Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

Global movement

Do Americans Get That Trump is Instituting Martial Law?

Trump Wants to Use Martial Law to Terrorize Americans — and Steal the Next Election by Umair Haque _______________________ Yesterday, the Mayor of Portland was gassed by the secret police of storm troopers that Donald Trump has sent to occupy the city. Wait. What? Let’s read that sentence again. Yesterday, the Mayor of Portland was gassed by the secret police of storm troopers that Donald Trump has sent to occupy the city. If I wrote that sentence… …


«Mήπως είσαι αναρχικός;» Η απάντηση μπορεί να σε εκπλήξει- David Graeber

Πιθανώς να έχεις ήδη ακούσει ένα-δυο πράγματα για τους αναρχικούς και τι υποτίθεται ότι πιστεύουν. Το πιθανότερο είναι πως ότι έχεις ακούσει είναι ανοησίες. Πολλοί άνθρωποι πιστεύουν ότι οι αναρχικοί είναι υποστηρικτές της βίας, του χάους και της καταστροφής ή πως είναι τρελαμένοι μηδενιστές που απλά θέλουν να τινάξουν τα πάντα στον αέρα. Στη πραγματικότητα τίποτα δεν απέχει περισσότερο από την αλήθεια. Οι αναρχικοί είναι απλά άνθρωποι που πιστεύουν ότι… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Rock multi media Live Concert in Nosotros

Void Network (Theory, Outopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts) presents a rock multi media live concert/ 3 bands, 2 video projectors, 3 slide machines: screaming fly empty baraka + void optical arts laboratory [ live improvisational visual artists,void art, political abstraction,slide show, computer arts,digital photography, internetdownloads, void archives ] saturday 10 february 2007 starts 9.30 a.m. Nosotros (free social space) themistokleous 66 exarchia Κενό Δίκτυο(Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες) σάββατο 10 Φεβρουαρίου…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Nosotros Free Social Space / Athens

Void Optical Arts Concert in Nosotros D.J. set and Void Optical Arts show in Nosotros “The end of Enlightment: The State”Lecture from George Sagriotis in Nosotros Saturday night outside Nosotros (the left building) 2 months Seminar about Political Philospophy in Nosotros(second floor: Lectures, winter cinema, free Greek languagelessons to immigrants, assemblies, social work) Nosotros/ Free Social Spacetwo floors and a big tarrace1st floor for public initiatives / 2nd floor for…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Cosmic Outopia in Nosotros Free Social Space

Void Network proudly presentsCosmic Outopiaa multi media space music enviromentd.j.Crystal Zero, Sissy Stardust, Bushman Tribe and d.j.Frank from Ghanawill mix electro space dub, roots reggae and psychedelic ambient+ Void Optical Art Laboratory ( video art, digital arts, slide show)1 February 2007Nosotros Free Social SpaceThemistokleous 66/ Exarchia/Athens Greecestarts 10.00 finish 2.30 events and projects announcements: homepage: contact: **Cosmic Outopia are special psychedelic music nights organized and directed by…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Why we canceled the ambientrancedelica event in 20th January 2007

Dear Friendsthe stupidity of television this last days is making as realy angry for all those things that they say about the university asylum, the private universities and our parties in the university campus (and everywhere else)…One of all the stupid things that they said is also that our party will not happen cause we don’t have “permission” from the president of the Polutechnic School.Void Network established in 1990 as…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Why are we making Temporary Autonomous Ecstatic Zones, Outopian Atmospheres and Rave Parties?

This is an essay wtitten by Void Network People about the reasons that we organize rave parties, outopian atmospheres and Temporary Autonomous Zones as also a critic for all those people that they carry the “normal” life mask-faces and typical modern life social roles into all those situtations causing troubles to the arising of libertarian atmosphere.(Unfortunately it is in Greek language but we hope it will be translated very soon)…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

AMBIENTRANCEDELICA ephemeral autonomous ecstatic zone

Keno Diktuo Void Network (Theory, Outopia, Empathy, Ephemral Arts) proudly presents AMBIENTRANCEDELICA ephemeral autonomous ecstatic zone stage 1 : electro acid psychedelic trance stage 2 : roots reggae, space dub, psychedelic ambient + Void Optical Art Laboratory (video art, digital arts, slides photography) 2 STAGES / 12 hours event FULL SOUND AND VISUALS IN ONE BULILDING SATURDAY 20 JENUARY 2007 POLUTEXNIOUPOLI (Polytechnic University Campus) KTIRIO XHMIKON MHXANIKON (Building of…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Yves Le Manach : The Garden (the justice, the girls and the eternity) / Void Reading Group Night

Void Network proudly presents a multi media retrospective for Yves Le Manach this wonderfull situationist, this spiritual friend of us, this influential critic of delusions. Born in Paris 1942 / political activist in Paris in the sixties / member of the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire / collaborator of the Informations Correspondance Ouvrières / moved to Brussels in 1970 / published on the Internationale Situationniste / editor of Artichauts de Bruxelles from…

