Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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void network


Feeding Dual Power: Food Sovereignty, Anti-Fascism and other Pandemic Struggles

VOID NETWORK (Athens-Greece) written by Gene Ray and George Sotiropoulos “Seek ye first for food and clothing, then the kingdom of God will fall to you also” G.W.F. Hegel, letter to Knebel, 30 August 1807 We watch in horror, as the global explosion of the Sars-CoV-2 virus continues. The spreading medical emergency starkly reveals the real wages of neoliberalism and its extractive austerities. Gutted national healthcare systems that put profit… …

Events/Global movement

A message from Athens #Covid-19

Coronavirus and Mutual Aid- Nowadays we are living in a common History – Void Network / Athens We are facing a pernicious virus that terrifies the world. To comfort our anxiety, we say to ourselves, that if we take precautions, we will survive. In the meantime, we try to reduce the hours we watch television. In fact, watching the news has become an essential activity to get through the day.… …

Events/Void Network News

Void Network: Make Okupas Great Again+ ATHENS BEAT documentary- 10/8/2019 LONDON

All art, instruments and happy vibes are welcome. A co-creation event. SAT. 10/8/2019 LONDON an open art/jam day in our BEAUTIFUL squat in East London and a FREE movie showing of ‘Athens Beat’, a film about an artist trying to make sense of the Athens of the crisis, and using art to transform a city… we’ve got food and good people, a few surprises and the kettle is boiling. come… …


WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A TOUR 2010 creative cells of members of Void Network, writers, poets and cultural activists, traveling for 6 months all over U.S.A constructing open public situations featuring assemblies, talks, debates, open public dialogues, info-centers, multimedia shows, film festivals, poetry performances, sound systems, raves, art exhibitions, cross-platform collaborations based on the book We Are an Image from the Future The Greek Revolt of December 2008… …


No Other World Is Possible: Game of Thrones and the poverty of the liberal imagination- George Sotiropoulos / Void Network

This is the way the world ends, This is the way the world ends, This is the way the world ends – Not with a bang but with a whimper. S. Eliot, ‘The Hollow Men’[1] [includes spoilers] To the reader who has seen what has been justifiably called a “cultural Behemoth”, Eliot’s phrase may not seem an entirely accurate depiction of the series’ ending. After all, a capital is practically… …

Events/Void Network News

POSTSTRUCTURALISM: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Conference – George Sotiropoulos (Void Network) talk – 6-7/3/19 Madrid

Becoming-Other, Becoming-Many: Poststructuralism and the Problem of Justice- George Sotiropoulos– political philosopher and member of Void Network participates in the conference POSTSTRUCTURALISM: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Wed. 6/3/2019 MADRID This paper argues that poststructuralist thought can help articulate a critical and materialist notion of justice against the normativist and idealist conceptions dominant today. The assumption that justice is a critical concept goes all the way back to Plato, whose interrogation of the notion… …

Events/Void Network News

“Viva La Anarquia” Nelipot (remix by Crystal Zero) – video clip by Void Network

                    Void Network presents  VIVA LA ANARGUIA music and video  by Nelipot  (d.j. Crystal Zero remix) Oid mortales el grito sagrado, De anarquia y solidaridad. Oid el ruido del pueblo que estalla, En defensa de la libertad. El obrero que sufre proclama la anarquia, De mundo al traves, Porque sigue sufriendo la injusticia, Hoy en dia igual que ayer.… …

Events/Void Network News

Void Network: Anarchist Social Struggles in Greece FR. 25/1/2019 Cowley Club- Brighton

Anarchist Social Struggles in Greece- open public dialogue with anarchist members from Void Network from Athens Friday 25/1/2019–Cowley Club | Brighton Greece became a world news report center during the revolt of December 2008 after the assassination of 15 years old boy Alexis Grigoropoulos, by the Greek police in Exarchia square, the stronghold of anarchists and leftists in Athens for the last 40 years. The global economic crises brought Greece again in global news… …

VOID NETWORK- Signs of the times / Images from the future: Thoughts on the “yellow vests” and the revolt in France.

