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Guardian – June 29, 2020 – click here for index of articles.

The way forward to economic recovery

As the economic crisis continues to unfold, the government is already talking about a budget surplus and a return to its neoliberal agenda. Its plans will only deepen and prolong the economic crisis and create even more hardship for working people who are on the receiving end of these policies.  more ...

Arts and humanities suffer under new government plan

Two weeks ago, education minister Dan Tehan announced that the Morrison government would double student fees for courses in the arts and humanities, as well as in commerce and law. The alarming hike in student fees comes as the government intends to lower the costs for STEM degrees.  more ...

Cyber fraud

On the morning of the 19th June, Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a statement to the press on “malicious cyber activity against Australian networks.”  more ...

Calls on COVID Senate Inquiry to support paid pandemic leave

ACTU President Michele O’Neil will tell the Senate Inquiry into the government’s response to COVID-19 that the response has fallen short on wage subsidies, sick leave and OHS while ignoring the impact of the pandemic on women and young people.   more ...

Inequitable decision for low paid workers

Many United Workers Union members are award-reliant and are impacted by the minimum wage decision. Many United Workers Union members are cleaners, security guards, early childhood educators, food services workers, farm workers, hospitality workers and aged and home care workers.  more ...

Vulnerable workers

Our youths have been at the forefront of being unemployed, under-employed, and homeless; soon, they will be joined by some of the low waged workers. The homeless youths are the most vulnerable. Their situation often has disruptive effects on their education, ability to find employment, and establishing a stable social network. These individuals face a higher mortality rate from mental health, injury, violence, communicable diseases, substance abuse, and lack of consistent medical care and basic hygiene and sanitation. They are often sexually exploited, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.  more ...

Wage theft off the menu in Victoria

Thanks to the efforts of unionists in Victoria wage theft is now a crime. On Tuesday 16th June legislation passed the upper house with crossbench support. Effective from 1st July 2021, business owners who are found intentionally withholding payment from their employees will face fines of $991,320 per offence and individuals will face fines of $198,264 per offence. A maximum jail sentence of ten years may also be applied.  more ...

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

1st July has been announced as the date of voting on amendments to the Russian Constitution. Some of them are important and promising. However, on the whole they are not conducive to renunciation of presidential rule by fiat and the power of the oligarchy. The amendments introduced do not make Russia a social state. They do not protect society from the destructive impact of Russophobia and anti-Sovietism.  more ...

Under socialist planning the world holds plenty for all

The theory is bobbing up regularly in the capitalist press lately that the world has too many mouths to feed and that it would not be such a bad thing if an atomic war or a black death wiped out a few of the allegedly “excess millions.”  more ...

Victory, progress are Curtin’s memorials

(1945) Australia lost her greatest Prime Minister when John Curtin sacrificed his life in the stress and strain of leading his people to victory over fascism.  more ...

Thousands in action for a living wage

(1955) Strikes by 4,000 Naval dockyard workers and 1,000 gas-workers stand out in a wave of industrial struggle which this week reached heights not seen for years in NSW.  more ...

National Security Law preserves HK judiciary

After the draft law to safeguard national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) was reviewed by China’s top legislature and some details were released on Saturday, Western countries, media, Hong Kong opposition politicians and some legal professionals said they fear the law would harm the city’s judicial independence. But senior Hong Kong legal experts said the draft law is in accordance with the Basic Law.  more ...

Lenin lives in Western German city

Lenin lives again in the western German city of Gelsenkirchen which recently unveiled a statue of the communist leader in the face of opposition from city authorities.  more ...

Uruguayans – looming Neoliberal Reform Bill

The 502-article bill includes the privatisation of public enterprises and the criminalisation of social demonstrations.  more ...

Confront legacy of slavery and colonialism

Reparations should be paid and countries must confront the legacy of slavery and colonialism to better understand continuing “systematic discrimination,” according to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet.  more ...

The 75th celebration of Victory Day in Russia

Photos from ...  more ...


This web page was last updated: Monday, June 29, 2020


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