Italy: Imprisoned Sardinian anarchist Davide Delogu placed under special conditions

July 5th, 2020

The imprisoned deported Sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu informs us that in the Caltagirone prison (in Sicily), where he has just been transferred, he has once again been subject to regime 14 bis. Updates will follow.

Sardegna Anarchica
[Anarchist Sardinia]
Cassa di Sostegno per l’Anarchico Sardo Prigioniero Deportato Davide Delogu
[Support Fund for the Imprisoned Deported Sardinian Anarchist Davide Delogu]

Note: Article 14 bis of the Italian penitentiary law (not to be confused with 41bis) provides for special supervision of a prisoner.

The text in Italian was published in sardegnaanarchica.wordpress.com.

via Malacoda.

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July 3, 2020: Night of brutal police violence and terrorism in Exarchia / 3 Ιουλίου 2020: Νύχτα ωμής αστυνομικής βίας και τρομοκρατίας στα Εξάρχεια

July 5th, 2020

Πρωτοφανή σκηνικά ακόμη και για τα έως τώρα δεδομένα της ΕΛ.ΑΣ. εκτυλίχθηκαν στα Εξάρχεια το βράδυ της Παρασκευής 3 Ιούλη 2020.

Ντοπαρισμένοι αστυνομικοί από την ασυδοσία που τους πρόσφερε η απαγόρευση των συναθροίσεων κατά τη διάρκεια της καραντίνας του Κορωνοιού, αλλά και το επερχόμενο νομοσχέδιο για περιορισμό και απαγόρευση των διαδηλώσεων, εισέβαλαν στη περιοχή, επιτέθηκαν σε συναυλία αλληλεγγύης στην Κατάληψη Δερβενιών 56 που εκκενώθηκε πρόσφατα, έπνιξαν την περιοχή στα ασφυξιογόνα, διέλυσαν τη συναυλία, χτύπησαν με ωμή βιαιότητα όποιον και όποια έτρεχε για να ξεφύγει από τη μανία τους και τα χημικά, έπεφταν με τις μηχανές τους με ταχύτητα πάνω σε παρευρισκόμενους , υπήρχαν περιπτώσεις που μηχανές Δέλτα πέρασαν μαρσάροντας πάνω από πεσμένους ανθρώπους σπάζοντας τους πόδια και χέρια, έριχναν σε ευθεία βολή χειροβομβίδες κρότου-λάμψης πάνω σε κόσμο, μάτωσαν στην κυριολεξία πελάτες μαγαζιών στην πλατεία Εξαρχείων, στη Θεμιστοκλέους, στην Κωλέττη και στη Μεσολογγίου, πέταξαν ασφυξιογόνο μέσα σε μπαρ γεμάτο από ανθρώπους, εισέβαλλαν σε άλλα μπαρ χτυπώντας άγρια εργαζομένους και θαμώνες, έσπασαν μαγαζιά μέσα κι έξω, πετούσαν στον κόσμο καρέκλες και τραπέζια που βρίσκονταν εξωτερικά κι όλα τα παραπάνω καταγεγραμμένα σε μαρτυρίες, φωτογραφίες και βίντεο που έχουν ήδη κυκλοφορήσει στο διαδίκτυο τις προηγούμενες 2 ημέρες και το βίντεο αυτό έρχεται προς επίρρωση απλά να προστεθεί σε όλα αυτά.

Και μέσα σε αυτό χάος που προξένησε η ελληνική αστυνομία η αλληλεγγύη και η αντίσταση. Κάτοικοι που άνοιγαν τις πόρτες των πολυκατοικιών και τα σπίτια τους για να προσφέρουν καταφύγιο στον κόσμο από τη μανία των ενστόλων. Άνθρωποι που βγήκαν στα μπαλκόνια τους και στο δρόμο ορθώνοντας ανάστημα και οδοφράγματα στην επέλαση των βαρβάρων και αυτός ο χαρακτηρισμός δεν είναι υπερβολή για όσα έπραξαν οι υπάλληλοι των Μητσοτάκη, Χρυσοχοίδη και Μπακογιάννη το βράδυ της Παρασκευής στα Εξάρχεια. Μα ό,τι κι αν κάνουν όμως, σ’αυτή τη γειτονιά όλα γυρίζουν πάλι σε αυτό. «Αντίσταση, αυτοοργάνωση, αλληλεγγύη». Πολλές, μα πολλές δεκαετίες τώρα.

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[Koukaki] Solidarity action for Dervenion 56 squat and an international call for solidarity (Greece)

July 4th, 2020

EL | [Κουκάκι] Δράση αλληλεγγύης για Δερβενίων 56 // Διεθνές κάλεσμα αλληλεγγύης // Συγκεντρωτικό δράσεων

We are calling for international actions in solidarity with the Squats. Make the Greek state, the Greek capital and its partners regret the choice they made to attack the movement and its spaces in Greece. To defend Dervenion 56 and all squats,to prepare the ground for the coming social uprising.

