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Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2019


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    7 thg 7

    don't u think that for next 40 yrs a Putin kind benign Dictator or Single Party Rule be better for India ? We can have to fight World Wars,Islamic Nato,along with Pakistan & China. We see Putin in Modi & Single Party Rule in BJP. Coz Congress Weakens Security

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    The news that Toyota Company will stop investing in India is incorrect. has clarified that Toyota will invest more than Rs 2000 crore in next 12 months.

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    In a stunning claim, a Chinese virologist has said the was manufactured in a lab in Wuhan, China.

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    12 thg 9

    Is providing for with out airbags ?? Even a petty person like me has a car with air bags in it, how come COMMANDING OFFICERs of military units are traveling sans airbags ?? We can’t loose our soldiers like this.

    Phương tiện này có thể chứa nội dung nhạy cảm. Tìm hiểu thêm
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    Maharashtra accounts for 9% of the country's population but has 38% covid death share. Inspite of such alarming numbers & absolutely failed administration, Home Minister is busy attacking Arnab Goswami & Kangana in the legislative assembly.

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    This is love for an army that has always put the nation and its people before itself. The Indian Army has the blessings of a billion people and that makes it invincible. Tibetans cheer the army as it makes it way to the LAC.

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    Supporting PM ’s AtmaNirbhar movement, proud to present an action game,Fearless And United-Guards FAU-G. Besides entertainment, players will also learn about the sacrifices of our soldiers. 20% of the net revenue generated will be donated to Trust

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    Riots in Sweden bring me back to a truth. Europe can't do without immigrants. So get immigrants of Indic religions: Hindus,Sikhs,Jains,Buddhists. They assimilate easily. They are not fanatic. They are law-abiding and peaceful. They don't demand special laws. They respect women.

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    30 thg 8

    's slogan of 'Jai Valmiki-Jai Shriram' in response to 'Jai Bhim-Jai Mim'

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    23 thg 8

    on poor quality cheap imports from continues This time Fixes spotliggt on poor quality & cheap toys This is good for health of our Children & Environment Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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    My thread below elaborates on bankruptcy case,with taking matter to ,to recover 1200Cr+ that is owed by govt's zero tolerance for is a mission,making no exceptions for high&mighty,unlike which patronized corrupt😑

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    The world's tallest Ganesha statue (Bronze) is not in India, but in Khlong Khuean, Thailand! 39 meters high, it is the tallest Ganesha statue in the world. Today, Thai Buddhists also celebrate the birth of Vinayaka.

    , ,6 người khác
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  14. đã Tweet lại
    22 thg 8

    In Japan God Ganesha Known as 'Kangiten' or 'Vinayakaten' Here, Ganesha is worshiped since 1000s of yrs & he was d family deity of Emperors of Northern court. This Vigraha was installed as d presiding deity of Unryuin Temple(Kyoto)in 1372CE by Emperor Gokogon.

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    Macron and Merkel greeting each other 🙏🏽

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  16. đã Tweet lại
    20 thg 8

    चाइना ने क़ुरैशी के स्वागत में कुत्ता भी नहीं भेजा !!

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  17. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 8

    Alexander – did he really conquer India? - Kreately

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    Their hatred for PM Modi is so deep rooted that the associate Editor of the Hindu, Vaishna Roy is wishing for a Beirut like blast in India just so that the whole cabinet can quit. I have never come across such toxicity!

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  19. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 8

    Kamala Harris is NOT Desi at all. She's coming out now saying she's half Indian only to FOOL Hindu American Indians for votes. She claimed her entire life she is proud Black women only. I'm more Desi than her & I have no Indian blood running through my veins only through my Heart

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    कांग्रेसियों की अगुवाई में ‘शांतिदूत’ ढूंढ ढूंढ कर ब्राह्मणों के कत्लेआम कर रहे थे,जनेऊ देख देख मारा गया,ब्राह्मण महिलाओं से रेप हुए,ब्राह्मण बच्चे तक मारे गए,हुकूमत कांग्रेस की थी,ब्राह्मणों का क़सूर ये था कि गांधीजी की हत्या के आरोपी गोडसे भी ब्राह्मण थे,वाक़या 1 फ़रवरी48 का है

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    तारीख़ थी,1 फ़रवरी 1948, ‘पहले बाँटो - फिर काटो’ की राह पर चलने वाली कांग्रेस ने कराया 50 हज़ार ब्राह्मणों का कत्लेआम,गांधी के बदले,ये आज़ाद भारत का पहला नरसंहार था,कांग्रेस ने खूनी राजनीति की बोहनी ही निर्दोष ब्राह्मणों के खून से की,84 का सिख दंगा इसी सियासत की दूसरा किश्त था।

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