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                    Emergency information
                    Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
                    Read latest updates on our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
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                    Coronavirus (COVID-19)

                    Hands being washed
                    Important information regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).

                    In light of the recent announcement by the Victorian Government, the City of Melbourne is now back under Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions from 11.59pm on Wednesday 8 July for six weeks.  As with the previous period of Stage 3 restrictions, there are only four reasons to leave your home if you live in the City of Melbourne. Please refer to the DHHS guidelines to find out what you can and can’t do in Stage 3.

                    We’re still delivering essential services such as waste and recycling, services to older people, children’s services, homelessness services and animal management. However, the restrictions mean the following changes for some of our other services and facilities:

                    • All City of Melbourne libraries will be closed from 4pm on Wednesday 8 July until further notice. 
                    • All City of Melbourne aquatic and recreation centres, including Melbourne City Baths, North Melbourne Recreation Centre, Kensington Community Recreation Centre, Carlton Baths and North Melbourne Community Centre, Kensington Town Hall, Docklands Hub and Melbourne City Marina will be closed from end of day on Wednesday 8 July until further notice.
                    • All playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment and basketball courts will be closed from Wednesday 8 July
                    • The Queen Victoria Market will continue trading because it’s essential that people have access to fresh food and vegetables. The general merchandise traders will need to close again on the advice of health authorities. 
                    • All City of Melbourne child care facilities will operate as usual at this time. The advice from the State Government is that childcare centres remain open, except where individual services have been directed to close by health authorities.

                    For health information, visit the Department of Health and Human Service’s COVID-19 hub

                    Support for businesses

                    If you're a business owner or employee and need information or support, you can contact our COVID-19 Business Concierge Hotline on 9658 9658 (press 1 for business), or visit Business for more information.

                    Additional support is available for businesses via:

                    • Victorian Government's economic survival and jobs package (contact 13 22 15)
                    • Victorian Government's coronavirus business support
                    • Australian Government's economic response to coronavirus (contact 13 28 46)
                    • City of Melbourne's Business page (contact 9658 9658 and press 1 for business support)

                    Flemington and North Melbourne housing residents

                    City of Melbourne is working with the Victorian Government and community leaders to help provide support to residents in affected buildings in North Melbourne and Flemington.

                    On Sunday 5 July there was initial confusion around food coordination and distribution. We recognise that the logistics of safe and timely food distribution in a situation such as this are complex.

                    As of 9am Monday 6 July, the City of Melbourne will be coordinating a food and goods distribution centre out of North Melbourne Community Centre, in unison with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

                    DHHS is issuing supermarket shopping lists to affected residents so that people can place their orders, and food and goods will then be delivered to each apartment.

                    Other supplies, access to health care, family and mental health support will also be made available.

                    If you are a resident in one of the affected buildings and require assistance, please contact the DHHS hotline on 1800 961 054

                    If you need a translator, first call 131 450. Both services are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

                    City of Melbourne will be communicating twice daily (10am and 4pm) with community leaders in the affected areas to ensure the latest information is available to help them pass on to their communities.  

                    For further information on support available for residents in affected buildings, visit the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website.

                    The City of Melbourne continues to work with the DHHS and the Australian Government Department of Health. As we change our services and the operation of our facilities as appropriate, it’s still vital that people continue to be vigilant, maintain good hygiene and practice physical distancing. Find out about Victoria’s restriction levels.

                    For up-to-date COVID-19 information and what’s happening in Victoria more broadly, please refer to the Department of Health and Human Services. Information is also available in translated resources.

                    How are services changing?

                    In line with advice from the Victorian Government and the Australian Government, we continue to deliver essential services for the community, including aged care support, waste and recycling, homelessness support, maternal and child health care, immunisation services and animal management.

                    Find out what's closed in the City of Melbourne, and how our services will operate by viewing the frequently asked questions below.

                    You’ll find detailed information about our changes in the FAQs below.

                    Economic support for businesses

                    The City of Melbourne announced a local economic package to support city businesses affected by COVID-19.

                    We developed a range of support for businesses, including

                    If you have any questions or need support, contact our COVID-19 Business Concierge Hotline on 9658 9658 (press 1 for business), or visit Business for more information.

