an international
peer-reviewed journal
ISSN 2041-3254


The clamour of nationalism: Race and nation in twenty-first-century Britain by Sivamohan Valluvan

The successful upsurge of nationalism across Europe is unnerving, to say the least. The Clamour of Nationalism’s achievement is not in its desire to explain why nationalist parties are on the rise…


Dear Boots, Thank You For Bothering Us!

According to Lacanian theorist Todd McGowan, “The fundamental antagonism…is the antagonism between the individual and the social order.”[1] This fundamental antagonism can take more than one form depending on the coordinates of the…


Stuart Hall in conversation with Les Back [audio]

The conversation was published in 2009 in a special edition of Cultural Studies dedicated to Stuart’s life and work. The advantage of the recording available here for the first time is that the listener can access aspects of Stuart’s style of intellectual dialogue that cannot be transposed to the page.