Almost two months after their emergence the yellow vests are still here! The movement started attracting international attention and more extensive coverage after the events that took place on Saturday 1/12. This was expectable, since no matter what our political judgment may turn out to be, we are faced with a nationwide revolt, which has not simply prompted thoughts for a state of emergency, but led to its informal implementation,… …

Events/Void Network News

Από την Δημοκρατία στην ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ- Crimethinc (USA)+Κενό Δίκτυο / Oμιλίες: Αθήνα (20/9)-Ηράκλειο (22/9) Θεσσ/νικη (25/9)

Η συλλογικότητα CRIMETHINC από τις Η.Π.Α. σε συνεργασία με το ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ διοργανώνουν μια σειρά ομιλίες στον ελλαδικό χώρο. ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ- ΑΝΟΙΧΤΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΣ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΕΙΣ με την αναρχική εκδοτική και ακτιβιστική κολλεκτίβα  CRIMETHINC (Η.Π.Α.) Συντονισμός- εισαγωγική τοποθέτηση: ΤΑΣΟΣ ΣΑΓΡΗΣ / ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ ΑΘΗΝΑ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 20/9/2018 ΏΡΑ 20.00 ΠΟΛΥΤΕΧΝΕΙΟ- ΑΙΘΡΙΟ Αρχιτεκτονικής ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 22/9 ΩΡΑ 20.00 ΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΗ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΕΙ PUNK PARTY διοργάνωση: αναρχικη συλλογικότητα ΟΚΤΑΝΑ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ 25/9… …

Events/Void Network News

DUB UNITY SAT.18/11/2017 Theater EMBROS- Festival against fascism

ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ / VOID NETWORK DUB UNITY festival REGGAE DUB | ROOTS | STEPPERS | BASSLINE | AFRICAN DRUMS SATURDAY 18/11/2017 Occupied Self Organised Theater EMBROS  Riga Palimidi 2 / Psiris area Athens Tα έσoδα της εκδήλωσης θα διατεθούν για την οικονομική στήριξη των δικηγόρων της δίκης ενάντια στην ναζιστική οργάνωση Χρυσή Αυγή The income of the event will be used to support the lawyers of the trial against… …

Events/Void Network News

Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance- article in New York Times by NIKI KITSANTONIS Αφιέρωμα των New York Times στους αναρχικούς της Ελλάδας!

Text: Ελληνικά / English. It may seem paradoxical, but Greece ’s anarchists are organizing like never before. Seven years of austerity policies and a more recent refugee crisis have left the government with fewer and fewer resources, offering citizens less and less. Many have lost faith. Some who never had faith in the first place are taking matters into their own hands, to the chagrin of the authorities. Tasos Sagris,… …

Επίθεση ενάντια σε 2 Κοινωνικά Κέντρα στην Αθήνα / Ανακοίνωση – 2 SOCIAL CENTERS IN ATHENS UNDER ATTACK / Announcement

[text: English/Greek] Η καταστολή του κοινωνικού απελευθερωτικού κινήματος και των καταλήψεων προσφύγων και μεταναστών δεν θα μείνει αναπάντητη. Οι αστυνομικές επιδρομές  αποτελούν ιδανικό παράδειγμα για την πολιτική που επιθυμεί να επιβάλλει η κυριαρχία στην εποχή μας: όταν εμείς κοιμόμαστε το κράτος συνεχίζει να δουλεύει εναντίον όλων μας. Τα ξημερώματα της 13/3/2017 η Ελληνική αριστερή κυβέρνηση επέλεξε να εισακούσει τις εντολές της δεξιάς συντήρησης και τα νέο-φιλελεύθερα τσιράκια των Μέσων Μαζικής… …

“Oh, my Trump! On the figures of the global civil conflict” by Void Network

Oh, my Trump! On the figures of the global civil conflict (Announcement in English / intro in Greek) While protests and riots may not be unheard-of phenomena in the history of presidential inaugurations in the US, there is something distinct in the mass anti-Trump protests and the violent clashes that accompanied them (no matter how small the latter may have been). Η εκλογή του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ δημιούργησε σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο ένα φάσμα… …

Events/Void Network News

Η ΑΝΑΡΧΙΑ μετά τον θάνατο της Αριστεράς / Ομιλία του Paul Z. Simons (ΗΠΑ)- περιοδικό Anarchy & Κενό Δίκτυο Σαββ.18/2 ΕΜΠΡΟΣ ώρα 18.00 ANARCHY AFTER THE DEATH OF THE LEFT Open Talk by Paul Simons (USA)-Anarchy mag

