Malmö, $weden: Arson attack against mobile phone tower

June 24th, 2020

Three weeks ago a 4G/3G mobile phone tower was torched. We did this as a response of pure hostility to the technoindustrial nightmare we are living in.

Like a vengeful wraith, we placed our enchanted incendiary devises in the cables connecting the tower to the leviathanic network. We howled to the moon when we lit the fuses and cursed the civilisation for all eternity. Only by fire can the technoindustrial leviathan be exorcised. Minutes later the cables were engulfed by a raging fire making the tower loose its connection to cyberspace. In the sudden silence when mobile phone calls and internet connections became emptiness, only the devouring fire could be heard.

Only darkness brings us to the place where we feel at home. The bright industrial lights that make the city shine burnes our eyes and clouds our hearts. But the cybernetic silence we caused with our fire to the tower made our bodies feel alive and joy filling our hearts.

Today everything is back to normality except the burnt cables and the silenced tower. Programmers and bosses are waging the next assault on our beloved darkness. 5G towers are now live in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. The next level of Levathianic control are rolled out in front of our eyes. The slaves of the society are applauding their incarceration.

We wish that the totality of civilisation was engulfed in flames. Burnt to ashes darkness would finally flourish. In every step our foot touch the concrete and asphalt we put a curse on Leviathan. In every step our foot touch earth and soil and plants and roots we sing our joy for the dark and the wild.

We know that a future without Leviathan never will come but this doesn’t stop us from dreaming of its death. It never stops us from conjuring incendiary devices burning its rotting body. It never stops us from cursing its shining armour and techno industrial light. Kill kill kill is all that Leviathan can say. Burn burn burn is our response.

Little cursing and conjuring lovers of darkness

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‘La capacidad heurística de la Anarquía’ – Gustavo Rodriguez

June 22nd, 2020

Jack Halberstam, un conocido teórico queer, comprometido con el «proyecto antisocial» y, activo militante contrasexual, da inicio a su libro El arte queer del fracaso
i, con un exergo irreverente y divertido, tomado del capítulo 20 de la primera temporada de Bob Esponja, que invita a la reflexión:

Don Cangrejo: ¡Y justo cuando crees que has encontrado la tierra prometida, te cogen de los pantalones y te suben arriba, y más arriba, y más arriba, y MÁS ARRIBA, hasta que te suben a la superficie, dando coletazos y jadeando para respirar! Y entonces te cocinan, y te comen… ¡o algo peor!
Bob Esponja (aterrorizado): ¿Qué puede ser peor que eso?
Don Cangrejo (en voz baja): Una tienda de regalos.ii

Halberstam, conservando ciertos «aires de familia» con la perspectiva queer anarco/nihilista, establece una analogía entre los miedos que horrorizan a Bob Espoja y, nuestras amenazas cotidianas en esta muerte en vida que impone la dominación: «Bob Esponja quiere saber cuál es la alternativa a trabajar todo el día para Don Cangrejo, o a ser capturado en la red de los objetos del capitalismo cuando intenta escapar»iii. Su libro, como nos advierte desde el primer párrafo de su Introducción, «es una especie de “Guía Bob Esponja” de la vida» donde abandona el «idealismo de la esperanza». Apoyándose en la «baja teoría» que toma prestada y adapta de los estudios culturales de Stuart Hall, apuesta por la reivindicación del fracaso que «conserva algo de la maravillosa anarquía de la infancia y perturba el supuesto claro límite entre adultos/as y niños/as, entre vencedores/as y perdedores/as. Y aunque es cierto que el fracaso viene acompañado de un conjunto de afectos negativos, como la decepción, la desilusión y la desesperación, también nos da la oportunidad de utilizar esos afectos negativos para crear agujeros en la positividad tóxica de la vida contemporánea»iv (subrayado mío). Read the rest of this entry »

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Thessaloniki: Anarchist hangout Nadir – Financial support to political prisoners in Greece & Italy

June 22nd, 2020

On June 12, 2020, a financial aid party was held in Thessaloniki/Greece for the case of the two arrested on 27/5 at Kalamaria/Thessaloniki.

