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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"The words 'Let that be a lesson' are a tad redundant at this juncture."
11974 members | you are not logged in | 18 June 2020

August 21

So farewell then. 15 years is a long time and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. But now it's time to say goodbye. No more threads after this one, we're closing down. The site will at some stage become a read only site. So if you want to leave your contact details in this thread for other posters to get in touch that would be great otherwise email us at

The admins would like to thank the posters at this site. You made this site and we wouldn't have lasted as long as we could without you. So thank you. And if you want to mark our passing, please find a charity or organisation that deals with the treatment of Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and leave a donation. More...

August 20

David Fury talks about Buffy and The Tick. He tells that he considers his new show to be "very much like a Mutant Enemy show very much like Buffy. We really want it to resonate in the same way that Buffy does 20 years from now."

August 19

Liz Craft and Sarah Fain interview Felicia Day for their podcast, Happier in Hollywood. In case you didn't know, TV writers/producers have a podcast about working in Hollywood. In episode 13 they interview writer, actor, and producer Felicia Day. More...
Danny Strong to do live Q&A at screenings of his movie "Rebel in the Rye." IFC Center in New York is having multiple screenings of "Rebel in the Rye," written and directed by Danny Strong (with Adam Busch in a small role). There will be Q&As; with the filmmaker at most screenings.

August 18

Buffy in Japanese - an analysis of the dub. This is a series of very interesting Tumblr posts about the show's dubbing in Japanese.

August 17

Read the draft scripts for the Buffy Season 7 episode "End of Days". There's also an interesting insight from Jane Espenson in regards to the Buffy Season 5 episode "The Replacements".
Marti Noxon's 'Dietland' casts Joy Nash in lead role. "Joy is everything I hoped we'd find in our leading woman - beautiful, smart and blazing with talent," Noxon said in a statement. More...
Gina Torres is the new face of Epcot's Mission: SPACE attraction. She provides the pre-show briefing for the attraction which relaunched on 08/13, replacing Gary Sinise
13 great TV characters who arrived after the first season. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood.
(SPOILER) Details and cover art for Angel Season 11 #11. This issue will be out on November 22nd.

August 16

South Korea's Lionsgate Movie World announced to open in 2019. Although not mentioned in the news release, the theme park's official website lists The Cabin in the Woods as being one of seven Movie Zones featured.
Charisma Carpenter and Julie Benz talk about being on "Battle of the Network Stars". As you'll see from the interview they have a great friendship.

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