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Non-compliant… July 8, 2020

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

The psychology of the pandemic is intriguing, isn’t it? Take the last batch of CSO figures a week or so back:

Some 59.9 per cent of respondents rated their compliance with Government advice on staying safe, including on social distancing, as “high” in June, down from 80.6 per cent in April.

Compliance fell across all age groups, with the largest drop among those aged between 45 and 54 – from 78 per cent in April to 51.5 per cent this month. The smallest decrease was in the over 70s group, where the rate fell from 83 per cent in April to 71.4 per cent.


At the same time almost half (47.7 per cent) of respondents are “very” or “extremely” concerned about other people’s compliance, with women most likely to be so concerned (52.0 per cent compared with 43.2 per cent of men).

The youngest respondents, aged 18 to 34, were most likely to have “extreme” concern about how others are observing the rules (19.9 per cent) and this decreases up the age groups.

Odd too the attitudes to health impacts on oneself or others.

Younger respondents were most likely to worry about someone else’s health, with 23.3 per cent of 18 to 34-year olds “extremely” concerned, compared with 11.9 per cent of those aged 55 to 69.

Concern about personal health during the pandemic is decreasing – though not among women. Some 25.8 per cent of men and women reported being “very” or “extremely” concerned about their own health in April, but this fell to 21.3 per cent in June. The proportion of men concerned fell from 28 per cent to 17 per cent, but among women it increased from 23.7 per cent to 25.4 per cent.

Of course that could be explicable by the sense that the overall danger is less than it was in late March and April. But clearly the sense of a need to remain compliant with guidelines is now detached from the sense of a future threat of a second surge, and that’s telling.

Then there’s the world of work…

Almost a fifth (18.5 per cent) of respondents were “very” or “extremely” worried about their employer’s ability to provide a safe working environment when they return and this was far more pronounced among women (24 per cent) than men (12.7 per cent).

For myself, still remote working and likely to do so for a while yet, I’d actually be cautiously positive about my own workplace. But I’d be seriously worried about other people’s.


1. Ned Corcaigh - July 8, 2020

Could be worse. The Romanian Supreme Court has declared that any restriction on the movements of people who’ve tested positive is unconstitutional. Which has made a bit of a mess of the government’s strategy there. John Waters was making his case in the wrong country apparently.
It comes at a time when countries in the Balkans which got off relatively lightly when the virus was sweeping through Western Europe in March and April have now experienced their largest number of cases. Serbia with around 300 new cases a day is particularly badly hit but also worrying numbers from Croatia, Bulgaria and Montenegro.

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WorldbyStorm - July 8, 2020

Interesting isn’t it that dynamic of appearing in places that it seemed to miss first time round. what’s your thoughts on that?

True re JW!


Joe - July 9, 2020

what’s your thoughts on that?

I’m no expert but a virus is a virus and people are people. There doesn’t seem to be any reason why it mightn’t hit one bunch of people in a particular geographical area at a different time than it hit another bunch of people somewhere else.
There’s clearly a certain randomness about it … it seems to have hit the people in and around northern Italy in Feb/March and then spread from there (via people) to various other parts of, mainly, western Europe.
If places like those countries in eastern Europe don’t take the scientifically-advised preventative measures, what’s to stop the virus infecting a lot of people there at any given time?

Which means, I think, that it could come back and infect another bunch of people here at any time if we don’t follow the scientific advice … and if we are unlucky (by which I mean the randomness of the thing).


2. CL - July 9, 2020

“OKLAHOMA CITY — President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa that drew thousands of people in late June, along with large protests that accompanied it, “likely contributed” to a dramatic surge in new coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.”

“As coronavirus cases surge across the country, hospitals, nursing homes and private medical practices are facing a problem many had hoped would be resolved by now: a dire shortage of respirator masks, isolation gowns and disposable gloves that protect front-line medical workers from infection.”

“There were 60,021 new Covid-19 cases reported in the U.S. over the previous 24-hour period.
Arizona, California, Florida and Texas have accounted for nearly half of all new cases in the U.S. in recent days.
White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has lamented in recent days that while many other countries succeeded in shutting down and reducing daily new cases to a manageable level, the U.S. has failed to do the same.”

“President Donald Trump has said he disagrees with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s assessment of how serious the coronavirus is in the US, according to multiple reports.
In a coming interview with GrayTV, Trump boasted that “I didn’t listen to my experts” early in his response to the disease.”


CL - July 9, 2020

‘Over the past month, Biden’s lead over Trump has been both incredibly stable and unusually large.’

If Biden can stay in the witness protection program until after the election he should win in a landslide. But he has to come out for three debates with Trump,-not that the debates are mandatory, Biden could decide not to show up, but that’s unlikely.
Trump has been declared politically dead 36 times before so who knows. He’s making a Nixonian ‘law and order’ pitch to the ‘silent majority’ but it looks right now at the beginning of a long hot summer that ignorance, incompetence, stupidity, and racism won’t be enough to get him re-elected.

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CL - July 9, 2020

“President Trump on Thursday lashed out in a series of fiery tweets at the Supreme Court’s ruling that he has to turn over financial documents and his tax returns to Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. — claiming he was being treated differently than other presidents….
“Courts in the past have given ‘broad deference.’ BUT NOT ME!” he tweeted about the 7-2 ruling, in which even his own appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, sided with the majority….
“Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given for another President,” he continued….
This is all a political prosecution. I won the Mueller Witch Hunt, and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration!”

In the immortal words of Quentin Hogg Trump is ‘stark, staring bonkers’

And to further aggravate his derangement:

“New York City will begin painting a large Black Lives Matter mural along Fifth Avenue outside Trump Tower on Thursday,

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