Will Griffin: How Military Satellites Spy on You

Will Griffin: How Military Satellites Spy on You

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the video below

by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
June 15, 2020

“Hybrid warfare is a concept that brings together conventional warfare and cyberwarfare using tactics of fake news, diplomacy, lawfare and foreign electoral intervention into a form of political warfare. Cyber attacks and hacking play a key role in both covert and overt warfare. The hacking of communication systems and eavesdropping on, for example embassies around the world, is now commonplace.” — Will Griffin

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There Will Be No Social Or Racial Justice Worth Having On A Dead Planet, by Paul Street

BLM at Monroe Park, 20-06-11

Image by David Geitgey Sierralupe via Flickr

by Paul Street
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Official Website of Paul Street, June 13, 2020
June 14, 2020

I have never heard it louder than I did this morning.

The Interstate highway, I-80, that is, two miles or so north of my abode in Iowa City.

It’s a highway to Hell in the heartland of the deranged Superpower that leads the world in per-capita Greenhouse Gassing.

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Chris Hedges and Glen Ford: Analysis of the George Floyd Protests

Defund the Police

Image by Geoff Livingston via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Jun 13, 2020

On the show today, Chris Hedges discusses the George Floyd protests, erupting in over 140 American cities, with Glen Ford, executive editor, Black Agenda Report.

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Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief + It’s Reckoning, Not Wrecking, by Finian Cunningham

Toppled Christopher Columbus Statue - Minnesota State Capitol

Image by Tony Webster via Flickr

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from Sputnik, June 10, 2020
June 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s indulgence in conspiracy theories is running amok. The latest is his speculation that a 75-year-old man who had his skull split open by police was a “provocateur”.

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The Corporate Origins of the Anti-Science “Reopen” Demonstrations, by Pete Dolack

Coronavirus graffiti, Leake Street

Image by duncan c via Flickr

by Pete Dolack
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Systemic Disorder, June 10, 2020
June 11, 2020

Many of the same extreme right operatives who created the “Tea Party” are behind the anti-science and anti-intellectual spectacles opposing measures designed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. And with much the same agenda.

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Chris Hedges: Cops Are The Primary Source Of Social Control + The Censorship Has Been Cheered On By The Left

June 3, 2020 - Washington DC Protests

Image by Tracy Lee via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

“You have this completely clueless, out of touch elite amassing more and more power and making decisions that are deeply destructive to the state but ultimately I think self-destructive. So I don’t see them stopping, I don’t see them responding in a rational way and I think that the country is headed for some very serious unrest.” — Chris Hedges

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The Ugly States of America, by Finian Cunningham

2020.06.03 Protesting the Murder of George Floyd, Washington, DC USA 155 50239

Image by Ted Eytan via Flickr

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from Sputnik, June 8, 2020
June 9, 2020

The United States seems hopelessly riven with division, as the mass protests over the police killing of African-American man George Floyd reveal.

Protesters are calling for police forces accused of systematic racism to be defunded and disbanded. While opponents – many of whom seem to be supporters of President Trump – are calling for a tough law-and-order response to what they view as rioters and subversives.

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Over the Rainbow: Paths of Resistance After George Floyd, by Jim Kavanagh

Protest for Justice, March for Peace

Image by Dan Gaken via Flickr

by Jim Kavanagh
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Polemicist
June 8, 2020

“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” — Aristotle

It has been an extraordinary week. On the heels of a pandemic and months-long lockdown, a nationwide uprising erupted in response to the brutal killing of George Floyd. In some 75 cities across at least 16 states, and around the world, militant, multiracial gatherings of thousands of rightfully-enraged people overwhelmed police forces, prevented arrests, forced the evacuation of, and burned, a police precinct, and damaged and burned dozens of buildings. Mainstream news reporters from around the world were arrested and fired upon with rubber bullets on live television. Police SUVs drove into crowds of people. It has been the most extensive, and the most threatening, explosion of popular rage against the machine since the uprisings of 1967-8.

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The Good, the Potential, and What Might Happen, by David Swanson + Chris Smiley: Truth About The Uprising From A Leftist

George Floyd Protest in Washington, DC - May 30

Image by Geoff Livingston via Flickr

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Let’s Try Democracy, June 5, 2020
June 7, 2020

Already we’ve seen, as a result of people taking to the streets in the United States:
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Chris Hedges: Fake President: Decoding Trump’s Gaslighting, Corruption, and General Bullshit

Donald Trump

Image by Matt Brown via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Jun 6, 2020

On the show, Chris Hedges talks to Mark Green, former New York City Consumer Affairs Commissioner and Public Advocate, about the “permanent lie” used by US President Donald Trump to cancel out reality.

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Chris Hedges: The Capitalist Class Wants To Keep The Working Class In A State Of Constant Distress

Black Lives Matter Protest, Seattle WA

Image by Kelly Kline via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

“The longer the ruling elites refuse to address the root causes behind these protests, the more they loot the treasury to enrich themselves and their fellow oligarchs, the more they engage in futile and absurd efforts to deflect blame, the more unrest will spread. The last desperate resort by the oligarchs to save themselves will be to stoke the fires of racialized violence between disenfranchised whites and disenfranchised people of color.” — Chris Hedges

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If The Capitalist State Isn’t Overthrown, Its Grip Will Tighten, by Rainer Shea

That's The Sound of the Police, Occupy Oakland Move In Day (13 of 31)

Image by Glenn Halog via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, June 3, 2020
June 4, 2020

The ruling class has more class consciousness than the lower classes do. They’re the ones who have to manage the relationship between the classes, and to keep this relationship in balance so that revolution is prevented. This makes them especially equipped to engage in what Marxists call dialectics—the practice of assessing material factors and opposing social forces. With this ability, they can adapt the power structure to be able to best respond to whatever threatens their interests.

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It Can Happen Here, by Kenn Orphan

Donald Trump, Loretto street art

Image by duncan c via Flickr

by Kenn Orphan
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Halifax, Nova Scotia
June 3, 2020

“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” — Vladimir Lenin

With a global pandemic where over 100,000 Americans are dead, staggering unemployment not seen since the Great Depression, the ever present and unfolding threat of climate change fueled catastrophes, white supremacist agitators, the wealthiest and most powerful empire on earth today is facing the perfect storm. Quite possibly, its quietus. At the center of this firestorm, an unhinged emperor is fanning the flames.

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Chris Hedges: The Real Looting of America

DC George Floyd Protest (I)

Image by Brett Weinstein via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

“But I can tell you that the ruling elites, given what they’re doing in Washington and their utter refusal to respond in a rational way to what’s happening to larger and larger numbers within the citizenry, are playing with fire and playing with their own destruction.” — Chris Hedges

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A Long Time For Killing by Michael Parenti

May 2, 2015 Justice For Freddie Gray Baltimore Victory Rally 4

Image by Stephen Melkisethian via Flickr

by Michael Parenti
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published, Sept. 22, 2015
June 1, 2020

Today, across the nation, we witness homicidal violence delivered against unarmed people by law enforcement officers. These beatings and killings are carried out with something close to impunity. The cops almost always get away with murder. Moreover, these crimes are nothing new; they are longstanding in practice.

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