The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine

Privacy Policy

The Skeptics Society respects your privacy. Our privacy policy describes what information we collect, how we collect it, and what we do with it. It also outlines the measures we take to ensure the security of the information we collect via our online store, and how you can reach us to update your personal information, ask questions about this Policy, or inquire about our products or services. By using our website, you consent to our privacy policy.

Personal Information Collection & Usage

Personal information (i.e. name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and credit card information), is collected when you:

  • order products and services from our online store.
  • subscribe to our email newsletter eSkeptic, or our geology tour advance notification list
  • subscribe to Skeptic magazine in print or digital format, or use the Skeptic Magazine App
  • send us an email, request literature, fill out a form on our website, or subscribe to receive email communications from us
  • register for lectures, geology tours, conferences, or other Skeptics Society events
  • participate in our forum or comment on our blogs, or
  • submit content to Skeptic magazine.

We do not sell, loan, or rent any personal information you give us. eSkeptic recipients can unsubscribe instantly anytime by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every eSkeptic.

Information gathered is used primarily to fulfill your order of products or services from our online store. It may also be used for email communications, to inform you of new products or services we offer, or to alert you to upcoming events sponsored by the Skeptics Society such as lectures, conferences, geology tours that we host or sponsor. From time to time, we might contact you to participate in a contest, promotion, or survey.

If you have subscribed to Skeptic magazine, we will send out renewal notices by email when your subscription is about to expire and quarterly reminders to renew, up to one year after it expires.

Additionally, we may share data with independent contractors hired by the Skeptics Society for administrative purposes such as auditing or marketing analysis. Contractors sign a nondisclosure agreement not to use or share your information with anyone.

You may opt out of receiving email communications from us by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the end of our mass email communications, or by asking us to remove you from our list.

Security of Information

We protect the privacy and security of your personal information. When you order products or services from our online store, transactions are secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. To ensure secure data transmission, you must use an SSL-enabled browser, such as the latest versions of: Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Doing so protects the confidentiality of your personal information while it is transmitted over the Internet.

Non-Personal Information Collection & Usage

As is true with most websites, non-personal information is collected and stored in log files when you visit our website, including your:

  • browser, operating system, timestamp and unique device identifiers
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address and Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • HTTP referrer and pages you have visited on our website.

This information helps us to understand and analyze trends, administer the site, learn about user behavior on the site, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole in order to improve our products and services.


Cookies are small data files that your web browser stores on your computer or mobile device while you visit a website. When you shop in our online store, cookies help us remember your preferences, account settings, form data that you have entered, items you place in your shopping cart, and items you purchase. We can use cookies to compile data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can improve your experience on our website and make product recommendations based on your basket contents and your purchases.

It is your choice to accept cookies or not. Cookie preferences can be set in your web browser. For instance, you can choose to have your web browser warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose disable cookies altogether. As is the case with most websites, turning off cookies may result in some website services not functioning properly, such as our online store. If you choose not to use cookies, you can still place orders by contacting customer service via phone, fax or email using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Data Collection & Usage by Third Parties

We allow selected third-party companies like Google, Facebook, AddThis, PayPal, Akismet, FreshChat, and MailChimp to collect personal and non-personal information when you visit our website, shop in our online store, fill out a form on our website, or read some of the email communications we send to you. These companies use this information collected during your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or a third-party web beacon (i.e. a pixel) to collect this information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice, you can visit You may opt out of the collection and use of information collected by third parties such as Google, Facebook, and AddThis used for ad targeting by visiting

Non-personal data collected by third parties may help us to understand and analyze trends, administer our website, gather demographic and behavioral information about our site visitors, and improve the design and content of our products and services. We may use services provided by Amazon, Google, and AddThis to place ads on our website that may be of interest to you. We may use services like MailChimp to collect data about how you interact with our emails to you and how you shop in our online store, and to make product suggestions by email. We use Akismet to block spam comments and to collect your IP address and other data you enter into a comment form.

The Skeptics Society is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

Deletion of Your Personal Information

You may request that we delete the personal information that we have collected by emailing and providing sufficient information to allow us to verify that you are the person about whom we have collected personal information and describe your request in sufficient detail to allow us to understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may make changes to this privacy policy at which time we will update this page and change the date at the end of this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, or your choices and rights regarding such collection and use, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

The Skeptics Society
P.O. Box 338
Altadena, California
91001, United States
+1.626.794.3119 (telephone)
+1.626.794.1301 (fax)

Privacy Policy updated December 31, 2019.

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Copyright © 1992–2020. All rights reserved. The Skeptics Society | P.O. Box 338 | Altadena, CA, 91001 | 1-626-794-3119. Privacy Policy.