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Prime Minister Scott Morrison (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

The extremely serious consequences for Australia in Cold War 2.0

Australia's defence update has found us a nemesis. But a war between the US and China would be extremely serious for Australia.

(Image: AAP/Paul Miller)

Afghanistan: Australia's longest war has lost so much and achieved so little

In a campaign that's cost Australia close to $10b, we've lost 41 lives and gained allegations of unlawful killings and war crimes.


Warrior Morrison unveils... um... no increase in defence spending

The media is excited about Scott Morrison's planned increase in defence spending — except that it's nothing more than what we already committed to years ago


Inside the battle for control of RSL Victoria

As the fight for control of RSL Victoria heats up, the old guard are doing all they can to block anti-pokies reformers. Will the conflict escalate to the Supreme Court?

(Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

Time for the government — and media — to tell the truth about cyber hysteria

The government has no right to lecture anyone about cybersecurity while it is party to making the world's IT networks less secure — all in the name of spying for western corporations.

Former minister for the defence industry Christopher Pyne (Image: AAP/David Mariuz)

In the race for taxpayer cash, EY struggles — despite Pyne

Hiring former defence minister Christopher Pyne doesn't seem to have helped big four consulting firm EY lift its game in securing defence contracts.

(Image: Getty)

How can we be free in an age of surveillance?

Until recently, the question of privacy lurked in the shadows. Suddenly it’s stumbled into the light to become a defining issue of our time.

Murdered Australian journalist Greg Shackleton (Images: AAP/MUP)

Were our spies compromised by Balibo? New book reveals more sordid history

In a new book exposing Australia's long history of seeking to exploit Timor-Leste's natural resources, Bernard Collaery reveals a stunning act of billion-dollar theft, and a document that undermines the official story around the murders of the Balibo Five.

Peter Dutton can't tell left from right

Peter Dutton thinks Islamist terrorists are 'left wing'. But then, he has good reason not to want to talk about right-wing terrorism.

ASIO head Mike Burgess (Image: AAP/Darren England)

ASIO head addresses Australia from a dark shadow where accountability should be

ASIO heads are always "coming out of the shadows", but in fact remain hidden away from accountability and scrutiny.