Η ΑΝΑΡΧΙΑ μετά τον θάνατο της Αριστεράς ΟΜΙΛΙΑ ΣΑΒΒ. 18/2 ΩΡΑ: 18.00 Paul Simons- Περιοδικό ANARCHY (a Journal For Desire Armed) Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο Εμπρός (Ρ.Παλαμήδη 2, Ψυρρή) Παρουσίαση / Συζήτηση του μετα-αριστερού Αναρχισμού, μιας από τις βασικές αναρχικές τάσεις στις ΗΠΑ και από τις πιο άρτιες κριτικές στην Αριστερά και τον ρόλο της στην ιστορία των κινημάτων, μέσα από το  ιστορικό πλαίσιο, την ανάλυση και την κατάθεση εμπειριών.  ΘΕΜΑΤΑ:… …

Events/Void Network News

DUB UNITY- ΣΑΒΒ. 11/2 ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Solidarity Festival // Occupied Theater EMBROS Athens

KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ DUB UNITY Reggae – Dub – Roots – Steppa – Drum And Bass SATURDAY 11/2/2017  STARTS AT 23.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ. Παλαμήδη 2 Ψυρρή Occupied Theater EMBROS Athens Timeline 23:00 – 00:00 – Mrs HCN 00:00 – 00:30 – Ctn 00:30 – 01:00 – Didi Kaleya 01:00 – 01:30 – Fundracar – Marios Ntavelis 01:30 – 02:30 – Sistah Jammaroots – (Live) 02:30 – 03:00… …


VOID NETWORK “On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum”

“The parliamentary regime leaves everything to the decision of majorities; how shall the great majorities outside parliament not want to decide? When you play the fiddle at the top of the state, what else is to be expected but that those down below dance”? – Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, IV (1852) If we take as reliable evidence the anxiety (verging to panic) that spread over the… …

Void Network News

CROSSING BRIDGES International Festival / Frankfurt / 31.10.2015

            Sa. 31.10.2015 CROSSING BRIDGES 2015 *  Party and Politics, Participation,  Intercultural Exchange, Art and Culture Zentrum Klapperfeld,  Klapperfeldstraße 5,  Frankfurt am Main Program: 14:00:  ReCreate Public Space * Open Street Action, Subversive Sounds and Flashmob Meeting point: Klapperfeld – Participate 😉 – 16:15: Temper and movement of an activist Interactive Body Movement Workshop with Dada Vecerin 17:00: Social Revolt and Radical Movements in Greece Now!… …

Void Network News

VOID NETWORK: 25 YEARS IN SPACE | 1990-2015 / 3 days for all underground cultures / THUR.22- FR.23- SAT. 24.1.2015 / Occupied Theatre Embros

KENO ΔΙΚΤΥΟ / VOID NETWORK 25 YEARS IN SPACE  1990-2015 3 DAYS FOR ALL UNDERGROUND CULTURES THUR.22 | FR. 23 | SAT. 24 JANUARY 2015 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ. Παλαμήδη 2 Ψυρρή OCCUPIED  SELF- ORGANIZED THEATREEMBROS / R.Palamidi 2 Psiris, athens centre ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ / free entrance Thur. 22/1 starts: 20.30 ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ EΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΟΛΗ ΦΥΛΑΚΗ! Αστικός “εξευγενισμός” και αόρατες περιφράξεις Εισήγηση: Γεωργία Αλεξανδρή (ανθρωπογεωγράφος)Open Public Talk: Against… …

Void Network News

International Film Poetry Festival 2014 Friday 28/11/2014 starts 20.00 Occupied theatre EMBROS Athens Greece

International  FilmPoetry Festival 2014 Friday 28/11/2014starts 20.00 Occupied theatre EMBROSR.Palimidou 2 Psiri. athens. greece Video artists: D.H Dugas FR | M. Dickes USA | D. Wotton FRM. Piatek POL | J. Solomko UKR | I. Shevchenko UKRS. Wiegner GER. |J. Brok & A.Marseille HOL T. Bentley UK | Visto Desde el Zaguán IREK. Polischuk UKR | MAI ΙT | Κ. Καρβέλη GRA. Anderfuren HUNG | Γ.Πατεράκης GR | S. San GERV.… …

