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                    New Ideas Lab Expressions of Interest

                    Kids in reflective maze
                    ArtPlay New Ideas Lab provides the opportunity for artists to propose new projects to undertake at ArtPlay as part of our ongoing creative program for children and families.

                    Applications are now closed and will re-open in early 2021.

                    Photo credit: Sonic Labyrinth created by Aviva Endean and Justin Marshall as part of ArtPlay’s New Ideas Lab.



                    ArtPlay New Ideas Lab supports proposals of new work between $10,000 to $20,000 (artists’ fee together with consumable materials and specialist equipment).  

                    We encourage new ideas from artists of all disciplines for creative projects where children and/or families will be the co-creators of work responding to the provocation of ‘climate emergency’. A new idea means a brand new work. 

                    Artists do not necessarily need experience in working with children but a passion and enthusiasm for involving children in the creative process is essential. 

                    Your proposed development workshops and project outcome must take place at ArtPlay. In either one or a combination of the ArtPlay spaces – the multi-purpose space on ground level 16,000 mm x 8500 mm, ideal for interactive performances and workshops, the mezzanine - situated upstairs overlooking the multi-purpose space, 21,640 mm x 6420 mm and/or ArtPlay’s outdoor precinct. Please specify where you imagine your project taking place in your application. 

                    We will assess all ideas put forward based on merit, however, we encourage artists to consider putting forward proposals that target babies and children under 2 years.

                    The initial application process is easy - tell us about your idea and complete a budget outlining fees and materials required. If you have limited to no experience in working with children and/or if you are an emerging artist you will need to budget for a mentor.  

                    If you are short-listed, you will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas to a panel that includes children, artists and ArtPlay staff – new pitching arrangements to be announced. The panel’s job is to assess the idea based on the criteria detailed below and, if you are successful, the ArtPlay team will partner with you to realise your project as a part of ArtPlay’s public program. Being part of ArtPlay’s public program means you will be developing your project with ArtPlay audiences.

                    Your proposal will be assessed on the following criteria:

                    • a brand new work actively engaging children and/or families as co-creators
                    • responds to the provocation ‘climate emergency’
                    • features environmentally sustainable practices
                    • well-articulated concept (including envisaged outcomes)
                    • original and high quality with potential for future presentation
                    • a feasible budget (please consider from the start if your work needs a mentor/producer/production manager, stage manager etc.) 
                    • allows time for planning, self-reflection and evaluation (ensure you are realistic with what you propose).

                    ArtPlay’s New Ideas Lab program supports artists and children to work together to develop new arts experiences for children and families. In order to facilitate and focus on this, each project will go through three stages of development ‘Dreaming,’ ‘Making’ and ‘Showing’. There must be a minimum of two workshops in each stage where creative input from children is sought. 

                    As a guide, we require the participation of approximately one child per $100 of budget (or a score of 1:$100).

                    Please refer to past and current EOI projects to see examples of the type of work ArtPlay has previously supported.

                    Frequently asked questions

                    Expressions of Interest submission

                    When and how do I submit a proposal?

                    Expression of interest will open on Monday 17 February 2020 at 9am and close on Friday 3 April at 5pm, using online platform Smarty Grants. The Smarty Grants link will be added on 17 February 2020.

                    Information sessions

                    What happens at the information session?

                    The information sessions provide you with an opportunity to see the ArtPlay spaces; hear about the program and find out about the equipment and materials available at ArtPlay. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions regarding the EOI process. 

                    If you require an interpreter, please contact ArtPlay at least ten working days before the Information Session.

                    Staff present will include Steph Urruty, Program Manager – Children, Families and Young People and Eelin Cheah, Venue Manager and Production – Children, Families and Young People and Tanya Dickson, Creative Producer – Children and Families 

                    The information sessions will be held on Wednesday 4 March 6pm to 7pm and Thursday 12 March 4pm to 5pm.

                    Do I need to book for the information session?

                    Yes. Please book so we can prepare accordingly. However, if you have not booked and decide to come on the day, you are welcome to attend.

                    The booking link will be available in January 2020.

                    General questions

                    Are there any reasons I might not be able to submit an Expression of Interest?

                    You cannot submit an ArtPlay EOI if you are a current City of Melbourne employee, contractor or volunteer.

                    Can I submit more than one ArtPlay New Ideas Lab Expression of Interest?


                    Can I submit an Expression of Interest to ArtPlay, Signal and Arts House?

                    Yes as long as each EOI is for a different project. Please note different information sessions, criteria and closing dates.

                    Can I submit the same project for a City of Melbourne Arts Grant and for a City Of Melbourne EOI?


                    Project idea

                    How formed does my project idea need to be?

                    Your proposal must be well articulated and include envisaged outcomes. Please outline what you plan to do, why you want to do it, and how you will engage children as co-creators. Please note, while you may work towards expected outcomes, ArtPlay acknowledges and encourages that the creative process may lead you to an unexpected outcome. 

                    Include details of the scope of the project i.e. how many participants, workshops, events etc. and the duration of each - in order to submit a feasible budget of artist fees, materials and equipment costs. 

                    You can include both development and planning time and some evaluation and reflection time for your project as part of your proposed budget.

                    Please note that if you are successful, the scope and timing of your project may need to be flexible in order to fit into the ArtPlay program. ArtPlay will negotiate this with you if you are successful.

                    Do I have to have a target participant group in mind?

                    Please consider which approximate age group from babies to 12 year olds would best suit your project. The exact age group will be negotiated with ArtPlay if you are successful.

