The  campaigning 
organisation for pensioners in the UK

Across the country, pensioners are getting together to actively  campaign on a range of issues from the NHS and bus services, to saving local libraries and improving housing.

Individuals or groups can be as active as they want to be - and the NPC has categories of membership for all ages.

The Annual Convention is widely regarded as one of the most important activities in the pensioner movement’s calendar. There is nothing else like it in the country. ​Find our more on the Events page. 

The NPC General Secretary, Jan Shortt, has written to the Dr. Thérèse Coffey, Secretary of State Work & Pensions, to urge government to suspend the planned increase in October of the state pension age to 66.

Read the letter here


June's Campaign!

The June edition of Campaign is available to read now - the colour version is here or black and white here


The NPC & Royal College of Psychiatrists mental health survey can be found here


The NPC General Secretary, Jan Shortt, has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, to express our concerns around reports that the state pension ‘triple lock’ is under threat once again and to urge him to commit to protecting it. The letter can be found here


The NPC is appealing to the PM to put his ‘bold words’ into action to save free the TV licence for over 75’s being scrapped - Find the TV Licence Press Release here


Further NPC Letters about the BBC TV licence for the over 75s


Read the NPC Letters about the BBC TV licence for the over 75s


Read the NPC Letters about Test & Trace


Read the NPC Letters about the BBC TV licence for the over 75s


Read the NPC Letters to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care


Scale of tragedy in our care homes need not be happening. Read the full statement here.


The NPC has had requests for a window poster. Please share it online and download the Generations United poster here


The NPC has been active and in the news. See some recent press articles here and here


The National Pensioners’ Convention is calling on the Government to urgently reconsider new guidelines on the discharge of hospital patients to care homes during the Coronavirus public health emergency. Read our full statement here.


The National Pensioners’ Convention is appalled that weeks into the Coronavirus emergency medical and care staff are still without life-saving Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) - and still not being priority tested. Read our full statement here.


Futher to the recent reduced office days, from 27.03 the NPC office will be closed. Please read the full announcement here


What do we do?

The NPC’s main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of all pensioners, as a way of securing dignity, respect and financial security in retirement.


The NPC organises rallies and lobbies of MPs, leads delegations to parliament and makes submissions to government on policies affecting older people.

Who do we represent?

The NPC represents around 1.5 million members in over 1,000 different organisations across the UK. 


The NPC campaigns for both today's and tomorrow's pensioners, and uniting the generations in defence of the welfare state and public services is an important part of our work.

In the news

In the news

Why should you get involved?
What is the Annual Convention? 

Find out what we stand for 

Decent State Pensions 

Universal Benefits

A National Care Service 




Fuel Poverty




Also In the News

NPC Writes to MPs to save free TV licence for over 75s from the axe

The NPC has sent personal letters to every UK MP asking them to save the over 75s free TV licence from the axe on May 31. Although the Government has launched a consultation on whether non-payment of  the licence fee should be decriminalised,  many over 75s will still have to choose whether to heat, eat or keep their TV switched on from June 1. The NPC wants the Government to take back responsibility for funding the free licence from the BBC. Read more here.


Manifesto Comparison

The National Pensioners Convention have released a comparison of the manifestos produced by the main parties, which can be found here. A black and white copy can be found here.


'A Pensioners' Manifesto

The National Pensioners Convention have released their manifesto.

At the General Election, the NPC will call on all candidates to support a manifesto that puts the concerns of today’s and tomorrow’s pensioners at the heart of the political process.The manifesto can be found here.



The NPC produces regular newsletters looking at the various aspects of older people's lives. You can read the latest editions below:

Women's newsletter

Minority Elders' newsletter


Tackling the Housing Crisis

Tony O’ Brien executive committee member and chair of our newly established housing working party has recently published a book entitled “Tackling the housing crisis”

All details can be found on the leaflet found here


NPC calls for closer monitoring of older people as the Coronavirus spreads. Many with pre-existing health conditions will be self-isolating as a precaution - there’s a real danger that those with no one looking out for them could slip through the net for treatment. See NPC General Secretary Jan Shortt’s statement here:


NPC General Secretary Jan Shortt talks to BBC Newcastle’s Alfie and Anna at Breakfast about the older people who are most in danger from Coronavirus – those who live alone.
 Click here to listen
National Pensioners Convention
 Marchmont Community Centre, 62 Marchmont Street, London WC1N 1AB 
020 7837 6622 /
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