Our spring issue, “Pandemic Politics,” is out now. Get a discounted subscription today!


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

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  • Issue No. 37 out now!
  • Spring 2020

Pandemic Politics

In this issue

No Act of God

Hurricanes, pandemics, and droughts are acts of God. Private markets in housing, health care, and food — and the resulting deaths — are not.

“Workers Are Being Told to Shut Up and Work”

Capitalism runs on economic coercion, presenting most people with the choice to work or starve. But many workers, from prisoners to college athletes, face other types of coercion that exact a heavy cost for anyone who dares to tell the boss “no.”

The Rise and Rise and Fall of Adem Somyurek

Adem Somyurek was sacked from his position in the Australian Labor Party last week for alleged branch-stacking. It’s the latest indicator of how Labor has been emptied of all mass politics and become a forum for factional power brokers to vie for control of the creaking party machine.

South Africa’s COVID-19 Response Has Been Brutally Anti-Worker

South Africa has imposed one of the world’s most draconian COVID-19 lockdowns, slapping hundreds of thousands of mostly black and working-class people with criminal charges. The authoritarian response highlights again the lost promise of the post-apartheid government and the deep disparities that still plague the country.

We’ve Never Seen Protests Like These Before

In turnout, perseverance, and in the ethnic and racial diversity of those participating, the last month of protest in response to the police murder of George Floyd is like nothing the US has experienced before. And most shocking of all, the protests are winning.

A Very British Dystopia After Brexit

Set in Britain in the near future, the newly published sequel to the 1982 classic A Very British Coup presents a hellish but believable vision of political disillusionment and post-Brexit malaise.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
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1 Year | 4 Issues
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