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                    Call to parties: State and Federal elections

                    In the lead up to Victorian State and Federal elections, the Council puts to political parties a range of questions on priority areas impacting on the City of Melbourne.

                    The questions acknowledge the importance of Commonwealth, State and Local Government co-operation in meeting current and future needs of Australia’s fastest growing city.

                    Responses are sought before an election and those received are posted online for the community to review and consider how political parties propose to tackle the priority issues for Melbourne. The response are retained online for the parliamentary term.

                    Outlined below are the questions put to political parties and responses received for upcoming and previous elections:

                    2019 Australian Federal election

                    The City of Melbourne has put the following 19 questions to the Liberal, Labor and Greens parties in the Federal Parliament. Responses have been sought by 18 April and those received will posted below.

                    View the list of 19 questions asked

                    Climate and environment

                    1. Do you understand and accept the scientific consensus on climate change? If so what are your policies to ensure climate mitigation pathways compatible with limiting global temperature rises to no more than 1.5C, including in relation to investment in renewables and industrial carbon emissions regulation?

                    2. Will you legislate a regulatory framework for product stewardship, holding retailers and manufacturers accountable for managing their waste, and also provide national coordination and support for all waste reduction and management including through new large scale recycling infrastructure?

                    3. Will you instigate a national funding scheme dedicated to halt the loss of biodiversity and threatened species in urban areas through funding ‘nature in cities’ programs?


                    4. Do you accept that the Victorian share of Commonwealth infrastructure funding has been far too low for too long, and will you fast-track majority share funding for vital infrastructure projects Airport Rail, Metro Rail 2 and Fishermans Bend Light Rail? What is your proposed expenditure by year for each of these three projects?

                    5. Will you review and replace regulations and directives to CASA and Airservices Australia to ensure that non-emergency flight amenity impacts over built up areas can be effectively monitored, managed and – where they have significant amenity and safety impacts such as occurs in the vicinity of the Yarra River in the inner city – minimised?

                    Social security and community services

                    6. Will you greatly increase the funding available under a new National Housing and Homelessness Agreement, and urgently create a National Homelessness Strategy and allocate sufficient funding to its implementation?

                    7. Will you reverse the assessment changes to the Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) program and provide adequate income and case management support for people seeking asylum while they seek sustainable employment?

                    8. Will you reinstate the ongoing operational funding for adventure playground community hubs that support healthy communities with a focus on disadvantaged children, which was stripped in the 2014 budget? (Federal funding was removed from the Venny, City of Melbourne, $129,000 p.a. indexed; Cubbies in Fitzroy, City of Yarra, $200,000; and Prahran playground, City of Stonnington, $125,000.)

                    9. Will you commit to a comprehensive review of welfare policies and a reform of Centrelink practices, in particular Proof of Identity practices, to ensure homelessness is not exacerbated and that the most vulnerable people in our cities can access social security?


                    10. Will you review the National Strategy for International Education and how will you reduce unscrupulous recruitment practices by educational institutions?

                    11. Will you reduce international student working visa restrictions to enable greater employability?

                    12. Will you provide a policy position and support for the role of international students and their contribution beyond the period they study in a city? A discussion paper covering managing population growth and the potential productivity uplift and connection to the future success of a city and retention of its international student population is recommended.


                    13. What are your plans to ensure a fair share of Commonwealth agency jobs and headquarter locations in Melbourne?

                    Aboriginal Melbourne

                    14. Will you redouble the Commonwealths efforts to close the gap and ensure equality of outcomes for Aboriginal people across major indicators of health, education, training, housing, employment and living standards in the next decade?


                    15. Will you fully restore indexed Australia Council funding (last year’s restoration having fallen short by at least $14m) and commit to avoid Ministerial interference in arts funding programs?


                    16. As Melbourne is the fastest growing city in the country, will you work with the City of Melbourne, and the Victorian Government where appropriate, to pursue a City Deal for Melbourne?

                    17. Given the national significance of the financial implications of cladding rectification for building owners, will you establish a rectification relief fund, providing access to grants and low or interest free loans to expedite unsafe cladding removal?

                    18. Will you commit to a level of support funding to assist in projects that sustain adequate levels of care for World Heritage sites?

