
Scientists produce first open source all-atom models of COVID-19 'spike' protein

The virus SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the known cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The "spike" or S protein facilitates viral entry into host cells.

Space Exploration

'Ring of fire' solar eclipse thrills skywatchers on longest day

Skywatchers along a narrow band from west Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, India and the Far East witnessed a dramatic "ring of fire" solar eclipse Sunday.

Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world

"Beam me up" is one of the most famous catchphrases from the Star Trek series. It is the command issued when a character wishes to teleport from a remote location back to the Starship Enterprise.

Ancient societies hold lessons for modern cities

Today's modern cities, from Denver to Dubai, could learn a thing or two from the ancient Pueblo communities that once stretched across the southwestern United States. For starters, the more people live together, the better ...

Our deepest view of the X-ray sky

Over the course of 182 days, the eROSITA X-ray telescope has completed its first full sweep of the sky which it embarked upon about a year ago. This new map of the hot, energetic universe contains more than one million objects, ...

New adjuvant successful in extending immunity against HIV

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center and the Emory Vaccine Center (EVC) are first to show a new adjuvant, 3M-052, helps induce long-lasting immunity against HIV. The study results are published today ...

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Medical Xpress

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
US adds 305 more virus deaths
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
NYC virus tracing off to a bumpy start: report
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Dubai opens up to tourists from July 7
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Portugal probes party that may have spread virus
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Coronavirus cases exceed 2.5 million in Europe
Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes
Iran coronavirus death toll tops 9,500

Tech Xplore

Teaching physics to neural networks removes 'chaos blindness'

Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered that teaching physics to neural networks enables those networks to better adapt to chaos within their environment. The work has implications for improved artificial ...

OpenAI releases powerful text generator

Artificial intelligence laboratory OpenAI announced it is making a powerful new neural network for natural language processing available for limited release to the public.

Virus already in Italy by December, sewers show

The coronavirus was present in two large Italian cities in December, more than two months before the first case was detected, a national health institute study of waste water has found.

A new social role for echolocation in bats that hunt together

Searching for food at night can be tricky. To find prey in the dark, bats use echolocation, their "sixth sense." But to find food faster, some species, like Molossus molossus, may search within hearing distance of their echolocating ...

Coronavirus lockdowns increase poaching in Asia, Africa

A camera trap photo of an injured tigress and a forensic examination of its carcass revealed why the creature died: a poacher's wire snare punctured its windpipe and sapped its strength as the wound festered for days.

Italian glacier covered to slow melting

A vast tarpaulin unravels, gathering speed as it bounces down the glacier over glinting snow. Summer is here and the alpine ice is being protected from global warming.

Video: How tear gas affects your body

2-Chlorobenzalmalononitrile, better known as CS gas, is one of the most common tear gases used in the United States today, but did you know it's not actually a gas?

Researchers study a novel type of extracellular vesicles

Researchers from Sechenov University and the University of Pittsburgh compared the properties of two groups of extracellular vesicles. Either present in a liquid phase or attached to the fibres of the extracellular matrix, ...

Skyrmion dynamics and traverse mobility

Skyrmions could revolutionise computing exhibiting great potential in the electronic storage of information, and the key to such a breakthrough could be understanding their behaviour under applied currents.

COVID-19 has hit women hard, especially working mothers

A new analysis of USC's Understanding Coronavirus in America Study has found that women, particularly those without a college degree, suffered more job losses than men and bore significantly greater responsibility for child ...