                    Additional support is available for businesses via:

                    Cybersecurity and scams
                    Sadly, scammers are using the spread of COVID-19 to take advantage of people across Australia. Please be aware that City of Melbourne does not charge a fee for our grants or hardship policy applications. Visit Scamwatch for more on coronavirus scams or to report an issue.


                    Please read our range of FAQs below for more information regarding our response to COVID-19. We will continue to update this page as information emerges, so please check back regularly.

                    COVID-19 health hygiene

                    What should I do if I have recently returned from overseas?

                    Anyone who has been overseas in the past 14 days or is a close or casual contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 is at the highest risk of infection. Please see the DHHS website for information about what you need to do.

                    What should I do if I have been asked to self-isolate?

                    Where can I get tested for COVID-19?

                    You can get a free COVID-19  test in the City of Melbourne by visiting cohealth central city, located at 53 Victoria Street, Melbourne. Testing is available between 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm. You can make an appointment by calling 03 9448 5536.

                    For a list of all Victorian testing facilities, see the DHHS website

                    What are the symptoms of the coronavirus?

                    Many people who contract COVID-19 will suffer only mild symptoms. However early indications are that the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more at risk of experiencing severe symptoms. See the DHHS website for symptoms.

                    How can I slow the spread of COVID-19?

                    The easiest way to protect yourself and your family is to pay attention to good hand and respiratory hygiene and stay home if you’re unwell, or if you’re not unwell, going out for essential activities only. See the DHHS website for full information on steps you can take to slow the spread of COVID-19.

                    If you are concerned, call the coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 (24 hours).

                    Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only

                    Should I wear a face mask?

                    ​​DHHS and the Australian Government Department of Health do not currently recommend face masks for use by healthy members of the general public who are well.

                    Support for local businesses

                    What support is available to local businesses?

                    ​For FAQs for city businesses visit our business page.

                    What businesses can open in the city?

                    Restaurants, cafes and other hospitality venues, retail, beauty and wellness services, galleries, museums and zoos can open, with specific restrictions in place such as patron numbers and physical distancing, in line with the change in restrictions which commenced from 1 June 2020.

                    For the latest information on the current restrictions visit Victoria’s restriction levels on the Department of Health and Human Services website or check directly with the business.

                    As a consumer, how can I support businesses in the City of Melbourne?

                    You can show your support by:

                    Support for residents

                    What support is available to residents?

                    ​We've introduced the General Financial Hardship Policy for residents impacted by COVID-19. 

                    Residents can request a deferment, waiver, refund, payment plan or extension in paying their permits, licenses, fees and charges. Visit the General Financial Hardship Policy page to learn more and apply. 

                    Support for community groups and organisations

                    What support is available for community groups and organisations during COVID-19?

                    The City of Melbourne has released grants to help people stay connected with their community and support each other during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications are now closed

                    Find out more on our coronavirus response community grants page.

                    Support for international students

                    What support is available for international students during COVID-19?

                    ​The City of Melbourne is committed to ensuring that our international student community is supported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out what we’re doing by visiting International students.

                    Support for local artists

                    What support is available for artists during COVID-19?

                    We expanded our quick response arts grants to support artists and small creative organisations during COVID-19. It’s vital we support artists and small arts organisations to continue their important work.

                    Applications are now closed. Find out how we’re supporting artists in Melbourne via our Arts page

                    City of Melbourne facilities – what's open/closed?

                    What City of Melbourne facilities/services remain open?

                    • All Council's childcare facilities will continue to operate as usual at this time.
                    • Our 480 hectares of parks and gardens are open for essential daily exercise. Please remember to maintain 1.5 metres distance from other people when exercising and avoid gathering in groups larger than two people. (See the full list of closed playgrounds, skate parks and fitness equipment.) 
                    • Artist's studios (creative spaces) will remain open.
                    • Planning, building, waste and recycling and animal management will continue to operate as normal. Our parking officers also continue to patrol the city because they play an important role in maintaining public safety, ensuring our streets are clean, while also responding to complaints from residents and businesses.
                    • All neighbourhood centres and neighbourhood houses are temporarily closed to the public, though some programs and services usually run at neighbourhood houses will run remotely. Connect with your local neighbourhood house by phone, email or social media for more information.
                    • Queen Victoria Market remains open for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, deli items, dairy, bread, eggs and other key essentials. The market is open on Tuesdays and Thursday to Sunday. When visiting the market, only shop for what you need and maintain social-distancing. Visit the QVM website for more information.  
                    • While Melbourne City Marina and Yarra’s Edge Marina onshore facilities (including the lounges, kitchen and bathrooms) are now temporarily closed, existing boating customers can still access their vessel through marina gates. Marina staff also remain online seven days a week and will continue to answer customer queries, monitor CCTV of vessel berths and do site safety checks.

