
Grenfell Tower – the smoke & the mirrors

There is an ever-growing stream of media commentary on the Grenfell fire, increasing daily as the public enquiry unfolds. There are some elements in the media with the goal of obscuring or excusing the plain facts as part of a pre-emptive defence manoeuvre to protect those most implicated in what caused the fire and the 72 deaths. That they feel the need to use such distortions to defend the Grenfell landlords and those who ordered and oversaw the Grenfell refurbishment that fitted the lethal cladding only increases the suggestion of a general doubt on all sides about their innocence.

A response to the Organizing.Work review of ‘Class Power on Zero-Hours’

Predictive Dialing For Dollars: Phoning at the Cutting Edge of Technology

Anti-Apartheid Demonstration UC Berkeley 1985

In response to the release Boots Riley's film Sorry to Bother You in 2018, I wrote this piece about my own experience working in a call center -- and how it took place against the backdrop of my own political radicalization. I post it today in honor of Juneteenth, where my former union, ILWU, will shut down all 29 ports on the U.S. West Coast as part of protests against racism and police violence.

Racist Murder In America And The Bifurcation Of The Modern World System

Analysis of racism as a division of labor upholding the capitalist world system and recent uprisings against police brutality as evidence of that world system's terminal crises.

Contra el terror del Antiterrorismo

A Spanish translation of our article Against the Terror of Anti-Terror translated by the ICL-CIT.

Reflections on Mark Fisher's Essay on "Capitalist Realism"

Fisher's book on Capitalist Realism remains a popular reference point for many would be anti-capitalists in the UK. As such, we have decided to translate this new review from our comrades in Italy, where the book has only recently been published. See also our reviews of Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work and Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by authors from a similar milieu.

The Global Pandemic and Imperialist Competition

By any rational measure you might assume that a dominant sentient species when faced with global threats would pull together, pool resources and information and search for a mutual solution to the problem. But the coronavirus pandemic has confirmed what the climate change crisis already told us: that capitalism, even in its “globalised” form, is fundamentally unsuited to producing a coordinated response to tackle anything.

The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure

The following leaflet was given out in various cities across Italy on 6 June on the occasion of demonstrations by the various rank and file (Cobas) unions against the imposed return to work whilst the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage.

A Call for International Solidarity to Autonomous Resistance and Food Not Bombs Initiatives Around the Globe

Food Not Bombs Archipelago writes a statement in opposition to the Anti-Terror Act.

Proud Boy fascist running for Hawaii state legislature

Proud Boys Luncheon

An Anarchist Opposition to the Anti-Terror Act and the Terrorism of the State

A joint statement from several anarchist collectives in the Philippines on the recent anti-terrorism law passed in the Philippine congress.

Advertising Anarchy

An introduction to advertising and propaganda for anarchists

Detention is Better Than Cure?: The Railroading of the Anti-Terrorism Bill Amidst the Pandemic

This incompetency in handling the pandemic has been too obvious. And weeks before the quarantine ends, the so called Anti-Terrorism Bill was approved in the Senate quite very timely. The Bill has been criticized for its vague definitions of what “terrorism” is. Critics called it the “Terror Bill” as it threatens to violate basic human and constitutional rights.

We Reject the Terror Bill

We adopt this statement from the NUJP but preface this by saying we do not oppose the Terror Bill due to its constitutionality, for even if it were constitutional we would oppose it.

Cosa Nostra: Sponsorships, Affinity-based vetting and recruiting

A guide on recruitment and vetting for your own affinity groups.

Against the Terror of Anti-Terror

An anarchist analysis on the Anti-Terror Act being discussed in the Philippine congress.

The Black Rebellions (1967) by Dave Dellinger

Detroit Riots 1967 military tank

Dave Dellinger, principled anarcho-pacifist revolutionary (and one of the Chicago 7 defendants in 1969), wrote this essay in response to liberals – like Martin Luther King – endorsing federal troops being called in to suppress the 1967 Detroit Riots. His position is that we support "the side of the oppressed and exploited," in this case fighters for black liberation during the uprisings in Newark, Detroit and Spanish Harlem, not the "establishment" – meaning the state's repressive forces in the form of cops and the military.

On Minneapolis: Police Brutality & Class Struggle

Flyer distributed by comrades and sympathisers at protests over the murder of George Floyd.

Panlipunang Rebolusyon ang Solusyon

An article in Filipino written during the height of the Occupy movement arguing for social revolution.

Social Revolution is the Solution

An article written during the height of the Occupy movement arguing for social revolution.