Void Network News

Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) talks with Void Network / Συζήτηση του Wolfi Landstreicher (Feral Faun) με την συλλογικότητα Κενό Δίκτυο

Living for Today / Fighting for Tommorow(Athens Anarchist student’s demo DEC.2013)  Wolfi Landstreicher is an amerikan anarchist philosopher and political activist. During the 60 years of his life he succeeds to combine romanticism, critical stand-point and theory with deep understanding on Max Stirner  into a  poetic and surrealistic unity that leads into the insurrection of subjectivities and a revolutionary way of life. He is a traveller, a wonderer and a… …

Void Network News

Κενό Δίκτυο: ΠΟΙΗΣΗ & ΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗ Μultimedia Δράση Ποίησης Τρίτη 15.4 Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ // POETRY AND REVOLT MultiMedia Poetry Action at Occupied Theatre Embros Athens Greece

ΠΟΙΗΣΗ και ΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗ Μultimedia Δράση Ποίησης Τρίτη 15 Απρίλη 2014  ώρα: 20.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο  Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ.Παλλαμήδου 2 Ψυρρη ΟΜΙΛΙΑ – ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗ Έναρξη 20.00   SPECIAL GUESTS COLLECTIVE PERFOMANCE by Young Swedish Poets Kristina Leganger Iversen, Felicia Stenroth, Morten Langeland, Louise Harboe, Martin W. Bengtsson, Pernilla Berglund, Skjalg Wie Skare, Ylva Wærenskjold, Gita Thomassen, Rossana Espinosa, Siw-Anita, Kirketeig, Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard      Ποίηση και Εξέγερση. Ο ρόλος της ποίησης στις κοινωνικές… …

Void Network News

INTERNATIONAL FILM POETRY FESTIVAL #2 an Audio-Visual Poetry experience at Occupied Theatre EMBROS SAT.14.12.2013

To KΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟVoid Network και το + Ινστιτούτο [Πειραματικών Τεχνών]and +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] σε συνεργασία με τη διαδικτυακή ανθολογία βίντεο-ποίησης MΟVING POEMSin collaboration with MOVING POEMShttp://movingpoems.compresent παρουσιάζουνINTERNATIONAL FILM POETRY FESTIVAL60 VIDEO ARTISTS FROM EUROPE. ASIA. AMERICA. AFRICAAUDIO VISUAL EXPERIENCE : 10 POETS & 8 LIVE CONCERTS στο Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣOCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS ATHENS GREECE(ΠΑΛΑΜΗΔΗ 2 ΨΥΡΡΗ)ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 14 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2013SATURDAY 14 DECEMBER 2013 ώρα έναρξης 21.00 με συμμετοχές καλλιτεχνών (ποιητών, σκηνοθετών, videoartists) από Ευρώπη, Ασία,… …

Void Network News

The Dark Side of the City / SAT. 15 DEC. 2012 / Live Concert at NOSOTROS Free Social Centre Athens Greece

Κενό Δίκτυο

The Dark Side of the City
Urban Atmospheres and Dark Desires SATURDAY 15 DECEMBER 2O12
starts at 21:00
Live Concert 
Θάνος Ανεστόπουλος 
Victory Collapse
Frequency on 
The Boy 
Meledini Dj Sets: 
Chaotic Moon | Venus Melena Multimedia Visuals by: 
Void Optical Art Lab| Venus MelenaΝOSOTROS ελεύθερος κοινωνικός χώρος
θεμιστοκλέους 66 / εξάρχεια Ας νομίζουνε αυτοί ότι έχουνε τη δύναμη …
Εμείς έχουμε τη νύχτα!
Η νύχτα ήταν πάντοτε η μεγάλη μητέρα…την αγαπήσαμε όταν σκέπαζε με τα πέπλα… …

Theory/Void Network News


                  Abstract: It is widely known that Greece faces one of the most precarious and transformative periods of its modern history. Greek society has come to learn, in a baleful manner, that crisis is the sequence of its former political inefficiencies and a slump that must be overcome. The pressure of this awareness leads people to deface previously established social convictions about… …

Void Network News

Μετα-Αναρχισμός & Εξεγέρσεις: Διήμερο Εκδηλώσεων 25 & 26 -11 στο Nosotros με διεθνείς συμμετοχές // 2 days international conference “Post Anarchism and Insurrections” at Nosotros Free Social Space (Themistokleous 66 Exarchia) at 25 & 26 November 2011

