
Read The New Yorker’s complete coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests.

Sun setting behind the JBA meatpacking facility

How the First Wave of Coronavirus Cases Swept Through the Texas Panhandle

No matter what, the meatpacking plants had to stay open. The rest of the world was distanced, but workers had to keep coming in.

Daily Comment
Supreme Court building

The Supreme Court Teaches Trump the Limits of His Presidency

In a pair of 7–2 decisions handed down on Thursday, the Court ruled that the President’s financial records can be reviewed by prosecutors, and that the Presidency does not give Trump the “absolute immunityâ€? he claims it does.

Letter from Trump’s Washington
Donald Trump speaks onstage.

President Winning-by-Losing Is, in Fact, Losing

Donald Trump has made a career of turning bad news into good, but the virus has already defeated him.

The Current Cinema

“Palm Springs� and the Comedy of Eternity

Following in the footsteps of “Groundhog Day,� Max Barbakow’s spirited film turns a wedding into Purgatory, with bumbling speeches and so-so canapés on endless repeat.


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A Critic at Large
Portrait of Oates.

The Unruly Genius of Joyce Carol Oates

In an era that fetishizes form, Oates has become America’s preëminent fiction writer by doing everything you’re not supposed to do.

Tables for Two

Goldbelly Ships Iconic Meals to Your Home

The online startup sends meal kits and menu items from beloved restaurants nationwide, from Raoul’s decadent burger au poivre to Veselka’s borscht and pierogi.

Q. & A.
Dana Canedy at a lectern with a sign reading "The Pulitzer Prizes" behind her

The New Head of Simon & Schuster on Diversity in Publishing

Dana Canedy, the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the imprint’s soon-to-be publisher, discusses the different types of diversity she hopes to foster in her new role.

Photo Booth
Athlete's bodies entangled.

A Visitor to Ireland Finds Ballet in the Ancient Sport of Hurling

In a new book, “People of the Mud,� the photographer Luis Alberto Rodriguez creates a choreography of bodies at work and at play.

Culture Desk
Syed Khalid “Ali� Wasim.

A Lighthouse for Magazines in New York City

After temporarily shutting down because of the coronavirus, Casa Magazines has returned as a living shrine to print culture in New York City.

Eustace with a crossword puzzle

A Lightly Challenging Puzzle

Promotes (but doesn’t necessarily endorse!) a post, for short: three letters.

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The Latest

Announcement: My Birthday Is Cancelled This Year

A birthday cupcake and face mask

I’ll still be doing a small family FaceTime, immediately followed by a larger Zoom with my college friends and maybe three work friends, max, but that’s really going to be it.

7:00 A.M.

How to Draw a Child

Three drawn kids.

In a new video, the New Yorker cartoonist shares the secrets of drawing convincing youngsters who don’t look like your great-uncle Carl.

6:00 A.M.

A Good Week for the Climate Movement

Indigenous leaders protest outside of a Trump building.

How to think about the Supreme Court's decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, the recommendations of Joe Biden’s task force on climate change, and other potentially hopeful news for environmentalists.

July 9, 2020

Places to Sing Your Heart Out That Aren’t Your Shower

Person singing into a microphone and lying on her coffee table.

Is your shower-singing getting on people’s nerves? Check out these alternative venues!

July 9, 2020

Americans Overwhelmingly Favor Sending Trump Back to School in Fall

U.S. President Donald Trump pauses during an event.

Opinions were split on which subjects Trump should focus on, but science and math received the strongest support.

July 9, 2020
More Stories
From This Week’s Issue
Tables for Two
Hands trimming plant.

Foraged Foods Shorten the Supply Chain

Chicken-of-the-woods mushrooms that fry up like their namesake, snappy sea beans that need no extra salt, sassafras syrup, and other edible offerings from the wilds outside the city limits.

Musical Events
Anthony McGill

Musicians and Composers Respond to a Chaotic Moment

The pandemic and the protests inspire works of lamentation and rage.

Well-Turned-Out Dept.
Bill Nighy 

Bill Nighy’s Obsessions, Onscreen and Off

It wasn’t too hard for the British actor to get into character for the new movie “Sometimes Always Never,� in which he plays a music-loving Merseyside tailor.

Woman with large star earring.

“A Transparent Woman�

“She asked if she was under arrest. No, what made her think that? They were just going to have a little chat. The threat hidden in that twee bloodless phrase.�


How a Court Case and a Made-for-TV Movie Brought Domestic Violence to Light

When Francine Hughes murdered her husband after enduring years of abuse, a debate about domestic violence was ignited, making her story both a high point and an aberration in how such cases would be handled in the years to come.

Daily Cartoon