                    Otherwise, you do not need to have a target participant group in mind (e.g. children with a disability, newly arrived community). However, if this is part of your plan, please mention this in your proposal. Please articulate how you will work with ArtPlay to engage participants from these communities.

                    Do the artists named in my proposal need to be confirmed?


                    Who can I talk to at ArtPlay about my New Ideas Lab idea?

                    You can contact ArtPlay on 03 9658 7880 to talk about the application process but not about your idea.


                    Do I need to consider marketing, support staff or venue costs for my project?


                    ArtPlay will manage all the marketing, support staff and venue requirements. (A support staff member is provided for the onsite delivery hours of the project). 

                    Please note successful New Idea’s Lab applicants will be required to attend a two day induction on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 June 2020, the induction will include a photo shoot resulting in promotional images for each project. Successful applicants will also receive a 60 second promotional video and **documentation photographs upon the completion of their project. ** Photo – credit ArtPlay City of Melbourne

                    Your budget must cover:

                    • artist / technical specialist fees
                    • material / specialist equipment costs
                    • mentor/producer/production manager (if required)
                    • two days of lead artist fees to cover attendance at ArtPlay induction on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 June.

                    What makes a strong budget?

                    ​A strong budget is a feasible and viable one that pays artists in line with their level of experience and level of contribution to the project. It includes all necessary creatives and crew to deliver to concept. E.g. Producer, Maker, Production Manager, Mentor, Stage Manager, Installer, Dramaturge, Specialist Technician.

                    What do I need to include in my material / specialist equipment budget?

                    ArtPlay provides a basic range of arts and craft making tools and materials (e.g. pencils, glue, scissors, paper, hot glue guns and rulers etc.) These do not need to be included in your budget.

                    You do need to itemise specialist materials or equipment (e.g. specialised paper, paint, film equipment, clay or acro-mats). If successful, purchase and further use of specialist equipment (beyond EOI project) will be negotiated with ArtPlay.

                    Please check the ArtPlay equipment list to see what equipment and infrastructure ArtPlay can contribute. If ArtPlay has equipment that you need for your project, please specify the item in the budget and indicate as an in kind / zero amount.

                    Please note, if successful, ArtPlay may renegotiate your budget based on the project needs after initial discussions.

                    How should I calculate artist fees?

                    ArtPlay does not have standard artist rates for the ArtPlay New Ideas Lab.

                    Artists’ rates could be between $30 and $100 per hour depending on role, task and experience – ranging from emerging, mid-career to established artists.

                    If you are working in blocks of time, we suggest you propose a weekly rate for your artists, for example $1,250 to $1,750 per week per artist.

                    Please ensure that you budget for 12.5 per cent on-costs to all artist fees as part of your budget (to cover superannuation and workcover).

                    For performing arts projects, you may use the Live Performance Award as a guide. For visual arts projects, the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA) has its own guide to fees and wages.

                    Please note that you are not required to include an auspice fee in your budget.

                    Do I receive the box office for the project?

                    No, ArtPlay will retain box office takings.

                    Can I include travel, accommodation and living expenses in the budget?

                    ArtPlay welcomes local, regional, interstate and international artists. You may include your travel, accommodation and living expenses as part of your budget if you are not a local artist.

                    The Live Performance Award and NAVA also include rates for per diems and accommodation allowances.

                    Proposal process

                    What is the process?

                    You must submit your proposal online by 5pm Friday 3 April 2020.

                    All proposals will be reviewed by ArtPlay staff and assessed against the criteria.

                    Who makes up the pitch panel?

                    The panel will include ArtPlay staff, children, and artists with experience in working with children in the arts.

                    There will be approximately eight people on the panel including approximately four children aged 8 to 12 years.

                    New pitch arrangements are to be announced.

                    What happens if I cannot make the pitch?

                    New pitch arrangements are to be announced.

                    What do I need to prepare for the pitch?

                    New pitch arrangements are to be announced.

                    Can I send a representative to do the pitch on my behalf?

                    New pitch arrangements are to be announced.

                    If I am successful

                    When will I be paid?

                    As this is not a grant, you will not receive total payment for your project upfront.

                    If successful, a payment plan will be negotiated based on your project’s needs and implementation requirements.

                    This may include being paid in instalments (e.g. material costs before implementation and final artist fees after implementation).

                    Please note: if you are an organisation, you will be paid by the City of Melbourne which operates on a 30 day from date of invoice payment policy; and if you are an individual, you will be contracted and paid via Auspicious Arts (you are not required to include an auspice fee in your budget).

                    Do I need an ABN?

                    If you are successful and you are an Australian citizen, you will need an ABN.

                    If you are successful and you are an international applicant, you do not need an ABN, but you will need to fill in a Statement by Supplier Form available from the Australian Tax Office website.

                    Do I need to be GST registered?

                    No, you do not need to be GST registered to apply.

                    Please refer to the Australian Taxation website regarding GST registration.

                    Do I need a Working With Children Check (WWCC)?

                    If you are invited to work with ArtPlay after the pitch session, all your team members will be required to hold a valid WWCC and provide a copy of their card to ArtPlay.

                    You do not need a WWCC to apply for an Expression of Interest.

                    Do I need my own public liability insurance?

                    If you are an organisation, you are required to have public liability insurance.

                    If you are an individual, your public liability insurance will be covered through Auspicious Arts.

                    Contact us

                    Contact name
                    Birrarung Marr
                    Behind Federation Square
                    Telephone number
                    9658 78809658 7880

                    More information

                    Floor plan and equipment

                    ArtPlay is open for enquiries about expressions of interest from Wednesday to Sunday 10am to 4pm.

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                      If you have a general enquiry or require a response, please contact us.

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