On Friday 26/6, in Exarchia, the Greek state evacuated and sealed Dervenion 56 squat and the building at Dervenion 52. An immediate gathering of solidarity was held at Exarxia Square for several hours.In the evening of the same day, a solidarity march was held with the participation of 300 people. The march ended at Dervenion squat, barricades were set up around the perimeter and then comrades broke the concrete blocks of shame.
Read the rest of this entry »

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France: Six arrests for arson of a 5G relay antenna

July 4th, 2020

From Attaque:

The voice of the North / Friday July 3, 2020

Finally, on May 3 at around 1:30 a.m., the fire at the Orange 5-SFR antenna relay planted on rue Gustave-Eiffel, in the industrial zone of Douai-Dorignies, was indeed deemed criminal. After thinking that the destruction of this equipment was accidental, the investigators considered another avenue and the Douai prosecutor’s office utilised the judicial police.

Two months of work were not too much to put names on the suspects. This Tuesday, six people (five men, including a minor, and a woman) were arrested by the criminal brigade of the interregional direction of the judicial police (DIPJ) of Lille, with the support of the research and intervention brigade. Domiciled in Roubaix and Villeneuve d’Ascq, these suspects, “all close to circles advocating a form of violent protest” according to the DIPJ which announces these arrests, were placed in police custody. According to the Douai prosecutor’s office, they come from antifa circles, black blocks or even the movement of yellow vests.

Quickly, the only woman in the group was left free and will not be prosecuted. The other five were brought to justice. The four major suspects, aged 22 to 32, were brought before the prosecutor on Thursday. Two of them were remanded in the evening, the other two left free under judicial supervision.
All four were presented for immediate appearance before the Douai Criminal Court on Friday afternoon and, at their request, their trial was postponed.
The minor, originally from Pas-de-Calais, was indicted by a judge of the judicial court of Béthune for “destruction of property in an organized gang and association of criminals with a view to committing an offense”, Indicates the DIPJ, then placed under judicial control.

The destruction of this relay antenna would have caused “damage estimated between € 300,000 and € 500,000”.

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Debriefing and propositional statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis to the comrades (Greece)

July 3rd, 2020

EL | Απολογιστική-προτασιακή τοποθέτηση του συντρόφου Δημήτρη Χατζηβασιλειάδη προς τους συντρόφους

PDF: Debriefing and propositional statement

Historical background

On the 21st of October, around 11pm, together with one more person, I made an appropriation of a state casino shop in Cholargos (suburb of Athens). Before our departure from the shop the rifle that was used for our self defense passed from the other person’s hand to mine. An automatic rifle, if available, is a convincing deterrent during any act that may come into confrontation with the murderous mercenaries of capitalism. Bastards like those who tortured to death George Floyd, the same bastards who gang killed Zak Kostopoulos, who was already wounded by the fascist shop-owners in a pedestrian road, in the middle of the day, in the city center, bastards who, shortly after, killed Embouka Mamasoubek inside a police station, and whose names are still kept secret, having enjoyed the full cover of the then leftist government and bourgeois justice, these bastards don’t understand any other language than the one they have learned to implement.

The moment I took the weapon, it fired, due to my negligence. The bullet hit my leg. After leaving the place, I sought refuge at the nearby home of an old friend. Estimating that very soon the repression mechanisms and their minions, the regime’s journalists, would publish my photo, I decided to evacuate a flat in which I was storing a number of tools for the resistance, with the aim to rescue them. So these tools ended up in the house where I had gone wounded, and from there into the warehouses of the militarist-statist rulers, about two weeks after my injury. Read the rest of this entry »

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Provisional notes on 5G (Italy)

July 3rd, 2020

The reasons for opposing the 5G network are many, often overshadowed by the predominant (and absolutely legitimate) concern driven by an extremely noxious technology that will invade bodies and spaces with grave consequences from the point of view of health and environmental pollution. But when it comes to 5G we cannot just think of a mere advancement of the current 4G network, therefore a more rapid way of navigating. When we talk of 5G we can’t even see it as “just” yet another toxicity, and oppose it exclusively in terms of health safety of individuals and protection of the environment. The 5G network is above all a necessary infrastructure for the various actors in the field. For the bosses to increase profits on the backs of the workers; for States to increase social control within national borders, and to better orchestrate military operations on the various war fronts.

Let’s take a look at these aspects…

Yet another infrastructure for the bosses’ benefit

The 5G network will permit more simultaneous connections and passing of data with zero delay. These characteristics are fundamental for the large scale explosion of technologies that use Artificial Intelligence. As we know, Artificial Intelligence is becoming part of the production process by replacing human labour (or trying to).

