

Beigetreten März 2014


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  1. 3. Mai
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  2. 3. Mai

    Thank you, working hard!

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  3. 3. Mai

    JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! “Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969”

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  4. 3. Mai

    “The U.S. Created 263,000 Jobs in April, Unemployment Fell to Lowest Level Since 1969”

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  5. 3. Mai

    I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!

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  6. 3. Mai

    The wonderful Diamond and Silk have been treated so horribly by Facebook. They work so hard and what has been done to them is very sad - and we’re looking into. It’s getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!

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  7. 4. Mai

    Remember when Democrat Kathy Griffin got temporarily suspended like James Woods has for the picture she posted holding a decapitated head of President Trump in her hand? Me neither.

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  8. 3. Mai

    So surprised to see Conservative thinkers like James Woods banned from Twitter, and Paul Watson banned from Facebook!

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  9. My son is 1 of 20 new officers who were sworn into the TPD April 23, 2019. These men & women received scholarships out of over 500 applicants. They’ve worked hard now for 6 mths & are ready 2 get out there & help keep our great city safe! Please 🙏🏻 4 them

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  10. Bernie Sanders is heckled while answering questions on black voters | Daily Mail Online

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  11. YET ANOTHER REASON I ADMIRE AND ADORE OUR Joe Biden announces bid to be president | Daily Mail Online

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  12. 24. Apr.

    Can anyone comprehend what a GREAT job Border Patrol and Law Enforcement is doing on our Southern Border. So far this year they have APPREHENDED 418,000 plus illegal immigrants, way up from last year. Mexico is doing very little for us. DEMS IN CONGRESS MUST ACT NOW!

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  13. 24. Apr.

    .....are there no “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” there are no Crimes by me at all. All of the Crimes were committed by Crooked Hillary, the Dems, the DNC and Dirty Cops - and we caught them in the act! We waited for Mueller and WON, so now the Dems look to Congress as last hope!

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  14. 24. Apr.

    Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!

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  15. 22. Apr.


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  16. Der Account von @AmyMek wurde aufgrund der Gesetze vor Ort zurückgezogen in Germany. Mehr erfahren
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  17. 23. Apr.

    Issa is totally right. The Dems aren't running a campaign platform for the country; they're busy running a campaign against . These Dems are sick. Darrell Issa: Democrats using investigations to stop Trump re-election

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  18. 23. Apr.
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  19. 23. Apr.
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  20. 23. Apr.

    Only in America could a President achieve the lowest ever black and Hispanic unemployment, have black business startups skyrocket 400%, see wages go up for black workers, signed prison reform, pardon wrongfully convicted people of color, and still be called a racist

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