The money raised was 1,000 euros and after it was initially handed over to the “Solidarity Assembly of the 2 arrested comrades”, if we were informed that the amount had been collected (20,000 euros) we decided to ask for it back to meet other needs of political anarchist prisoners.
Thus, the money will be allocated to the accused in the “Scripta Manent” case (500 euros) and to the members of the Revolutionary Struggle Nikos Maziotis (250 euros) & Pola Roupa (250 euros).

Below are the contact details where one can provide financial support.

For the “Scripta Manent” case

Iban: IT56M0567617295IB0000592586
Account holder: Omar Nioi
Bank: Banco di Sardegna or Bank: Banca di Sassari
Bic / Swift code: SARDIT3S100 or BPSAIT31XXX

For the case of the “Revolutionary Struggle”

Maziotis Nikolaos
D wing of Domokos prison
Post Code 35010 Domokos

Roupa Panagiota
C wing of women’s prisons in Eleonas, Thebes
Post Code 32200 Thebes

Anarchist hangout Nadir

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‘Adesso Che Avete Paura’

June 19th, 2020


E’ sempre più chiaro ormai come il modello economico dominante, sacrifichi alla legge del profitto e della competizione esasperata qualsiasi espressione di libertà individuale, uguaglianza e solidarietà sociale.
Di fronte a tutto ciò, numerosi sono gli scenari di rivolta che esplodono e si ramificano in ogni parte del mondo.
Dal confederalismo democratico curdo, ai territori autonomi zapatisti, da Hong Kong al Chile.

In questi ultimi mesi, il modo in cui la pandemia da Covid è stata gestita ha ulteriormente amplificato e reso evidente la disuguaglianza tra chi il sistema lo subisce e chi pretende di controllarlo.
Questo ha reso più estrema la tensione sociale e il suo potenziale esplosivo.

La morte di George Floyd, di per sé un evento non eccezionale nel contesto della brutalità di un sistema che giornalmente uccide e devasta, vissuto nel momento del lock down globale a causa della pandemia, ha scatenato a livello internazionale un’esplosione di rabbia che si è manifestata in molteplici forme: dall’assedio dei distretti di polizia, ai saccheggi di quei beni a cui molt* non hanno più o non hanno mai avuto la possibilità di accedere, alle grandi manifestazioni di piazza. Read the rest of this entry »

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BAD News #35: Angry Voices From Around The World

June 19th, 2020

Welcome to the 35th edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for June, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to a-radio-network@riseup.net.
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org.


1. The Final Straw Radio:
• Interview about the liberation of a former Sheraton Hotel in Minneapolis.

2. A-Radio Berlin:

• Interview about a new feminist campaign in Germany to raise awareness to the abortion topic.

3. Radio Fragmata:

• Updates on the general situation, the movement and the struggles in Greek territory.

4. Invisible Radio:

• Voices of people from Moria camp

5. R.O.S.E. (Athens):

• News from Greece.

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Italy: “What International?” – Interview with Anarchist Prisoner Alfredo Cospito [Part 3]

June 19th, 2020

The following interview is the 3rd part in an ongoing dialogue between anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, who is currently imprisoned at Ferrara Prison, and the editors of the Italian anarchist newspaper Vetriolo [Vitriol]. As far as we know, the first part of the interview has not been made available in English, however part two was translated by the Abolition Media Worldwide comrades in April 2019. Vetriolo have published the interview in parts, and have plans to publish the interview in its entirety in a forthcoming publication. We hope that we have captured the original spirit of the interview with our translation, however we are acutely aware of the possibility that some errors may have been made and we welcome any correspondence regarding any errors that may need correcting. To request copies of Vetriolo, they can be contacted via vetriolo[at]autistici.org

In some of your recent writings you have wanted to open a debate on: action and affinity groups, individual actions, claims of responsibility, ways to informally organize oneself among anarchists and propaganda through direct action. There are many different experiences that reach the present day, many and diverse within the different tensions of anarchism. We do not believe that there is, for the anarchism of action, an unavailability or impossibility with respect to the current historical context. Anarchists, in different ways and in every age, have always acted “here and now”. We would like to ask you, evaluating these experiences and different ways of acting and organizing in a horizontal and anti-authoritarian way: could one say that there is, especially in Italy, an ideological prejudice against “informal organization”, “anarchist groups”, and “claims of responsibility”? Equally, is the debate, which often ends up in mockery for its own sake, far from being able to confirm absolute validity or theoretical-practical evidence regarding “reproducibility, informality, anonymity”, in the Italian context conditioned by methodical, functional and a priori productive calculations, in a distorted logic of “factions”?