                    What City of Melbourne facilities/services will close under renewed Stage 3 restrictions?

                    In light of the recent announcement by the Victorian Government, the City of Melbourne is now back under Stage 3 COVID-19 restrictions. The below is information about City of Melbourne facilities and services specifically.

                    Playground and outdoor fitness:
                    Playgrounds (see the full list) are now closed.

                    All maternal and child health centres continue to remain temporarily closed to the public, however from 1 June we are providing services through alternative modes of delivery including telephone or electronic consultations and short face-to-face consultations. For more information please contact 9340 1444 or email

                    Recreation centres will be closed from close of business on Wednesday 8 July until further notice.

                    Libraries and community hubs will be closed from 4pm on Wednesday 8 July until further notice. Thousands of free eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, online newspapers, films, videos and learning resources are available free online.

                    Melbourne City Marina will be closed from close of business on Wednesday 8 July until further notice.

                    What other City of Melbourne facilities are closed?

                    ​For the time being, the following facilities are closed:

                    • Melbourne Town Hall Customer Service desk
                    • Kensington Town Hall 
                    • Multicultural Hub
                    • North Melbourne Community Centre
                    • Docklands Hub
                    • All City of Melbourne libraries (see section above)
                    • All City of Melbourne recreation centres (see section above)
                    • Visitor centres at Melbourne Town Hall, Bourke Street Mall, Fitzroy Gardens, Cooks’ Cottage and QVM hub
                    • Arts and cultural venues: Meat Market, Signal, ArtPlay and Arts House
                    • All neighbourhood centres and neighbourhood houses are temporarily closed to the public, though some programs and services usually run at neighbourhood houses will run remotely. Connect with your local neighbourhood house by phone, email or social media for more information.
                    • Community gardens and composts hubs have either closed or scaled back and modified their operations. Please contact the relevant site for more information.
                    • Melbourne City Marina and Yarra’s Edge Marina onshore facilities (including the lounges, kitchen and bathrooms) are now temporarily closed. Existing boating customers can still access their vessel through marina gates. Marina staff also remain online seven days a week and will continue to answer customer queries, monitor CCTV of vessel berths and do site safety checks.

                    City of Melbourne customer service enquiries

                    Can I still visit the Customer Service Desk at Melbourne Town Hall?

                    The Customer Service Desk at Melbourne Town Hall is now closed. Customers can continue to submit enquiries and payments online, and our general enquiries number is still available to support you – call 9658 9658.

                    Specific enquiries can be directed to:

                    • Parking permit applications
                      Customers can email any applications for processing to ( – permits will then be sent out in the mail.
                    • Animal registration renewals
                      All pet owners can find out important information, apply for registration and make payments for registration renewal on our pet registration page.
                    • Health registration renewal payments
                      Visit our health services page for health registration information. To make a payment, please refer to your invoice for options.
                    • Planning enquiries
                      Visit our contact us page to ask submit your planning enquiries.
                    • Rough sleeper belonging collections
                      Belongings can continue to be collected in person at Town Hall.

                    Parks, gardens, playgrounds and equipment

                    What about parks, playgrounds and fitness equipment?

                    ​Playgrounds (see the full list) including skate parks and outdoor fitness equipment, and basketball courts (for non-contact training) will continue to operate at a limited capacity from 1 June, allowing up to 20 people to use them providing they practice 1.5 metre social distancing. Golf courses are open but participants must practice social distancing.

                    Our 480 hectares of parks and gardens are open for essential daily exercise.

                    Please remember to maintain 1.5 metres distance from other people when exercising and avoid gathering in groups of more than two people.

                    Visit our playgrounds page for the full list of closed playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor fitness equipment.

