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Recent items

How to flatten posters

Neighborhood media activism during the pandemic - CoviDiaries and Quirky Berkeley

Health care posters  - article in Stansbury Forum

Oakland motorcycle parking

Jane Fonda's social justice activism iin California

"Collecting for people, not for profit" essay in Collecting Prints, Posters, and Ephemera, 2020

Resistance graphic art in Argentina

"Paper or digital, political posters matter as much as ever" article in Nation of Change 4/19/2019

Camp Madison-Felicia, 1964 - film by Ann Tompkins

"Oakland Physician Stood Up for Housing Rights"  East Bay Express 2/6/2019

"Art is not the enemy" exhibition of OSPAAAL poster reproductions, Paris, Fall 2018

Essay on posters and women in the Cuban revolution, menu for Blacktail Bar, New York (PDF)

"Archivist finds joy in customized Triumph Bonneville" SF Chronicle

Book review - Chesucristo: The fusion in image and word of Che Guevara and Jesus Christ

The Women Behind the Black Panther Party Logo - AIGA Design Observer, Stansbury Forum

Cuba-Viet Nam Exhibition: Art Solidarity Across Oceans

"Summer of Love or Summer of Resistance?" California Historical Society essay examines four posters.

Essay on Cuban posters in new book Communist Posters by Reaktion Press

Counter-inauguration poster, 1972

10 posters illustrating the life of Fidel Castro, New York Times obituary

Two new books for which I supplied cover and inside poster art:
Lavender and Red, by Emily Hobson | The Explosion of Deferred Dreams, by Mat Callahan

Art of Solidarity: Cuban posters for African Liberation 1967-1989 (exhibition, Liverpool, England, 1/13/2017-6/18/2017)

1980s Emeryville mudflat sculptures

"Outlaw posters" - essay in The Outlaw Bible of American Art, Last Gasp Press, 2016

Inkworks Press,
1974-2015   |   Steven Heller interview 3/25/2016

Star Wars, Race, and American Imperialism, Stansbury Forum, January 2016

about radical archives by Interference Archive (audio)

Poster images in  "Patient No More" exhibition on the disability rights movement

Exhibition review - "Primo Angeli: A Retrospective" at the Museo Italo Americano, SF

Bay Area Peace Navy sails for a kindler, gentler Fleet Week in San Francisco 2015

Essay and image provision for exhibition on Cuban posters at Interference Archive, Brooklyn, NY

Exhibition at Rosie the Riveter National Park - Emmy Lou Packard in the WWII Kaiser Shipyards
Review of exhibition in Richmond Confidential

Illustrated essay in Enter magazine : Three political posters - South Africa, Gay Rights, Homelessness

"Fighting Fire with Water: The Bay Area Peace Navy's Large-scale Visual Activism"  Signal 04

"Cataloging as Political Practice" The Stansbury Forum, 4/4/2015

A Graphic Revolution: The New Archive in Not Even Past, University of Texas, 3/12/2015
article on why and how I use digital cataloging as social justice practice

Poster for centennial of the American Public Health Association - Occupational Safety and Health Section
Directory of San Francisco Bay Area political and countercultural screenprint and offset shops

All Of Us Or None: Social Justice Posters of the San Francisco Bay Area
Exhibition at the Oakland Museum of California 2012 | AOUON web catalog | full-color published catalog by Heyday
Smithsonian Magazine feature article | Steven Heller interview | Randy Shaw Beyond Chron review

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