Showing posts with label Pais Basco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pais Basco. Show all posts


Amaia Zubiria - Haatik (2002)

«Amaia Zubiria (San Sebastian – Gipuzkoa, 1947) has a marvelous voice and a deep knowledge of traditional song. Together with Txomin Artola she was a longtime member of the ensemble Haizea, and after persuing solo careers for a number of years they came together again to record the beautiful and interesting ‘Folk Lore Sorta’ series of albums of traditional Basque song. Haatik is decidedly contemporary, with touches of rock and jazz throughout, but it never loses the feel of tradition, in the songs, in the delivery and in the attitude. The singer is accompanied by a stellar set of musicians on guitar, bass, percussion, accordion, flutes, reeds, piano and more. » (CDRoots)

«Amaia Zubiria (Zubieta/Usurbil-1947) posee la voz más pura, atrayente y encandiladora de nuestra música popular. Sabe combinar a la perfección el sentimiento de la canción con el placer del canto y esto hace que el que la escucha quede irremisiblemente atrapado. Durante toda su larga y densa carrera, la canción ha sido para ella sinónimo de vida y viceversa. Nació y creció unida al canto y con su voz ha hecho crecer en todos nosotros muchos momentos brillantes e inolvidables. Comenzó con el grupo Haizea, más tarde con Pascal Gaigne, con Txomin Artola y posteriormente continuó en solitario, habiendo presentado, hasta la fecha, 12 estupendos discos para el recuerdo y cientos de actuaciones repletas de color y de sensibilidad, recreando y popularizando de nuevo canciones eternas mientras ofrece a su público la parte más abierta, desnuda y fértil de su alma. Cuando Amaia Zubiria canta, lo hace desde muy cerca, haciendo revivir los amores escondidos, las crudezas apaciguadas y las memorias de cada uno de nosotros, suavemente, cincelando en la piel del viento las señales imborrables de la vida. Con voz sugerente, golosa, sutil y poderosa canta a los paraísos inundados de tierra adentro y a la cruda humedad del mar abierto, mientras nos transpola a la edad de los sueños.» (ProduccionesSerrano)

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Kepa Junkera, Riccardo Tesi, John Kirkpatrick - Trans-Europe Diatonique (1993)

Historic trio created by Basque musician Kepa Junkera featuring three European masters of diatonic accordion.

"Kepa Junkera was born in Bilbao (located in the Basque region of Spain) in 1965. His first musical dream was realized when the band Oskorri became interested in a boy who played the trikitixa (Basque diatonic accordion) with such extraordinary skill. From 1983 onward they have shared an uninterrupted musical friendship and Junkera has played on all Oskorri albums as well as been a guest performer on several of their tours and concerts. A composer as well as a performer, Junkera’s first original pieces were recorded in 1988 on the album Kepa, Zabaleta eta Mutriku. His two subsequent albums, 1990’s Triki Up and 1991’s Triki Zoom, are outstanding examples of a blend between jazz and trikitixa dance music. In 1992 Junkera’s European experiences were reflected in Trans-Europe Diatonic, a special diatonic accordion trio project with John Kirkpatrick and Riccardo Tesi. The album, recorded in Belgium and followed by a long European tour, was the genesis of many international friendships Junkera has continued to nurture. […] Junkera’s music is a fascinating blend of tradition and contemporary elements. The harmony, mix of rhythms, melodies, and use of language are all things that make this self-taught young musician one of the most important exponents of the trikitixa, the most international of Basque instruments, as well as one of the most vibrant musicians on the world music scene today. "(World Music Central)

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