To Kενό Δίκτυο καλεί τους φίλους τουνα συμμετάσχουν στο διήμερο ομιλιώνκαι συζητήσεων“ΜεταᾹναρχισμός και Εξεγέρσεις”στο Κοινωνικό Κέντρο Nosotros (Θεμιστοκλέους 66 Εξάρχεια) Σε μια περίοδο παγκόσμιας καπιταλιστικής κρίσης και εξεργέσεων είναι ανάγκη το κίνημα να δώσει νέες απαντήσεις σε μια σειρά από ερωτήματα:–       Πώς καταλαβαίνουμε τις εξεγερσεις στην Αθήνα, το Παρίσι, το Κάϊρο;–       Ποιοί είναι αυτοί που κατεβαίνουν στους δρόμους;–       Ποιά μπορεί να είναι η ανατρεπτική κινηματική πολιτική πρόταση;–       Τι είναι ο… …

Void Network News

“Kropotkin – The Coming Revolution”, a film presented by Magazin & Void Network

Kropotkin – The Coming Revolution – english from Magazin on Vimeo. Magazin – underground media collective  and Void Network present KROPOTKIN – THE COMING REVOLUTION  a 23′ short film compiled from different  articles and books of the anarchist Peter Kropotkin.  The film tries to give an introduction  to the basic concepts of  anarcho-communism. the film is made in German language including English subtitles  On Viemo with embedded subtitles: On… …

Void Network News

Void Network presents Utopian Technologies #3 Space Music Free Festival

Void Network  presents  Utopian  Technologies #3  Space Music Free Festival  2 days Live Concerts | d.j. sets Multi Media Arts audio & visual Nosotros / Free Social Space Themistokleous 66 Exarchia Athens / Greece Saturday 20 November 2010 psychedelic ambient trance electronic atmospheres 21.00-22.30 Sundance 22.30-23.30 Demos 23.30-24.30 Echo Evolver 24.30-01.20 Side Liner  01.30-02.30 Sissy Stardust 02.30-03.30 Cabeiri 03.30-04.30 dj Nikitas 04.30-05.30 Crystal… …

Void Network News

Void Network History: Gathering of the Tribes 2008 // Void Network multi media laboratories participation

This is a video representing perfectly the Void Art ecstatic atmosphere,the work of Void Optical  Art Laboratories,the collective creativity of open sourceart projects and the influential participation ofGlobal Eye (London Void Network)[] andFree Art Zone cultural activists[] to theartforms of Void NetworkVoid Art is a liquid light orchestra of dreams and the flow of a creative consciousness that expands to the horizons of this worldVoid Network History:JOIN THEGATHERING OF THE TRIBES!International trance and dance festivalMarch… …

Void Network News

What Does it mean When We Say “Freedom” ? by Panos Papadimitropoulos / Void Network

It is common knowledge in the areas of social sciences, especially social anthropology, that reality constituted symbolically, that the meaning that people give to the world does not reflect a deeper essence of things but is the product of the relationship between what we are talking about and the importance we attribute to it. In this sense, two people can understand the same situation, relationship or event in different ways… …

Void Network News

5th Peoples’ Global Action European Conference Preparatory Meeting Athens Greece

People’s Global Action Temporary Autonomous Zone Talking Circle | Laboratories | Film Festival Polytechnic School of Athens Friday 1 February 2008 starts 9.30 p.m. organized by Void Network andEuropean Peoples’ Global Action Conference more info about P.G.A. network: 1st PART : [ talking circle | laboratories ] Open Public Meeting of Peoples’ Global Action NetworkThe world network Peoples’ Global Action appeared in 1998 after a meeting of… …

Void Network News

Against the burning of mountain Parnitha / Ενάντια στην καταστροφή της Πάρνηθας

This is a manifesto that announces our participation in the demonstration organised by the Greek Bloggers in front the Greek parliament as an outcry for the burning of the ancient forest of mountain Parnitha in the last week outside Athens… Our participation in the demonstration outside the Greek Parliament on 8 July in the 8.00 evening time against the arson of Parnitha (that has been called by the sensitive self-organised… …

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