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Listener Mindwrecker
Interests: music, gardening, art, dancing, composing, cooking, reading, writing, camping, bicycling, decomposing
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Hey Don Simon - Good question! I was hoping these posts might make some McNitt info surface, but nothing so far - (we have to pull stuff like this down if anyone owns the copyrights) - You should pursue it!! The good Doctor should be used to tickle more people!!
I believe that I lifted these scans from the terrific blog 'Four-Color Shadows' over at:
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2013 on "The Record of Doom" at WFMU's Beware of the Blog
Sorry!! To not identify the source of these scans. I know that folks work hard to create these. In the future I will certainly mention the Digital Comic Museum, the home of many fine comic books.