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Ten reasons why Jacqui Lambie should reject the university funding reform bill

Jacqui Lambie is in a unique spot to derail the government's proposed university fee hike. Here's why she should.

Minister for Education Dan Tehan

How did Dan Tehan stuff up higher education reform so badly?

The government's university fee hike is a sloppy, rushed proposal which will achieve the opposite of what it proposes... but maybe that's the point.

(Image: Adobe)

Defunding the humanities? This hurts STEM education too

The government's plan to restructure university fees will have disastrous consequences for all students, not just those studying the humanities.

(Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Politics by degree: just how educated are our political leaders?

With the government planning to jack up the cost of a humanities degree, Crikey thought it was worth looking at exactly which politicians benefited from the kind of education that now seems increasingly out of reach for young Australians.

Minister for Education Dan Tehan

Sticking it up the humanities: the one ideological attack the Libs simply couldn't resist

In a major attack on universities, the government wants to dramatically lift fees for humanities, law and commerce degrees in an effort to force students to move into preferred vocational subjects.

(Image: AAP/Paul Miller)

Why are our universities so powerless? Maybe it's time to buy some influence...

Universities are one of Australia's biggest exporters and a major employer, but are treated with contempt by the government. Is it because they don't fill the coffers of political parties?

New South Wales Military Mounted Police massacre Aboriginal people at Waterloo Creek in 1838 (Image: Wikimedia)

Slavery, massacre and genocide are not part of the national curriculum. Should they be? 

When even the prime minister is muddled about Australia's history of slavery, it's time to ask if our dark past should be addressed head-on.

Campus chaos: students come to terms with the semester from hell

If universities and government don't give students a voice on dealing with the pandemic's impact, not only will their education be compromised but their job prospects will be savagely diminished.

(Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Anatomy of a disaster: how the NTEU's plan to save jobs fell apart

A controversial plan by the National Tertiary Education Union has divided the rank and file membership during a period of increasing uncertainty for the sector.

La Trobe University (Image: La Trobe University)

Lower education: will the government let universities fail?

With La Trobe University set to run out of cash in mere weeks, the sector is asking: will the government sit by and let tertiary education collapse?