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                    Stephen Banham – HERE

                    Test Sites 2019

                    HERE is a site-specific typographic installation celebrating incidental thought.

                    Stephen Banham is an internationally renowned typographic artist and designer. Banham’s typographic explorations centre on the social and cultural aspects of letterforms, culminating in over 18 publications he has written and produced. Banham’s design work and writings have appeared in countless international publications from the UK Guardian to the New York Times. He has spoken at international design events from Barcelona to Beirut, New Zealand to New York.

                    Banham holds a Masters and a PhD in the design field and has lectured for over 30 years in typography.


                    The concept shifted considerably from its first incarnation – from indicating the birth of a creative idea (a book, a play etc) to a far more intimate scale – the incidental thoughts that one has every day. This shift helped the work considerably in its appeal, inclusion and comprehension in that ALL people have incidental thoughts that casually occur to them every day. Scaling this down also meant that the use of large scale signage materials appeared even more wonderfully absurd (one of the creative intentions of the work).

                    Unintended collaborations included the videographer and many others – many of whom I shall work with into the future. It was particularly delightful to see the response from passers-by in Cardigan Street and Queensberry Street – varying from ignorance through to bewilderment, and intrigue. Unfortunately soon after the installation the COVID-19 virus developed, rendering the streets of Melbourne vacant. This was the greatest disappointment and one which we could not control.

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                    Videographer: Takeshi Kondo
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