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Liberal MP Tim Wilson (Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Donation laws prove tricky in phoney war on super — while the real war hots up

While the Liberal Party continues to attack the industry super sector, the profound flaws on the retail super model are about to be played out in court.

(Image: Elly Fairytale/Pexels)

Employers have a duty to keep staff safe, no matter where they work

A landmark ruling has brought into sharp relief the potential responsibilities of Australian employers to workers experiencing violence.

(Image: Adobe)

Rio Tinto rethink: it's time for the miner to cut colonial baggage, pay more

Rio Tinto could do worse than relocating its global headquarters to Australia if it wants to repair its rocky image.

Former minister for the defence industry Christopher Pyne (Image: AAP/David Mariuz)

In the race for taxpayer cash, EY struggles — despite Pyne

Hiring former defence minister Christopher Pyne doesn't seem to have helped big four consulting firm EY lift its game in securing defence contracts.

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics Chair Tim Wilson (Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Excited journalists await Tim Wilson's latest assault on industry super

The Liberal Party continues its hatchet job on funds run by employer groups and unions but strangely overlooks the appalling abuses of retail super funds.

Woodside CEO Peter Coleman and chair Richard Goyder conducting their 2020 AGM (Image: Supplied)

Under COVID cover companies take AGMs to a whole new (lower) level

The AGM mini-season finished last week, and despite less scrutiny than usual, it was a giant step forward for hybrid physical-online meetings.

Assistant Superannuation Minister Jane Hume (Image: AAP/Lukas Coch)

Government shoots itself in the foot (yet again) in its war on industry super funds

The government hoped early access to superannuation would embarrass industry super funds. Instead, they've been among the best performers, while some retail super funds have been the worst at giving people their money.

(Image: Adobe)

Is working from home a craven surrender to capitalism or a subversive act?

Some say working from home is the ultimate expression of capitalism, as employers colonise our domestic space. But working from home also has the potential to send a deep shudder through capitalism.

(Image: AAP/David Mariuz)

NAB stiffs small investors as institutions and banks cash in

Australia's shareholders are once again being left behind as companies cash in on capital raising.

(Image: Unsplash/Alexander Sinn)

Are dating apps more popular in Australia due to coronavirus?

Are dating apps more popular than ever? What demographics use them most? What is the future of online dating? Your questions, answered.