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                    How our strategies and plans fit together

                    The City of Melbourne has an integrated planning framework to ensure our strategies and plans fit together to achieve our vision of growing Melbourne as a bold, inspirational and sustainable city.

                    Future Melbourne is our 10-year plan to grow Melbourne as a global city and as one of the top ten most liveable and sustainable cities in the world.

                    It was developed collaboratively with input from more than 15,000 individuals, businesses, organisations and community groups from across Melbourne and the world.

                    Our four-year plans

                    The next tier shows the Council Plan, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and Municipal Strategic Statement.

                    The Council Plan outlines what we will do at a high level to contribute to the community vision and what the community said is important. It sets out nine goals and outcomes against which we will be measured over its four-year term and explains, at a high level, how we will achieve them.

                    The Municipal Strategic Statement is part of the Melbourne Planning Scheme. It describes our objectives for managing local land use and development.

                    Annual Plan

                    The Annual Plan and Budget describes the activities the Council will fund in a single year that will give effect to the Council Plan. The Annual Report outlines how the City of Melbourne performed during the financial year against the Annual Plan and Budget. The report is designed to meet our obligations under Section 131 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Vic).

                    Our transformative strategies

                    These are long-term strategies, usually in partnership with others and in response to a specific city challenge, such as growth.

                    For example, Transport Strategy 2012-2030 addresses challenges relating to growth, liveability, climate and economic competition.

                    Strategic implementation plans describe a course of action to implement the strategy. For example, to implement our Transport Strategy we have:

                    Community engagement

                    We regularly ask the community for feedback on our strategies and plans via Participate Melbourne. Community feedback helps to steer our decisions on planning and renewal, the environment, transport, health, technology, and the community.

                    View current projects open for feedback on Participate Melbourne.

                    More information

                    ​To access our full list of strategies, plans and publications, see Plans and publications.

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