                    Libraries, community hubs, cultural and recreational centres

                    What do I do about my borrowed books?

                    You will not be fined.

                    All loans will be extended until restrictions are eased further and our libraries are fully operational.

                    We are working through a large number of reservations for library books and will contact you when your reservation is ready to be collected.

                    What City of Melbourne facilities are open and closed?

                    Please see the above section ‘City of Melbourne facilities – what’s opened/closed?

                    I have booked a room/space at a City of Melbourne facility – what can I do?

                    Our programming staff are getting in touch with everyone who has booked one of our spaces. 

                    As you can imagine, this is an evolving situation and our staff might not be able to answer every question about rescheduling and refund arrangements right away, but we will keep you informed as this information becomes available.

                    We will not take any new bookings until further notice.

                    Are any library services still available?

                    You can continue to access library collections online, using your library membership number. This includes thousands of free e-books, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and learning resources.

                    If you don’t have a library membership you can sign up online as an eLibrary member.

                    Are you closing your facilities because staff got sick?

                    No. At this point, no City of Melbourne staff have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus. 

                    We are taking this action to try and help slow the spread of COVID-19 within our workforce, and our community.

                    What happens to my gym/recreation centre membership?

                    ​Your membership will automatically be placed on free suspension during the time that we are closed, so you won’t be charged. 

                    Will the Queen Victoria Market remain open?

                    Queen Victoria Market remains open for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, deli items, dairy, bread, eggs and other key essentials. The market is open on Tuesdays and Thursday to Sunday.

                    You can now also shop without leaving your car. Shop for fresh produce and specialty foods including seafood, meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables and have it brought straight to your car as you wait at the designated pickup zone on Queen Street (opposite D Shed). Pickup is available every Market day from 8am. Find out more.

                    When visiting the market, only shop for what you need and maintain social-distancing. Visit the QVM website for more information.

                    Will the City of Melbourne visitor centres remain open?

                    All City of Melbourne visitor centres are closed until further notice.

                    Childcare centres and maternal and child health services

                    Are new parent groups running?

                    We are currently conducting new parent groups via Zoom. If you have not yet discussed this with your maternal and child health nurse, do so when you next make contact so that you can be sent the relevant information.

                    Are breastfeeding clinics running?

                    We are conducting these through alternative modes of delivery including telephone or electronic consults. To make an appointment for a consult with a lactation consultant please call 9340 1444 or email  

                    Are maternal and child health (MCH) services running?

                    All our maternal and child centres are closed to the public. We will be replacing our face-to-face home visits and centre appointments using telephone or electronic consultations.

                    We are currently offering a short 15 minute face to face visit to all babies that were born since March 2020 and have not yet been seen by our service. Please call 9340 1444 or email if we have not seen your young baby or you have any questions about your appointment.

                    As of June 1, we will also be offering a visit for a weight check and physical exam to all children 12 months of age and under.

                    If you have an existing appointment, maternal and child health staff will contact you to offer and consultation via phone, facetime or skype.  Please phone 9340 1444 or email if you have any questions.

                    What about immunisations?

                    ​If your child requires immunisations, please refer to the City of Melbourne immunisation page or contact your GP clinic. 

                    Why aren’t you closing childcare centres?

                    Childcare is considered an essential community service. Advice from the Victorian Government is that all essential services remain operational for now. The City of Melbourne will continue to heed the advice of the Chief Health Officer and the Department of Health and Human Services as the situation evolves.

                    What’s the new Federal Government childcare arrangement?

                    ​The Federal Government has announced subsidised childcare for eligible families who need support during this time. When we receive more direction on this initiative, we will share this information and work with the families who access our childcare services about what it means for them.

                    In-home services

                    Are all City of Melbourne in-home services still running?

                    ​All in-home services are continuing, including domestic assistance, home maintenance, meals, personal care, respite, and individual social support. Our teams are asking COVID-19 screening questions to ensure the health and safety of our clients, community and staff.

                    How and when will existing clients be contacted?

                    ​Existing clients will be contacted by phone for monitoring from Thursday 19 March. Families will be contacted if they are the client’s representative or carer.

                    Are you still taking on new clients for in-home services?

