The Kingdom and the Garden exists!

I received my translator copies of Agamben’s The Kingdom and the Garden yesterday. You can order a copy here — in my view it is one of the most original of Agamben’s works since The Use of Bodies, of particular interest to students of theology.

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New blog book event

Over at An und für sich, we are having a book event on Thomas Lynch’s Apocalyptic Political Theology. You can find the introductory post here, and you can follow the subsequent posts using either this tag or checking the schedule at the end of the introduction, which will be updated with links as each post appears.

Blog series “Reading the Qur’an” completed

My course “Reading the Qur’an” is finished for the semester, and so is the corresponding blog series. Below is an index of blog posts; you may also want to consult the syllabus.

I have now begun studying the Qur’an in Arabic, so keep an eye on the tag for some further extra-curricular reflections!

New article at The New Republic

The New Republic has published a piece of mine on Tea Party originator Rick Santelli’s latest edifying contribution to public discourse — the suggestion that we should intentionally infect the population with coronavirus and get it over with.

March speaking engagements

Assuming all goes well in terms of global pandemics, I have a couple speaking engagements scheduled in March.

The first will be in the context of a seminar I co-organized with Frances Restuccia for the American Comparative Literature Association’s national conference in Chicago (March 19-22) on Agamben’s Later Works. My paper, entitled “Agamben’s Vegetative Theology,” will use Agamben’s two most recent publications, Autoritratto nello studio (Self-Portrait in His Studio) and Il Regno e il Giardino (The Kingdom and the Garden), to ask whether Agamben maintains a “theological” position and what that might mean in the context of his work. (UPDATE: This conference has unfortunately been cancelled, but a version of my paper will eventually appear in print.)

The second will be at a conference on “The Undercommons and Destituent Power” at Indiana University-Bloomington (March 26-28), which aims to bring black studies into dialogue with Agamben and other adjecent thinkers. My paper here will also be on Agamben, providing some background on his concept of destituent power and how it fits into his project. (UPDATE: The same holds for this conference, sadly….)

New blog series on the Qur’an

I am going to be blogging regularly on my “Reading the Qur’an” course at An und für sich. This first introductory post, which discusses the structure and rationale behind the course, is available here. You can follow the series by using this blog label (which also includes a few older posts on the Qur’an).