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Former Melbourne lord mayor Robert Doyle

More #mefree than #metoo as police confirm no charges against ex-mayor Robert Doyle

More than two years after he was accused of sexual assault, Victoria Police have confirmed that no charges will be brought against former Melbourne lord mayor Robert Doyle.

Daniel Andrews at a function organised by the Chinese Community Council of Australia formally apologising for racist policies aimed at Chinese miners 160 years ago (Image: AAP/Mal Fairclough)

Media misses the mark on Chinese interference in Australia

Journalists need to do their homework before drawing links between Beijing's United Front efforts and the work of community groups run by Chinese Australians.


Inside the battle for control of RSL Victoria

As the fight for control of RSL Victoria heats up, the old guard are doing all they can to block anti-pokies reformers. Will the conflict escalate to the Supreme Court?

(Image: AAP/David Crosling)

Victorian spike raises grim prospect of a two-speed pandemic recovery

A spike in infections in Victoria might create the nightmarish scenario of different parts of the country recovering at significantly different speeds — complicating Scott Morrison's task of deciding when economic support should end.

(Image: AAP/Daniel Pockett)

How ethnic power replaced unions in the Victorian ALP — and what might happen next

If the Adem Somyurek scandal isn't the occasion for a thorough reconstruction of the ALP, the faction-ridden party will come out of it worse than before.

Adem Somyurek (Image: AAP/Julian Smith)

Somyurek is gone but another much like him will come along before too long

There'll be another Adem Somyurek along before too long. Our modern political parties are designed to produce them.

Adem Somyurek (Image: AAP/James Ross)

Glee and envy greet the political death of a Labor warlord. But is this really the end?

Labor factional power broker Adam Somyurek has been sacked from the Andrews government following a damning investigation by Nine. So what's next for Labor'?

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (Image: AAP/James Ross)

Belted and railroaded: Victoria's trade deal with China is a dud

The premier has hung an albatross around his neck, and the necks of any future Victorian governments.

(Image: Adobe Stock)

Pokies, war widows and the endless battle for control of RSL Victoria

The contentious sale of aged care business Vasey RSL Care may cause a seismic shift in RSL Victoria's top brass. Pokies licenses may be at the heart of the issue.

Cardinal George Pell (Image: AAP/David Crosling)

The Pell legacy: lessons for cops, courts and all those who serve God and justice

Where does it leave the justice system if the highest court in the land says a jury isn't capable of working out what it should believe?