                    ​We are still taking new clients at this time and are adhering to the Victorian Government’s procedures for conducting safe assessments under these new and changing conditions. If you are under 65 (or under 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people), you can contact us directly on 9658 9658 to apply for in-home services. If you are aged 65 and over (or 50 and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people), you need to have a My Aged Care assessment to apply for services. Call 1800 200 422 to apply.

                    Our teams are asking new clients COVID-19 screening questions to ensure the health and safety of our clients, community and staff.

                    What about volunteer roles?

                    ​All volunteer roles for in-home services have ceased as we continue to prioritise the health and wellbeing of our community.

                    Managing construction in the City of Melbourne

                    What temporary changes are City of Melbourne making to construction management?

                    The City of Melbourne will temporarily adjust the management of construction activity in certain cases in the municipality in a bid to fast-track construction projects, save jobs and help limit the economic impact of COVID-19.

                    The temporary measures will allow extensions of working hours on some building sites for commercial, large residential and mixed-use developments.

                    The temporary measures will not be applied as a ‘blanket approval’. They will be administered on a case by case basis under the existing local law via ‘out of hours’ permits.

                    The City of Melbourne will consider the following extensions as a general guideline:

                    • Weekdays: 6am to 8pm (and up to 10pm for some internal fitout works that aren’t externally audible e.g. plastering, painting, etc.)
                    • Saturdays: 7am to 5pm (and up to 10pm for some internal fitout works that aren’t externally audible e.g. plastering, painting, etc.)
                    • Sundays: 10am until 4pm for limited activities related to crane works that are unable to be completed during standard hours.

                    Why is City of Melbourne making these changes?

                    In response to COVID-19, federal and state governments have acknowledged the construction industry as an essential service and determined that it should remain in operation for the time being.

                    The changes will allow the construction industry to work safely and remain viable during these challenging times but they will not allow construction activity around the clock.

                    How will work be monitored?

                    ​The temporary arrangements will be reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure the needs of both local residents and the construction industry are met.

                    Construction sites are subject to increased health and safety precautions including limiting the number of workers on site, adhering to social distancing requirements, following personal hygiene guidelines and regular cleaning of equipment.

                    More officers will be out monitoring building sites to ensure compliance with the regulations. We reserve the right to issue fines or revoke construction permits for sites that don’t follow the rules outlined in their construction permit.

                    Homelessness and social assistance

                    What do I do if I’m self-isolating and have no access to food and essential supplies?

                    ​Victorians self-isolating due to COVID-19 with no access to food and essential supplies can receive emergency relief packages. Please call Victoria’s coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398. More information

                    I am experiencing homelessness / need social assistance, what can I do?

                    There are a number of services in the city that can help with housing, health and other assistance, including getting meals, a shower, or offering a safe space to rest. 

                    Emergency relief and health services:

                    • Salvation Army, 69 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Ph: 03 9653 3299
                    • Living Room, 7-9 Hosier Lane, Melbourne, Ph: 03 9945 2100 or free call 1800 440 188.
                    • Cohealth, 53 Victoria Street, Melbourne, Ph: 03 9448 5536

                    Housing assistance:

                    • Launch Housing, 68 Oxford Street, Collingwood (9am to 5pm), Ph: 03 9288 9611
                    • Launch Housing, 1/11 Chesterville Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192, Ph: 03 9556 5777
                    • Safe Steps (24/7), Ph: 1800 015 188
                    • St Kilda Crisis Centre: (9am to 11pm), Ph: 03 9536 777
                    • Frontyard Youth Services, 19 King Street, Melbourne, Ph: 03 9977 0077

                    Family violence

                    Where can I get support if I’m experiencing family violence or I am concerned for another person’s safety during COVID-19?

                    If you’re experiencing family violence or you’re concerned for another person’s safety during COVID-19, there is help available. Visit our Family Violence Support page for information and contact details. 

                    Please call 000 if you are in immediate danger.

                    Support for impacted casual staff of City of Melbourne-owned/associated facilities

                    How is City of Melbourne supporting existing casual staff impacted by the closure of a City of Melbourne facility?

                    We are investigating ways to provide existing impacted casual staff from facilities owned by, or associated with the City of Melbourne, with opportunities for work over the coming months. 

                    We are also working with YMCA Victoria to help redeploy a number of casual staff who worked in our pools and recreation centres.

