Twitter API Status

All Systems Operational
Enterprise Volume Streams & PowerTrack ? Operational
Enterprise Historical APIs ? Operational
Account Activity API ? Operational
Enterprise Engagement API ? Operational
Enterprise Usage API ? Operational
Standard streaming endpoints ? Operational
Standard follower graph endpoints ? Operational
Standard search endpoint ? Operational
Standard timelines endpoints ? Operational
Standard trends endpoints ? Operational
Twitter Developer Labs ? Operational
Ads API ? Operational
Premium billing ? Operational
Developer Portal ? Operational
Enterprise Console ? Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Past Incidents
Jul 8, 2020

No incidents reported today.

Jul 7, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jul 6, 2020
Resolved - This incident has been resolved as of 17:20 UTC.
Jul 6, 17:31 UTC
Investigating - We're experiencing an elevated level of API errors starting around 15:19 UTC on Historical PowerTrack and are currently investigating. The presence and scope of any customer impact has not been determined at this time, but we will provide an update as soon as we know more.
Jul 6, 16:49 UTC
Jul 5, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jul 4, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jul 3, 2020
Resolved - This incident has been resolved. Missed data is available for backfill through Replay.
Jul 3, 09:28 UTC
Update - The /metrics Labs v1 endpoint and Engagement API have also recovered as of 2020-07-02 23:08:00 UTC.

We are still working to evaluate PowerTrack replay availability for the timeframe now and will update as soon as we know more.
Jul 2, 23:31 UTC
Monitoring - Streaming connections can now be reconnected successfully. The affected scope additionally includes Engagement API, the /metrics Labs v1 endpoint and Account Activity API delivery via webhook. Account Activity API replay is available for the affected timeframe 2020-07-02 between 21:47 - 22:03 UTC.

We are working to evaluate PowerTrack replay availability for the timeframe now and will update as soon as we know more.
Jul 2, 22:28 UTC
Investigating - The Twitter data team is investigating a possible system irregularity currently affecting all streaming endpoint connections. The presence and scope of any customer impact has not been determined at this time, but we will provide an update as soon as we know more.
Jul 2, 22:03 UTC
Jul 2, 2020
Resolved - This incident has now been resolved. Some data may not be available for recovery during this timeframe. Note that you may also have noticed request rate drops for all APIs during this timeframe.

We are working to evaluate PowerTrack Replay availability for the timeframe now and will update as soon as we know more.
Jul 2, 12:30 UTC
Jul 1, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jun 30, 2020
Resolved - The issue is now resolved and notifications emails are being sent.
Jun 30, 16:00 UTC
Identified - The team has identified an issue where developers who applied for a developer account may not receive a confirmation email upon approval. The team is currently determining impact and working on a resolution.
Jun 29, 23:16 UTC
Jun 29, 2020
Jun 28, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jun 27, 2020

No incidents reported.

Jun 26, 2020
Resolved - Delayed data to has been resolved as of 2020-06-26 17:42 UTC.
Jun 26, 20:39 UTC
Identified - Connections to PowerTrack API data may have experienced delayed data between 2020-06-26 16:42 UTC to 2020-06-26 16:59 UTC. PowerTrack delay has been resolved at this time.

Connections to streaming endpoints may see delayed data, we will update once this is resolved.
Jun 26, 17:43 UTC
Jun 25, 2020
Resolved - Data delivery has caught up and there is no longer a delay. There is no data loss expected. Affected time period: 2020-06-25 20:19:00 -UTC until 2020-06-25 20:43 -UTC
Jun 25, 21:22 UTC
Identified - The Twitter data team has identified a possibility of delayed data being delivered through PowerTrack API. This started at 2020-06-25 20:19:00 -UTC and is expected to be fixed soon. The presence and scope of any customer impact has not been determined at this time, but we will provide an update as soon as we know more.
Jun 25, 21:17 UTC
Jun 24, 2020

No incidents reported.