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                    Waste collector permits

                    All companies collecting waste or recycling from the central city must hold the appropriate permit and comply with all conditions of that permit. ​Permits to collect waste in the central city are valid for one financial year.

                    Find out more:

                    Central city and restricted areas

                    The central city encompasses the area bounded by Spring Street to the east, Flinders Street to the south and Spencer Street to the west and along La Trobe, William and Peel streets to Victoria Street in the north.

                    Restricted areas or 'hot spots' are zones within the central city, where waste collections may not take place between the hours of 11pm and 6am:

                    • Flinders Lane: Flinders Lane between Swanston Street and Mill Place, Cocker Alley, Monaghan Place, Scott Alley, Manchester Lane, Royston Place, Centre Place, Degraves Place, Lingham Lane, Rothsay Lane, Staughton Alley, Flinders Court, Bligh Place, Mill Place.
                    • Bank Place: Little Collins Street between Queen Street and Temple Court Place, Austral Lane, Bank Place, Roeszler Lane, Mitre Lane, Little Collins Street, Normanby Lane, New Chancery Lane, Temple Court Place.
                    • Finlay Alley: Finlay Alley, Hardware Street, Ozimek Lane.

                    A map showing the central city area and hot spot zones can be viewed below.

                    Information for waste collectors – FAQs

                    What information do I need to include with our permit application?

                    ​We require the following information:

                    • up-to-date business details and contact information
                    • the registration numbers of all vehicles which your company will use to collect waste in the central city.

                    How long will the permit last?

                    ​Permits to collect waste in the central city are valid for one financial year. Permits expire on 30 June. If you intend to collect waste in the central city need to apply for and obtain a new permit before the start of July each year.

                    What are the permit conditions?

                    1. This permit is only for use for waste collection vehicles owned by the permit holder or leased or hired by the permit holder during the permit term. For the avoidance of doubt, any waste collection vehicles owned, leased or hired by a sub-contractor of the permit holder must have a waste collection permit in the name of that sub-contractor.
                    2. Waste collection vehicles must display corresponding waste collection permit stickers by affixing them to the left hand side of the windscreen so that they are clearly visible at all times.
                    3. Waste collection vehicles must prominently display on their exterior the name and telephone number of the permit holder unless otherwise agreed by Council.
                    4. Waste collection vehicles must be fit for purpose including meeting any requirements of VicRoads and the Australian Design Rules and be safe and in good working order, including servicing being up to date.
                    5. Following waste collection, waste containers including bins must be returned to their original point of collection.
                    6. Waste collection can only occur between 6:00am and 11:00pm from prescribed hot spot areas (see Local Laws 2019, Prescription 16-2019 and the following map at 
                    7. Maintain an up to date database of all waste containers being serviced by the permit holder, including bins that collection occurs from containing at least the following information:
                      • a unique identifiable number for waste containers including bins (eg. a serial number that has been hot stamped)
                      • the location where the bin is placed for collectionthe name, address and telephone number of the business which uses the bin and its premises
                      • the size of the bin
                      • whether the bin is for general waste, recycling or other
                      • the frequency of collection

                    8. Waste collection can only occur from waste containers including bins that are included on the permit holder’s database and which prominently display on their exterior the name and phone number of the permit holder as well as the business name and address of the premises from which the waste belongs and the frequency of collection of the waste.
                    9. The permit holder must comply with all laws in reliance on this permit. To the extent of any inconsistency between this permit and the law, the law prevails.
                    10. The permit holder must comply with (and is responsible for compliance by their employees, agents and volunteers) with this permit.
                    11. Upon giving 14 days prior notice to the permit holder including for breach of this permit, the City of Melbourne may in its absolute discretion, suspend, amend and/or cancel this permit. Where the City of Melbourne suspends, amends and/or cancels this permit, neither the permit holder nor any other person is entitled to any payment, compensation or damages of any kind whatsoever from City of Melbourne.
                    12. Any breach of this permit whether or not caused directly by the permit holder may result in the City of Melbourne refusing to issue any further permit without recourse by the permit holder or any other person impacted by such refusal, including any claim for payment, compensation or damages of any kind whatsoever from City of Melbourne.

                    What will happen if we do not obtain a permit?

                    ​Any company collecting waste or recycling from the central city without a valid permit risk being fined up to $2000 for each offence.

                    What information do we need to record in our bin database?

                    You must maintain a current database containing all the following information for every bin collected:

                    • A unique identifiable number, such as a serial number hot stamped on the bin.
                    • The location where the bin is placed for collection
                    • The name, address and telephone number of the business which uses the bin
                    • The size of the bin
                    • Whether the bin is for garbage or recycling.
                    • The frequency that each bin will be collected.

                    Do we need to provide a copy of our bin database to the City of Melbourne?

                    ​No. While every waste company must maintain an up-to-date database of every bin in the central city (including all the information listed above), waste companies do not need to provide this database to the City of Melbourne.

                    The database is to make sure your company always has accurate information about all your bins in case there is an issue which needs to be followed up.

                    For example, there may be a problem with one of the bins being collected by your company (such as a bin being left out on the street for several days after it is collected). We may contact you for the details of the business using the bin so we can work through the issue with them. You will be expected to have accurate and up-to-date details to help us with our query.

                    What information needs to be displayed on our bins?

                    ​You must make sure that all the bins, skips, dumpsters and carts your company uses to collect waste within the central city of Melbourne are clearly labelled with your company name, address and phone number.

                    What information needs to be displayed on our trucks?

                    ​You must make sure that all the trucks your company uses to collect waste within the central city of Melbourne are clearly labelled with your company logo / branding.

                    What will happen to our bins if they are not labelled properly?

                    Bins must be labelled with the waste company name, address, phone number and premises where waste is being collected from. 

                    Bins which are unidentifiable will be removed.

                    Where are the designated areas where collection is restricted to between 6am and 11pm?

                    Waste colllection may not take place between the hours of 11pm and 6am in restricted areas or 'hot spot zones' within the central city.  

                    View the map with restricted areas / hot spot zones.

                    What happens to the information I provide to the City of Melbourne?

                    ​Information you provide to the City of Melbourne to meet your requirements under the waste laws is confidential. We will only use this information internally and will not disclose it externally unless required by law.

                    What will happen if our company doesn’t meet the conditions of our permit?

                    ​Any company without a valid permit, or any company which fails to meet the requirements of a waste collection permit, will risk being fined up to $2000 for each offence.

                    Apply for a waste collection permit

                    Complete the following form to apply for a waste collection permit. 

                    Please note: you can't save this form once you've started. Before you start your application, make sure you have the registration numbers of all vehicles which your company will use to collect waste in the central city.

                    Company details


                    Postal address (if different from above)

                    Contact person

                    Information about waste collection vehicles

                    Please upload:

                    • A photograph or file containing a photograph of one of your trucks showing the waste company logo/branding and contact details.
                    • A document containing the registration details of all waste collection vehicles owned, leased and/or hired by the permit holder during the permit term which will be collecting waste within the central city of Melbourne from 1 July to 30 June (up to one financial year). For the avoidance of doubt, any waste collection vehicles owned, leased or hired by a sub-contractor of the permit holder must have a waste collection permit in the name of that sub-contractor.

                    Acceptable formats are Word, Excel and standard image formats. Please ensure the total combined file size is less than 7 MB.


                    I declare that I am an authorised representative of the applicant waste company and that all details in this application are true and correct. I understand and consent to the information provided in this application being used by City of Melbourne. Should a permit be granted, I agree to comply with all permit conditions. (required)

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