Michael ShermerCont verificat


Author Giving the Devil His Due, Host Science Salon Podcast, Publisher Skeptic Magazine, Presidential Fellow Chapman University.

Santa Barbara, CA
S-a alăturat în aprilie 2009


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  1. Tweet fixat
    8 apr.

    My new book, Giving the Devil His Due (Cambridge University Press) comes out April 9. Order online here If you prefer a signed copy order here: Your interest & support of my work is much appreciated.

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  2. acum 9 ore

    Another epic ride with Mighty Mike Reese today. I gave him a copy of my book Why People Believe Weird Things. He reciprocated with this book today. Interesting. I wonder what it’s about? Does it come in audio edition?

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  3. acum 12 ore

    The fetishization of the Confederacy/South astonishes me inasmuch as it stood for slavery, racism, segregation, discrimination & disenfranchisement...AND THEY LOST! (The "states rights" argument for Civil War is BS.) Why not just hang a banner that says "LOSER"? Time to move on.

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  4. acum 12 ore

    Of 1,747 public Confederate statues most were put up in early 20th century & not just to honor soldiers. Meant also to reinforce policies behind Jim Crow laws to disenfranchise & remove political/economic gains made by blacks during Reconstruction.

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  5. 27 iun.

    If you're looking for some weekend content consumption consider listening to the Science Salon podcast with some amazingly interesting and informative guests:

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  6. 27 iun.

    Good obit for Anders Ericsson, he of "10,000 hours rule" of success made famous by Malcolm Gladwell but criticized as too simplistic & dismissive of natural talent (garage band's 10,000 hours ≠ The Beatles). Deliberate practice + talent + luck = success.

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  7. 27 iun.

    I'm against reparations—I think there are better solutions to achieving equal economic opportunity (while acknowledging inequality of outcomes is inevitable). BLM in principle is a no brainer. Of course BLM. As a movement it has become more than a demand for equal negative rights

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  8. 27 iun.

    "Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time. Pay us what you owe us. Our Black skin is not a crime." —Rep. Ayanna Pressley BLM too, of course. But the negative right not to be harassed/killed by police ≠ a positive right to reparations. Not harming vs. helping

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  9. 26 iun.

    This is one of your best conversations ever bringing out the best and most personable out of Super interesting and relevant

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  10. 26 iun.

    We are undergoing 5 crises in 2020 says 1. COVID-19 2. BLM 3. Political realignment (public rejects Republican party under Trump) 4. Social-Justice movement replacement of reason with power. 5. Economic meltdown.

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  11. 26 iun.

    I document this in The Moral Arc, but don't take my word for it. Read and the work of her colleagues who study it and document with data which strategies work and why.

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  12. 26 iun.

    There are exceptions, eg, the U.S. Civil War to end slavery, WWII to end Nazism, the Cold War to end Communism, & peaceful protesting is how the unheard get their voices heard, but violence & attempts at radical change fail far more than they succeed & often have opposite effect.

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  13. 26 iun.

    Those calling for radical change, overthrowing the system, or a revolution, who think "science is stuck" "criminal justice is broken" or "society is stalled": No. The vast majority of social progress past 3 centuries has come about through peaceful/legal reform within systems.

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  14. 26 iun.

    What is Truth, Anyway? My latest Skepticism 101 lecture on: —subjective vs. objective truths —Hume’s theory of causality —correlation/causation —principle of proportionality —miracles/the resurrection —Bayesian reasoning —why even love depends on evidence

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  15. 25 iun.

    The American Museum of Natural History has posted a thoughtful video on the Teddy Roosevelt statue & why they're moving it. It's a model for reasoning through which statues should be moved & why (vs. crazed protesters with ropes & spray paint).

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  16. 24 iun.

    ICYMI... My conversation with on what we can learn about human nature & how lives turn out from poker. I strongly recommend her book. It's a ripping great story of her adventures in a male-dominated game & what she learned along the way.

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  17. 24 iun.

    should be removed. I never understood the fetish over confederate statues & flag. They lost! I agree with Lincoln "With malice toward none; with charity for all...to bind up the nation's wounds" but canonizing losing side symbols (done during Jim Crow) is immoral & ridiculous.

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  18. 24 iun.

    My sense is that this time is different & listening to what black people are saying isn't a bad idea even if most of us whites are not racists & want to do the right thing. Clearly there are problems still in need of solutions. Some words should not be used and some statues...

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  19. 24 iun.

    ...must come down nor all language subjected to PC police. Most people today are not remotely as racists as people were then. Conservatives today are more socially liberal than liberals were in the 1950s. But progress ≠ perfection. Fewer racists ≠ no racists. Perspective.

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  20. 24 iun.

    Given the comments on this tweet I should probably stop tweeting about BLM. —Yes I know "Strange Fruit" doesn't represent the state of the world today—I wrote a book about that (The Moral Arc)! —Yes social movements (Left & Right) sometimes go too far. —Agreed, not all statues

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  21. 23 iun.

    FBI determines that the NASCAR "noose" was just a garage door open rope. Good. I see some online are politicizing it—that the massive support for Bubba Wallace was over a silly thing like a rope. There's a reason captured in the moving song "Strange Fruit"

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