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November 2008 – Void Network

Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

Monthly archive

November 2008


The philosopher Giorgio Agamben in solidarity to the 12 young Anarchist-Autonomist French people that had been arrested and accused for terrorism!

This is an article written from the philosopher Giorgio Agamben in solidarity to the 12 young Anarchist-Autonomist French people that had been arrested and accused for terrorism under totalitarian European laws…In this article the philosopher proves the “phantasm-fascism” that gets stronger and stronger in Europe and U.S.A through the passivity, the obeying and the stupidity of the “modern” masses      TERRORISM OR TRAGICOMEDY? On the morning of November 11,… …


DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS OF AFFINITY [article from Willful Disobidience mag.]

DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS OF AFFINITY “Today the spirit drowns in a mass of chance encounters. We are looking for those who are still alive enough to support each other beyond this; those fleeing Normal Life. “ -Against Sleep and Nightmare   We live in a society in which most of our encounters have already been defined in terms of predetermined roles and relationships in which we have no say. A randomness… …


English Totalitarianism goes Digital!

UK Government DNS Take-Over The UK government, with a long track record of authoritarian measures has a new goal: a clampdown on the DNS system. The Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, run by former Young Communist League member, Peter Mandelson is making a power grab for Nominet the company that runs the UK DNS system. BERR wrote a letter to the chairman of Nominet which contains the… …



African child ‘well-being’ rated By Emily Buchanan Some poor countries have scored well compared to richer ones in a report assessing the treatment of children in African nations. The African Child Policy Forum, an independent advocacy agency, ranked 52 countries in a “child-friendly index”. Amongst the top 10 were Namibia and Malawi, which did far better than richer countries like Sudan and Angola. Mauritius was top and Guinea-Bissau bottom in… …


Tens of thousands of Australians march against climate change

Australians march against climate change Tens of thousands of Australians took part in mass protests around the country on Saturday to call for tough government action on climate change, organizers said. For the last three years every November happening huge demonstrations. The demonstrations were held as Australia prepares to set national greenhouse gas emissions targets, expected around the end of this month. Environmentalists accuse industry of pushing for targets that… …


THE C.I.A. DOES HOLLYWOOD By Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham

THE C.I.A. DOES HOLLYWOOD By Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham Nov. 14 2008- Everyone who watches films knows about Hollywood’s fascination with spies. From Hitchcock’s postwar espionage thrillers, through cold war tales such as Torn Curtain, into the paranoid 1970s when the CIA came to be seen as an agency out of control in films such as Three Days of the Condor, and right to the present, with the Bourne… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News


TOTAL FREEDOM WORLD TOUR in London for 3 weeks bringing dj’s, multi media artists, and your beautifull selves together OPENING PARTY SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBERfor the most up date e-flyer for each party infoline: 07933399718 for guest mailing list: lucidlava@gmail.comdj’s and visual artists from around the world are arriving together in London to dance hard into the dawn and into the day (full line ups online) Rooms of industrial to… …


Tarot Cards and the Left by Joshua Sperber

Tarot Cards and the Left by Joshua Sperber Monday, Sep. 01, 2008 at 2:34 PM How prognostications of doom encourage passivity over action There is a near cottage industry of leftists penning engaging, sometimes lurid, always vivid, prognostications of impending doom. Websites like Counterpunch and Common Dreams, for instance, have been prophesizing for several years that a war on Iran is imminent due to the fact that, respectively, a… …


Chiapas Massacre : police operation in Chincultik that left six peasants dead, 17 wounded, and 36 detained

State police summarily executed three peasants in front of a child The Fray Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) issued a press release on denouncing the October 4 police operation in Chincultik that left six peasants dead, 17 wounded, and 36 detained. Of the wounded, ten were beaten and six were shot. Three men were gravely injured: one was transfered to a hospital in Mexico City, and the… …


Network Organization for the 21st century by Harry Halpin and Kay Summer

Will the upsurge in activity around climate change and the food crisis repeat the cycle of the movement of movements over the past decade – momentary visibility then dissolution? Harry Halpin and Kay Summer say ‘yes’, unless different models of organising are embraced.   The article appeared in the 4th issue of the magazine Turbulence…For further reading:     Network Organization for the 21st Century   “Then perhaps we… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News


Against All Prisons / Solidarity to All Prisoners Void Art Short Film directed by Sissy Doutsiou [Void Optical Art Laboratory] camera:d.j.Vertigo from Void Network visiting Alcatraz prison U.S.A. music:California Sunshine There are millions of people in the prisons today…And for as long as even one person is still in prison no one will ever be really free…The imprisonment industry will grow, the law will capture day by day every moment… …



This an article about thousands of people trapped in the world of internet digital information, unable to understand the desperate and urgent need for action The article is written by Michael Bugeja for the very interesting magazine The Ecologist (you can subscribe to their mailing list and recieve news and essays!) Global Village Idiots Information about information, ideas without place, facts without action… It’s time we got off the… …



For many years now we know that AS LONG PRISONS WILL EXIST, NO ONE WILL BE FREE… All of us,day by day, we understand more and more the great failure of the political and social system of this Empire, the failure of global economy and political representation…In the same way, we face also the barbarism of Prison system of this planet…It is a part of a general failure…and it is… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

VOID MIRROR : The Void Network New Blog

artwork : Void Optical Art Laboratory …and then suddenly it was the end of 2008…After all these 19 yearsof working withVoid Network(Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts)http://voidnetwork.blogspot.comall these Void Network peoplein Europe, in Amerikas, in the Outer Space…we started realizing that there are existing out there thousands of creative friends, spiritual comrades, political, social and cultural activists, radical theoreticians and crazy thinkers, artists that hate the high-class luxury and space out motherfuckers that send… …


VOID MIRROR : The Void Network New Blog

…and then suddenly it was the end of 2008… After all these 19 years of working with Void Network (Theory,Utopia,Empathy,Ephemeral Arts) all these Void people in Europe, in Amerika, in the Outer Space… we started realizing that there are existing out there thousands of creative friends, spiritual comrades, political, social and cultural activists, radical theoreticians and crazy thinkers, artists that hate the high-class luxury and space out motherfuckers that… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Global Eye / London Void Network / Trance in London / The arising of a new spiritual autonomia

Global Eye  [London Void Network collective] manifests this moment, this weeks, this months the arising of  a  New Spiritual  Autonomia in London through squats, huge rave gatherings, space travelling, creative revolutionary friendship, sharing of plans and visions Keep connected… Keep the frequencies clear! Look forward for the next situations… Let’s meet in the Outer Space info: email contact: …

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