                    19. Will you review the national economic, social and financial implications of further development of the metropolitan fringes in comparison to urban consolidation?


                    Call to Parties 2019 response - The Australian Greens
                    Call to Parties 2019 response - Australian Labor Party
                    Call to Parties 2019 response – Liberal Nationals

                    2018 Victorian State Election

                    The City of Melbourne put 17 questions to political parties in the Victorian Parliament in the lead-up to the Victorian State election held on  24 November 2018.

                    The questions put and responses received are outlined below.

                    View the list of the 17 questions asked

                    1. Will you work with the City of Melbourne to secure new public open space in central Melbourne?

                    Projects we seek your views on include:

                    a) the linking of parks along the Flinders St to Southern Cross stations viaduct;

                    b) securing significant new public open space, and establishing a meaningful open space contributions regime, in the Arden precinct ahead of development;

                    c) securing a permanent park on Franklin Street between Swanston and Victoria Streets as a legacy of the Metro Rail project; and

                    d) vesting the triangular site on the Victoria and Exhibition Streets with Council.

                    2. What are your targets and funding commitments for the 2018-22 term for climate adaptation and mitigation in greater Melbourne, including large scale renewable energy investment and stronger Environmentally Sustainable Design requirements in the Victoria Planning Provisions?

                    3. Will you assist the urban renewal of Fishermans Bend and inner city environmental management by transferring Committee of Management status for Westgate Park to the City of Melbourne?

                    4. Will you commit to planning and building new local solutions to the recycling crisis, including the mass diversion of recyclables to waste, and waste to landfill, working with local governments?

                    5. Will you commit to a canopy cover target on all State Government managed land in greater Melbourne to contribute to help create a metropolitan Urban Forest?

                    6. What are your plans to tackle homelessness including with housing-first models where real social and health support is wrapped around stable medium-term housing solutions?

                    7. Where will you fund and build safe bicycle commuter routes of state significance into the central city, and will you complete a bike share policy including the regulation of dockless shared bikes trading on public space, noting that Local Government lacks legal authority to regulate?

                    8. Will you seek a clear mandate to commence Metro Rail 2 on an identified route, and complete designs, planning and tenders by 2022?

                    9. By when will you complete and publish an integrated transport strategy for Victoria as required under the Transport Integration Act 2010?

                    10. Will you commit to a new Memorandum of Understanding to coordinate State, Local and community strategic planning- and governance-framework setting, to ensure the efficient planning of declared urban renewal areas in the municipality?

                    11. Will you review Part 3 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (‘amendment of planning schemes’) to improve the efficiency and coordination of amendments and reduce the increasingly litigious nature of panels, working with the City of Melbourne and stakeholders?

                    12. What are your concrete plans to progress State housing affordability policy, particularly with regards to using underutilised State Government land for new public housing, and in rolling out inclusionary zoning on a large scale?

                    13. Will you remove the 25,000 sqm gross floor area threshold where the Minister for Planning becomes the Responsible Authority for planning applications, returning responsible authority status to the City of Melbourne, in the interests of removal of duplication between State and Local Government? Or at least increase the threshold to 50,000 sqm?

                    14. Will you comprehensively and urgently review (with genuine City of Melbourne and public input) planning, building and owners corporation laws with a view to significantly clarifying categories of accommodation and tenancy types and ensure a fairer system for all high density residents?

                    15. Will you announce your plans for the future use of the Melbourne Youth Justice Centre and precinct in Parkville, and will you work with the City of Melbourne to ensure a clear plan for Parkville Gardens generally, so as to reduce the incidence of ad hoc planning rule changes site by site?

                    16. Will you set out a funding and delivery timeline for delivery of the Harbour Esplanade masterplan, fully integrated with the Stadium precinct and a renewed whole-of-Docklands Community and Place Plan?

                    17. Will you work with the City of Melbourne and other effected Councils to introduce new student accommodation design standards, similar to the Better Apartment Design Standards?


                    Call to Parties 2018 response - Australian Greens Victoria
                    Call to Parties 2018 response - Fiona Patten’s Reason Party Victoria
                    Call to Parties 2018 response - ALP Victoria
                    Call to Parties 2018 response - Liberal Nationals
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