Growing Green Guide  has been developed with advice from industry experts and knowledge from academic research, to explain how to create high quality green roofs, walls and facades.

This guide is written for professionals who may be involved in the design, construction and maintenance of green roofs, walls and/or facades. It is also relevant to developers, homeowners, and local and state governments.

The guide is targeted at projects based in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia, but is also largely relevant for a wider geographic area.

The Growing Green Guide is released under a Creative Commons licence to encourage periodic updates and use of the information in a range of places.

You can read all the information in the Guide on this website, or you can download it.

The Guide begins with an Introduction to green roofs, walls and facades and summary of relevant Research and Evidence.  There is a Technical Guide and case studies as well.

The Technical Guide comprises three main sections:


Entire PDF E Book ( 17 MB)

Section 1 ( 3 MB)  explains what green roofs, walls and facades are, why they are important and the potential benefits of these systems for Melbourne and Victoria. It also provides answers to some frequently asked questions.

Section 2 ( 2 MB) introduces some of the research that has been undertaken on green roofs, walls and facades to provide a more specific understanding of their potential benefits.

Section 3  ( 5 MB) was written in collaboration with industry experts to provide technical advice on the design, construction and maintenance of green roofs, walls and facades.

Section 4  ( 4 MB) highlights several existing green roofs, walls and facades in Melbourne and Victoria, as case studies. Each example provides a description of the project, its design and components used, maintenance, costs and results and reflections.

A Word version with very few images is also available to download (1.7 MB).