News & Politics

Letter from Silicon Valley

Trump, Twitter, Facebook, and the Future of Online Speech

The debate over censorship and Section 230 is thorny, contentious, and, above all, outdated.

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A Theme Park of Donald Trump’s Dreams

US President Donald Trump arrives for the Independence Day events at Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

The President’s plans for a garden to house statues of American heroes make clear that he wants a vision of the past that’s comfortable and easy to read.

6:58 P.M.

Back to Church—But Not, Let’s Hope, Back to Normal

A rural church.

One way to think about this pause in our lives is as a rare—likely a once-in-a-lifetime—opportunity for a reset.

6:19 P.M.

How to Confront a Racist National History

A silhouetted figure with a fist in the air in front of a Robert E. Lee monument

Susan Neiman, a philosopher who studies Germany’s confrontation with its Nazi past, examines how the United States can remember slavery and segregation.

6:00 A.M.

This Fourth of July, Consider Trump’s Lobster Fib

No one will die because of Trump’s dishonest lobster tweet. But the stuff he makes up about the coronavirus is killing people.

July 4, 2020

Populists Inflame the Coronavirus Outbreak Across Latin America

Aerial view of graves in the Vila Formosa cemetery during COVID-19

When heads of state react to the pandemic politically rather than clinically, their citizens suffer.

July 2, 2020
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The True Cost of Dollar Stores

Dollar general store.

Discount chains are thriving. But what do they do to poor communities?

How Prosperity Transformed the Falklands

House on Bleaker Island.

Once a distant outpost of the British Empire, the islands have become a global crossroads. In the season of the coronavirus, the intimate communities may evolve yet again.

Why the Mueller Investigation Failed

President Trump’s obstructions of justice were broader than those of Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, and the special counsel’s investigation proved it. How come the report didn’t say so?

The Rabbit Outbreak


A highly contagious, often lethal animal virus arrives in the United States.


Can Llamas Save Us from the Coronavirus?

As the race for a coronavirus vaccine continues, a group of Belgian scientists take the lead by implementing a unique antibody from llamas. Here’s why it’s working.


Keeping Released Prisoners Safe and Sane

The Justice Center complex in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

In some counties, prisons are the largest providers of mental-health care. What happens when their inmates, who are also their patients, are suddenly released?

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