The “ideological” prejudice against informal organisation here is nothing new. Although there is no doubt that some concretizations of informal practice are more acceptable to “classical” anarchist organising than others. The “small” reproducible, unclaimed actions against structures of domination, without initials of any kind, create fewer problems than actions that endanger the lives of men and women in power, especially if these are claimed with initials that have a constancy over time. The former compared to the latter are more acceptable to the “movement” for the simple reason that they give rise to less intense repression by the State. The rejection of insurrectionism or informal experiences such as FAI/FRI by “classical” anarchism is almost always motivated as an “ethical” rejection of violence and specifically of certain actions (bomb attacks, arson attacks, parcel bombs, knee-cappings, expropriations…). Read the rest of this entry »

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Interview with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran

June 18th, 2020

Dear all,

We are now republishing an interview by The Final Straw Radio (TFSR) with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran to share perspectives from membership in Iran and abroad about resistance to the regime from within, solidarity from abroad, the impact of US sabre-rattling. This interview is from January 2020.

Length: 52:26 min

You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here: https://www.aradio-berlin.org/en/audios-2/.

More information from the Union can be found here (posts are mostly in Persian) …

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Madrid, España: ¿Maquinaria de la caridad o solidaridad revolucionaria?

June 17th, 2020

EN | Charity machinery or revolutionary solidarity?

PDF: ¿Maquinaria de la caridad o solidaridad revolucionaria?

“…establecer, fuera de toda política burguesa, la solidaridad de la acción revolucionaria…”

Las redes de apoyo mutuo, las redes vecinales, el voluntariado (o los asalariados), los bancos de alimentos, todo el inmenso aparato surgido en pocas semanas para contener las desastrosas consecuencias económicas y sociales que la pandemia ha provocado han acaparado la atención de muchas, bien sea por altruismo, bien sea por pura y simple necesidad. Y es normal, dado que como en cualquier crisis que atraviese el sistema capitalista, las consecuencias más graves las sufren en mayor medida aquellos que previamente a la crisis estaban ya jodidos, es decir, los y las pobres, en Madrid o en Sebastopol. Los capitalistas siguen una sencilla lógica: socializar las pérdidas, cuando las haya, y acaparar los beneficios, siempre. Es una de las lógicas que atraviesan una sociedad dividida entre explotados y explotadores, entre gobernados y gobernantes. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Solidarität – Jetzt erst recht! Samstag 15 Uhr Kundgebung Oranienplatz (Germany)

June 17th, 2020

Liebe Freundi*nnen und Genoss*innen,

nachdem die Polizei am letzten Samstag eine Solidaritätskundgebung für Gefangene in der Türkei willkürlich unterbunden hat, wollen wir auf diesen Termin nochmal besonders aufmerksam machen und euch einladen, am wöchentlichen Protest, teilzunehmen.

(jeden) Samstag, 15 Uhr Oranienplatz (Berlin-Kreuzberg)

Der Kampf der Gefangenen in der Türkei, ob der der revolutionären Anwälte, der Mitglieder von Grup Yorum oder den politischen Gefangenen, steht im Allgemeinen für den Kampf um Gerechtigkeit für alle Menschen und den Widerstand gegen Faschismus.

— Hier ein Bericht der letzten Woche —

Quelle: https://de.indymedia.org/node/88799

[B] Polizei verhindert Solidaritätskundgebung

Eine für Samstag den 13. Juni geplante Kundgebung in Berlin-Kreuzberg konnte nicht statt finden.