                    We are partnering with our major contractors to provide opportunities to affected members of the City of Melbourne team, and we appreciate their assistance in this important initiative.

                    We want to stress that at this stage we are focussed on casual staff who have worked for or in City of Melbourne facilities.

                    Non-City of Melbourne services and facilities

                    Are JUMP bikes still available?

                    ​JUMP bikes have been temporarily suspended from service to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The bikes are no longer available on the Uber app and will be collected and warehoused as quickly as possible.

                    What about public transport?

                    ​Victorian transport agencies are following the advice of the Department of Transport and the Department of Health and Human Services. 

                    What about facilities, venues and services that aren’t owned by the City of Melbourne?

                    ​All venue owners, businesses and service providers in Victoria must follow the advice of the Victorian Government.


                    Can I hold or attend an event in the municipality?

                    There will be a suspension on permits for events of any size for the foreseeable future.  The City of Melbourne will also observe the Australian Government’s ban on non-essential gatherings of 100 people or more in indoor areas.

                    Will I get a refund if my event is cancelled?

                    ​​The City of Melbourne is reaching out to event organisers to discuss the refund approach in the coming weeks.


                    What’s happening with parking right now?

                    Our officers continue to patrol the city and will resume enforcing parking restrictions across the municipality in areas with green signs from Monday 11 May 2020. We’ve also issued temporary parking permits to frontline hospital and emergency services workers responding to COVID-19. Find out more.


                    Can I still gain access to a sports permit during COVID-19?

                    We’ve temporarily stopped issuing recreation permits. This includes permits for pavilions, sport fields, personal training and all seasonal sport.

                    For further information please email

                    What should I do to support my local community?

                    ​It’s important that we all continue to look out for one another. Check in on others and reach out to those most at risk: neighbours living alone, the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions. You may like to confirm their telephone number so you can contact them during periods of isolation. They may also need your help to slowly stock up on essential items and fill prescriptions for essential medicines. Bulk buying is not required.

                    What if people aren’t practising social distancing?

                    ​Social distancing and adhering to governmental health advice is vitally important for the health and safety of our community.

                    If you wish to report breaches of social distancing or quarantine, you can call Victoria Police on 131 444.

                    Will the Queen Victoria Market remain open?

                    Queen Victoria Market remains open for fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, deli items, dairy, bread, eggs and other key essentials. The market is open on Tuesdays and Thursday to Sunday.

                    You can now also shop without leaving your car. Shop for fresh produce and specialty foods including seafood, meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables and have it brought straight to your car as you wait at the designated pickup zone on Queen Street (opposite D Shed). Pickup is available every Market day from 8am. Find out more.

                    When visiting the market only shop for what you need and maintain social-distancing. Visit the QVM website for more information.

                    How do the City of Melbourne’s COVID-19 mitigation measures support the health and wellbeing of people sleeping rough in the city?

                    ​​Our current services and support mechanisms for people sleeping rough in our city remain operational. We continue to heed the advice of state and federal governments and our on-street teams continue to care for rough sleepers in the community.

                    Can I still continue recreational boating?

                    Under the restrictions announced by the Victorian Government on 11 May you can now go boating but you must maintain 1.5 metres between yourself and others. Find out more.

                    What’s happening with citizenship ceremonies?

                    While citizenship ceremonies that normally take place in Melbourne Town Hall are postponed, we’ve begun hosting virtual ceremonies as part of a trial with the Department of Home Affairs. We hosted our first ceremony on Wednesday 22 April and look forward to hosting many more over the coming weeks. Find out more.

                    Is it safe to press the button at traffic lights in the city?

                    Pedestrian crossings in the city are now automatic between 5.30am and 12.30am, so you don’t need to press the button to cross the road. Pedestrian crossings run on a regular loop so you’ll always have the opportunity to cross. This loop coordinates with the surrounding environment like tram timetables and peak travel times to help with traffic flow and keep pedestrians safe when crossing. There are signs on every automated pedestrian crossings in the city to let pedestrians know about this change. Not all traffic light crossings run are automated, such as those outside of the city.

                    Where can I get more information?

                      Was this page helpful?

                      If you have a general enquiry or require a response, please contact us.