
Updates & Discussion


One thought on “Updates & Discussion

  1. Barbara says:

    I am concerned about allegations of Labour Party anti-Semitism. What Naz Shah said relates to a common perception that the US is maintaining Israel in the Middle East. Like many others I believe Israel has every right to remain in the land of its heritage, but I think what she posted was political, not anti-Semitic. You could draw a similar map for the Falklands, Gibraltar, Puerto Rico, etc.
    As for Ken Livingstone, I have no idea whether Hitler ever supported Zionism, but it would have made perfect sense if he had, because it would have a way to persuade more Jews to leave Germany. In this case it seems to me that we are talking about history, correct or incorrect — not about Ken being anti-Semitic.

    Just to make it clear, I am of Jewish heritage, and I have no intention of defending allegations against us of greed, long noses, economic control of the world, and so on!!


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