Thus the worker is becoming more and more dependent on a mechanism, often without knowing how it works, more and more alienated, more and more dominated by work rhythms dictated from above. Their autonomy can only be reduced. They are no longer a protagonist but the terminal of a machine which, if it doesn’t overwhelm them, is because it has already kicked them out of the production process and taken their place. The 5G network corresponds more to the needs of industrialists than to those of average users (as they want us to believe). In fact, the Industry 4.0 model foresees that industrial plants (manufacturing, post-production and energy generation) will benefit from services created on the new mobile network. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Threat of Fascism In Vienna is Real And it is Here (Austria)

July 3rd, 2020

Reporting from Vienna

What has been happening in Vienna, Austria these past few days has shown once again how real and dangerous fascism is. No matter where it is, or where it’s from, and how little it concerns the political class and its executive arm so long as they can’t be called out for it . But that is exactly what we must do. Yesterday. Today. And Tomorrow.

Favoriten, Vienna’s tenth district, has a long tradition of being heavily working class and has long been a centre for radical politics, unfortunately on both sides. The Grey Wolves are a highly organized group of Turkish fascists who blindly follow the far right-wing party MHP and by extension the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his offensive war on Kurdistan and its people. They are portrayed in the bourgeois media as being a loosely knit group of youths, when they are in fact internationally organized and highly dangerous, with the intent of carrying the Turkish war on the Kurdish people out into the world and enforcing their world view. In Vienna, they consider themselves the be the “watchers” of the 10th district, where they regularly disrupt leftwing rallies, intimidate Kurdish and left-wing groups, and try to hinder people from attending cultural events or even drinking alcohol in public during Ramadan.

A Kurdish women’s organisation had been holding weekly events for months now towards the supposed end of the current pandemic in Austria. The Grey Wolves have a problem with this. Not only are the Kurdish activists speaking out against the fascist status quo in Turkey and are calling attention to the femicide carried out by the Turkish government, but they are Kurdish and they are women. Provocations started becoming more and more regular, and on Wednesday, 25 June 2020, the rally was attacked outright. The police did show up and try to stop the violence, but they were hopelessly overwhelmed when the Grey Wolves started to mobilise and hundreds of fascists showed up within minutes. The Kurdish women were able to flee into the nearby EKH, a squat that houses a number of Kurdish organisations. Read the rest of this entry »

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Urgent Call for Solidarity: Our Friend Andreas Krebs is Dying (Italy, Germany)

July 3rd, 2020

Our friend Andreas is dying… (July 2, 2020)

… and everyone is watching. What has been happening to Andreas in jail in Naples for at least a year is a result that both the German and the Italian state are responsible for. In spite of his poor health, Andreas is denied adequate medical care despite promises to the contrary by the hospital management. He is brought to a hospital every hour for questionable or senseless examinations and then back to prison.

Andreas was diagnosed with cancer at least a year ago, it spread all over his body and he had unspeakable pain. He can hardly walk anymore, just eat more baby food, he loses blood and is often unconscious for days. His Italian lawyer is fighting at all levels, but transfer to house arrest has now been refused.

Andreas is doing very badly, suicide seems to be the only way out for him in the current situation.

Both the Italian and the German state know Andreas’ state of health. Nobody lifts a finger, fundamental human rights do not seem to apply to prisoners. What happens here is murder. And every suicide in jail is nothing else, because behind bars there are no free decisions.

We cannot stand by, although we are infinitely sad and angry and have no ideas what to do.

Confront the German and Italian authorities with their inactivity, call the Federal Foreign Office, Boschaft and the consulate.

Down with all prisons! Down with all states!

ABC Vienna, July 2nd, 2020


The address to write to him:

Andreas Krebs
Sez.4 /Stz.5
Via Roma Verso Scampia 250
CAP 80144 Napoli (NA)

He has to pay for the urgently needed medication and reasonably usable food himself. If you want to donate money:

Receiver Krebs IBAN: DE 90 1005 0000 1067 1474 26
Purpose: Donation / Andreas Krebs

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Spain: Anarchist Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva Transferred to Mansilla de las Mulas Prison

July 2nd, 2020

Comrade Elisa has sent us information about our anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, who has already been transferred and is in the prison of Mansilla de las Mulas in León. Although she has not yet been able to speak directly with Gabriel, she knows that he is well and that the prison in Leon is a compliance prison, so they will want to keep him there for a while.

