After 12 Years, LobeLog Bids Farewell

Dear LobeLog Reader: This is to let you know that, after more than 12 years of continuous operation, will be placed in internet aspic, and our work will continue at, an internet platform of the new Quincy Institute… Continue Reading  

French President Macron Is Right, NATO Is Brain Dead Without U.S. Leadership

By Robert E. Hunter  French President Emanuel Macron has said, “What we are currently experiencing is the brain death of NATO.” He attributes much of that to his belief that “European countries…can no longer rely on America to defend NATO… Continue Reading  

Is Iran on the Edge of a Precipice?

By Daniel Brumberg The widespread protests caused by the Iranian government’s decision on November 15 to raise the price of gasoline by a whopping 50 percent have generated a flurry of speculation about their wider political implications for Iran’s rulers. What does… Continue Reading  

Background and consequences of protests in Iran: A look from within

By Amir Delshad Two weeks after the eruption of protests in Iran due to the rise in petrol prices, the unrests may have subsided but discontent is still on the rise, like the clam before the storm which may erupt… Continue Reading  

Netanyahu and Trump, Joined at the Hip

By Paul Pillar  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under indictment for corruption, has been launching vociferous counterattacks that sound quite familiar to anyone (including editorial pages of the mainstream U.S. press) who has been following a parallel story of high-level… Continue Reading