Seit mehreren Wochen findet jeden Samstag um 15 Uhr auf dem Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg eine Solidaritätskundgebung für Gefangene in der Türkei statt.

Worum geht es bei der dieser Kundgebung? Read the rest of this entry »

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Some recent translations and some prisoner news from so-called Au$tralia

June 17th, 2020

Received from AWW:

Germany: A Reply to the City of Berlin’s Declaration of War Against Anarchists

Matraville, Australia: Black Lives Matter Statement from Prisoners at Long Bay Prison

Italy: Updates & Reflections Regarding the Repressive Operation ‘Prometheus’

Italy: Those Who Do Not Die Find Themselves – Thoughts on Repressive Operation ‘Ritrovo’

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Spain: Update on Imprisoned Anarchist Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

June 16th, 2020

FR | ES | EL | IT

15.06.2020: Last Thursday, June 11, the Provincial Court, the court at the base of the judicial pyramid in Spain, demonstrated its inquisitorial power by rejecting the request for annulment of the OEDE (European Arrest Warrant) that sent our comrade back to the dungeons of the State after three and a half years of freedom.

After a year and a half of clandestinity, Gabriel was arrested last January 25th in Portuguese territory as a result of the above-mentioned OEDE issued by the Court No. 2 in Girona (specifically by Judge Mercedes Alcázar Navarro), with the intention that he would serve another 16 years in prison counted as a residual sentence (response to the complaint of malfeasance against the judge for having hidden the order for Gabriel’s immediate release in June 2016, which delayed his release, that judge has set in motion her own revenge!).

After three and a half months of pre-trial detention (months during which it was clear that Portugal had submitted to the pressure of Girona Court No. 2 and that the European rules that would have allowed the release of our comrade had not been applied), on 12 May, he was handed over to the Spanish authorities and is currently in the prison of Badajoz (Extremadura). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

$hile: Sale Rebrote nº 5 (mayo-junio 2020), boletín anticarcelario para presxs

June 14th, 2020

Palabras previas

Compañerxs, tenemos el gusto de compartir con ustedes la publicación de un nuevo número del boletín anticarcelario Rebrote.

Anhelamos profundamente que los gestos de solidaridad hacia lxs presxs se sigan proliferando a pesar de este complicado contexto de crisis y control social, en donde las expresiones del apoyo mutuo entre marginadxs se diversifican con la finalidad de sobrevivir mientras el aumento de la militarización de las calles pareciera volverse algo ya cotidiano. Read the rest of this entry »

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Philadelphia: 9 Security Cams Sabotaged for June 11th Day of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners (U$A)

June 13th, 2020

On June 11, international day of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, as a small act against policing and imprisonment we cut wires of nine security cameras in a concentrated area. We want to remind prisoners that they are with us in the struggle against white supremacy and police.

Let’s keep things conflictual, forever fuck cops, towards a world with no prisons!


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Statement from Etniko Bandido about the Anti-Terror Bill and in solidarity to Black Lives Matter (Philippines)

June 13th, 2020

#Flush the Terror Bill in the Toilet Bowl #Government is the Real TERRORIST #Abolish Fascist State #In Solidarity to Black Lives Matter

At this moment in time, abuse of power and the dominance by police, military, politician and State itself are became common practices in different parts of world. In the US, the police killed George Floyd in broad daylight with witnesses standing in front of them. The urge to repress the breathing of a human being justify how State’s forces cruel intention towards its people. This kind of killing and violence made by the police, military and authority in uniform in many parts of the world shows how savagery and dangerous in living under this system. In the Philippines alone, more than 20,000 lives lost since 2016 in the so-called War on Drugs instigated by the State. In the history of human kind, you cannot make an assurance living peacefully while at the same time having a police or military in your community because this people are being summoned by the State to suppress and oppress the people, being an authority gives them an entitlement to use their guns in any way possible. It is very clear for an ordinary citizen to see how authority behave, they are not here “to protect and serve”, they are just here to show their power over its people. That’s the very essence of “Authority”. Read the rest of this entry »

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