You can write to him and keep in touch with him at the following address:

Gabriel Pombo da Silva

C.P. Mansilla de las Mulas
Place Villahierro
24210 – Mansilla de las Mulas (León)

We cannot forget our imprisoned comrades!
The struggle continues!
Freedom for anarchist prisoners!
Freedom for our comrade Gabriel Pombo!

via Contra Info, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide

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‘Can Psychedelics Change Our Racist World Order?’ – Akua Ofosuhene (UK)

June 30th, 2020

Akua is Co-founder of Hub and Culture an African and Caribbean cooperative life style shop and event space in Peckham, London, and a psychedelic fashion designer. She’s also an advocate of individual therapeutic uses of psychedelics to combat depression, illness and white supremacy racism.

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

Indonesia: Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Tangerang and Bekasi

June 30th, 2020

On April 9th, 2020, three of our comrades were arrested and convicted of a heavy crime for spraying several graffiti that say “sudah krisis, saatnya membakar” (there’s a crisis already, time to burn) and “melawan atau mati konyol” (fight or perish). What is actually a voice of rightful citizens is considered a crime of provocation. Their art is a valid criticisms toward the government’s lack of integrity in mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and just a petty crime at most.

Not long after, two other anarchists were also arrested by the police in Tangerang and Bekasi, without any solid ground. During the investigation, they were beaten and their faces were wrapped with plastic, which made them unconscious; a series of unauthorized measures to the point of torture. This violence was followed by isolation that made them unaccessible to their friends and families, even to legal attorneys that they’re supposed to get as stated by the law.

Three of them are currently undergoing a court trial. They are charged of violating the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 01, 1946, article 14 and/or article 15, and against the Criminal Code article 160, where the conviction can be up to 10 years of prison time. Meanwhile, the other two, who are still underage, are already convicted with 4 months of prison time.

We are calling out for solidarity and open donation to support our comrades during their time behind bars. This solidarity is open for local donation or anyone overseas that shares the concern.


E-mail: fed.ao@protonmail.com

via AWW

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Call to Action from the Fanny Kaplan Antagonistic Cell (FAI-FRI)

June 30th, 2020

Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 2020

“…Anarchism is either illegal or it’s not anarchism. That is its essence and its meaning. Its nature. For the same reason, it sometimes seems so obvious to us that we forget to insist punctiliously on the anti-authoritarian and therefore, the consequently anti-systemic character of anarchism. Rabidly anti-systemic! We are against all authority. That is our maxim… That we are against the system of domination, that we are fighting against the social order as a whole, we are objecting to its order and the laws that support it. All laws have been and will be made to give legal support to oppression and domination…”

Gustavo Rodriguez

This is an appeal to our friends, to our comrades, like-minded and not so like-minded. A warm invitation to practice beautiful disobedience and take back our lives. A call to conflict against all that exists here and now, assuming the consequences of a life at war.

For anyone who lives in the territory dominated by the Argentine State, or almost anywhere in the world, currently there is a state of alert in the face of the current situation. The appearance and expansion of covid-19 quickly became a global problem, and while we do not want to question its existence or veracity, we want to show how the “epidemiological outbreak” unmasks the harmfulness of the class society and neoliberal capitalism maintained by the States its main economic groups. Read the rest of this entry »

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Warsaw: Queer attack against the homophobes (Poland)

June 29th, 2020

Saturday afternoon around 3pm (27.06) a van belonging to a homophobic foundation, that goes around the city of Warsaw spreading hatespeech (like announcing the supposed link between sexual education, homosexuality and child-abuse) got stopped by a group of queer rebels and anarchist friends in front of squatted autonomous social center in the very center of the city. The crew of that van got verbally and physically attacked and the van got redecorated, rid of numberplates, mirrors and windows got painted, the hateful banners got ripped and tires got stabbed. On a side of the van stop bullshit was written. Some bystanders tried to play heroes and got in the fights with rebels and fast realized that it wasn’t a good idea. One comrade got wounded. Spontaneous action took place in broad daylight in the very center of the city next to the police station, showing that the time of fear and defensive has passed.

The police was lazy that day and have arrived on the spot too late (the cop shop is around 100 m away).

The State and the right wing psychopaths have lunched their anti LGBTQ+ offensive after catholic church child-sexual abuses gain some publicity in the country. In doing so, they are trying to divert the attention away from the priests and use the momentum to push forward their fascist ideologies trying to make link in people’s minds that homosexuality equals paedophilia and sexual education is responsible for both, therefore targeting sexual education and LGBTQ+ folks. Since few years there has been an increase in the queerphobic attacks on individuals, groups and events like pride-demos.

The van of that foundation got attacked already several times throughout the city, this time it could be treated as a sort of spontaneous birthday gift for the squatted social center was celebrating it’s 9th anniversary.

Pictures and the description of that event was published on a Stop Bzdurom organization website (Stop Bullshit), which targets queerphobic propaganda.

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