Showing posts with label New Zealand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Zealand. Show all posts


The Chills - Kaleidoscope World (1986)

«The Chills were one of New Zealand’s best and most popular bands of the 80s, making a small but consistent series of chiming, hook-laden guitar pop. Both the songs and the arrangements were constructed with interweaving guitar hooks and vocal harmonies, creating a pretty, almost lush, sound that never fell into cloying sentimentality. Throughout their existence, the band’s personnel changed frequently – there were more than ten different lineups – with the only constant member being guitarist Martin Phillipps, the band’s founder. […]

Kaleidoscope World is the Chills’ essential document, although it’s not an album but a collection of tracks from early- and mid-80s EPs, singles, and compilation cuts. Perhaps that’s not surprising: the Chills are more skilled at crafting interesting odds and sods than sustaining interest over the course of an album, where their somewhat monochromatic approach tends to drag things down. The influence of Syd Barrett/early Pink Floyd is stronger on these early tracks than it would be on subsequent releases, both on the easygoing singalong numbers and the more experimental outings. The highlight (of both the album and the Chills’ career) is their New Zealand hit single, the haunting "Pink Frost."» (AMG)

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