
Manuscript in Progress.

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The politics of recognition is at an impasse. Demands for justice continue to be hampered by the failure of institutional forms of affirmation to generate appropriate experiences of agency and well-being in the recogn... more abstract

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Book Chapters

Despite centuries of progressive resistance, the enduring structures of empire, settler colonialism, hetero-patriarchy, white supremacy and neoliberal capitalism have proven resilient. Alternatives have been forged wi... more abstract

Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Political Geography and Geopolitics, Sociology of Children and Childhood, Political Theory, and 17 more

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By Toby Rollo and Taiaiake Alfred

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Over the years, the exclusion of children has been given many names: adultism, childism, adultarchy, adult supremacy, misopedy. Whatever we wish to name it, the exclusion of children based on a deficiency of reason is... more abstract

Political Philosophy, Education, Sociology of Children and Childhood, Political Theory, Postcolonial Studies, and 22 more

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Indigenous peoples encounter restrictions on their modes of reasoning and account-giving within democratic sites of negotiation and deliberation. Political theorists understand these restrictions as forms of exclusio... more abstract

Native American Studies, Canadian Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Postcolonial Studies, and 24 more

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The violence of settler colonial dispossession and assimilation flows historically from civilizational precepts such as Manifest Destiny, terra nullius, the white man's burden and the Doctrine of Discovery. Although f... more abstract

Native American Studies, Political Philosophy, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Sociology of Children and Childhood, and 26 more

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Why would colonial institutions accommodate and in some cases encourage the voices of Indigenous peoples? Because at its core, what settler society fears more than the disruptive potential of Indigenous speech is the ... more abstract

Native American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Colonial America, Indigenous Politics, and 13 more

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In this paper, I introduce the figure of the child, understood as a subhuman Other, as the discursive foundation upon which European slavery and colonialism are rooted. In the first section, I show that the colonial s... more abstract

Black Studies Or African American Studies, Native American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Feminist Theory, and 47 more

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Why have settler approaches to recognition and reconciliation proven so ineffective at responding to Indigenous demands for decolonization? Even among relatively devoted groups of political officials and representativ... more abstract

Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Colonial America, Sovereignty, Indigenous Politics, and 21 more

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Manuscript in Progress.

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The politics of recognition is at an impasse. Demands for justice continue to be hampered by the failure of institutional forms of affirmation to generate appropriate experiences of agency and well-being in the recogn... more abstract

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Despite centuries of progressive resistance, the enduring structures of empire, settler colonialism, hetero-patriarchy, white supremacy and neoliberal capitalism have proven resilient. Alternatives have been forged wi... more abstract

Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Political Geography and Geopolitics, Sociology of Children and Childhood, Political Theory, and 17 more

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By Toby Rollo and Taiaiake Alfred

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Over the years, the exclusion of children has been given many names: adultism, childism, adultarchy, adult supremacy, misopedy. Whatever we wish to name it, the exclusion of children based on a deficiency of reason is... more abstract

Political Philosophy, Education, Sociology of Children and Childhood, Political Theory, Postcolonial Studies, and 22 more

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Indigenous peoples encounter restrictions on their modes of reasoning and account-giving within democratic sites of negotiation and deliberation. Political theorists understand these restrictions as forms of exclusio... more abstract

Native American Studies, Canadian Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Postcolonial Studies, and 24 more

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The violence of settler colonial dispossession and assimilation flows historically from civilizational precepts such as Manifest Destiny, terra nullius, the white man's burden and the Doctrine of Discovery. Although f... more abstract

Native American Studies, Political Philosophy, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Sociology of Children and Childhood, and 26 more

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Why would colonial institutions accommodate and in some cases encourage the voices of Indigenous peoples? Because at its core, what settler society fears more than the disruptive potential of Indigenous speech is the ... more abstract

Native American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Colonial America, Indigenous Politics, and 13 more

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In this paper, I introduce the figure of the child, understood as a subhuman Other, as the discursive foundation upon which European slavery and colonialism are rooted. In the first section, I show that the colonial s... more abstract

Black Studies Or African American Studies, Native American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Feminist Theory, and 47 more

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Why have settler approaches to recognition and reconciliation proven so ineffective at responding to Indigenous demands for decolonization? Even among relatively devoted groups of political officials and representativ... more abstract

Indigenous Studies, Indigenous or Aboriginal Studies, Colonial America, Sovereignty, Indigenous Politics, and 21 more

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The promise of comparative political theory (CPT) is described in terms of a shift from a cultural monologue within the confines of western political theory to an intercultural dialogue between diverse systems of poli... more abstract

Indigenous Studies, Political Theory, Colonialism, Indigenous ecological knowledges and practices, Empire, and 3 more

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What is the relationship of the refugee to state sovereignty? The figure of the silent refugee is important for thinkers like Giorgio Agamben because it represents the permanent 'state of exception' to the normative l... more abstract

Political Theory, Border Studies, Refugee Studies, Democratic Theory, Sovereignty, and 13 more

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The field of democratic theory conceptualizes citizenship in terms of the inclusion of one's 'voice' in formal political arenas. Thus, voice is often conceived of as a privilege conferred by states that is denied to m... more abstract

Refugee Studies, Democratic Theory, Deliberative Democracy, Migrant and Diasporic Literature, Refugees, and 1 more

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The experiences of black communities are increasingly corroborated by statistics showing that black youth are disproportionally exposed to violence in education, policing, and carceral institutions. Social justice adv... more abstract

Sociology of Children and Childhood, Race and Racism, Critical Race Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Colonialism, and 8 more

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Location: Chicago, IL

Event Date: Aug 31, 2013

Organization: APSA

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Location: Victoria, BC

Event Date: Jun 6, 2013

Organization: CPSA

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Location: University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

Event Date: Aug 4, 2012

Organization: Deparochializing Political Theory East Asian Perspectives on Politics: Advancing Research in Comparative Political Theory Workshop VI

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Organization: CPSA 2012: Decolonizing Political Theory Workshop

Conference End Date: Jun 15, 2012

Conference Start Date: Jun 13, 2012

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Location: Montreal, QC

Organization: Indigenous Peoples and Governance: How to Break Out of Colonialism

Conference End Date: Apr 21, 2012

Conference Start Date: Apr 17, 2012

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Location: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario

Event Date: May 2011

Organization: 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association

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Location: Reed College, Portland Oregon

Organization: Association for Political Theory 2010 Annual Conference

Conference End Date: Oct 23, 2010

Conference Start Date: Oct 22, 2010

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Location: Montreal, QC

Event Date: Jun 3, 2010

Organization: 2010 Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association

Conference End Date: Jun 3, 2010

Conference Start Date: Jun 1, 2010

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