Demonstrations in Greece

demonstrationsfrom 10 JENUARY 2007against the existance of private universities in greece until 06 JUNE 2007against G8/Germany this is a poster made by Laboratory for Kosmo-Politikal Consciousness of Void Network in the first day of the student demonstrations against the change of the Greek Constitution that will allow the existance of private universities in Greece. Unfortunately, for now, the poster is in Greek language : αυτό είναι το κείμενο της…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

VOID HISTORY>> 11 August 1996 Article in greek sunday newspaper “To Vima”

Intro: This article was written by the journalist Lena Papadimitriou and appeared in one of the highest publicity Sunday Greek newspapers “To Vima” on 11 August 1996 / issue number 12389. In this article the Void Network is referred as “The Collective in the Terror of Void” which was the original name of Void Network until 1998. BEAT, VOID AND FLOWERS , This is a proof that also the decade…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Kostas Axelos: A Night at the Horizons of the World / Void Reading Group Night

Void Network proudly presents a multi media philospophical retrospective for Kostas Axelos, the thinker of the Vast Open Horizon, the enigmatic thinker of the Planetary Age. Void Network people will read fragments from his books :“Open Systematic”(Systematique Ouverte), “This Questioning”(Ce Questionnement), “Heraclites and Philosophy” (Héraclite et la philosophie) and “Towards the Planetary Thought” (Vers la pensee planetaire) Void Optical Arts Laboratorywill take care of the multi media environment andd.j. Sissy…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network presents Digital X from Florida U.S.A. in Electro Live Concert in Athens

LiveElectroConcert in AthensD i g i t a l Xfrom U.S.A. Orlando Florida (Sohma Records) Digital X >> he is a based producer on Sohma Recordsand will be appearing live playing a banging all-night set ofelectro techno and psychedelic tribalComing from recent underground gigs in Hamburg, Germany andTelAviv, Israel he’s ready to set the roof on fire right here in Athens. + + + multi media projections by Void Optical…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network Manifesto

First Attempt at CommunicationWe didn’t invent the following ideas…We are just a small wave in the ocean of the evolution of all these ideas, all libertarian atmospheres, dreams and revolutionary plans that keep expandingin the Vast Open Horizon. Void Network (Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts) Global Eye (London Void Network) WarCryCinema (New York Void Network) Void Network first appeared in Athens-Greece in 1990. Its aim is the radicalization of every…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network proudly announces the “Open Dialogue” Laboratory

The “Open Dialogue” Void Network Laboratory will be “non public” situations and meetings that will take place in houses of friends in every two weeks. Eight people will participate in this Laboratory (two poets, one astrophysicist, one linguist and one anthropologist from Void Network and three independent political activists-thinkers). Other thinkers and activists will be invited according to the subject of the dialogue.This group of people will have the opportunity…

Events/Void Network News

Void Network HISTORY>>2June2006AthensCentralPark Pedion Areos>>ambient space dub waves / Ephemeral Zone/ Inner Space Art/Poetry night

ambient space dub waves open public autonomous ephemeral zone/ inner space art/ poetry night Friday 2 June 2006 Pedion Areos / Athens Central Park Live Concert: Suku, Direct Connection, Paragga Sound System D.J. sets: Anna Mystic, Crystal Zero, Sissy Stardust, Raman Live Poetry Show: Anastasios Sagris, Yiannis Raouzaios Live Poetry Soundtrack mix: Kinomatik Void Optical Art Laboratory (video art, computer arts, slide photograpghy): Global Eye(London Void Network), Yiannis Nisidis, Pantelis…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

About the translation of “Days Of Love Nights of War” in Greek language

In 8 November 2006 Void Network organized a wonderfull night in Nosotros (Free Social Space), dedicated to the reading of the new tranlations from the book “Days Of War, Nights Of Love” by the ( reading of the introduction and the first chapter). The people from the Void Optical Arts Laboratory prepared some great visuals for the night including all the pictures from the site of crimethinc and hundreds…

Events/Void Network News

Void Reading Group Nights /Void Network and presents the book “Days of Love Nights of War” in Athens Greece

As a part of our Void Reading Group Nights we present in Nosotros (Free Social Space) in Wednesday 8 November 2006 the first two chapters of the wonderful book “Days of War Nights of Love” translated by Anastasios Sagris and Laboratory for Kosmo-Political Consciousness. The book “Days of War, Nights of Love” made by “crimethink ex-workers collective” as a tool for the arising of critical mind and as a personal…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Rock Live Concert in Squatted High School

In all of Greece, there are students fighting against commercialization of education resulting from capitalistic efforts to conquer all sides of life, all activities, all needs. 1100 High Schools and almost every university is squatted by these students …We fight as Void Network together with these students to stop these changes in education and so keep it Free for all and Public.We give our collective efforts to disallow governments and…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Optical Arts Laboratories and Global Eye participates in the 2nd Meeting of Greek Photographic Groups in the Benakis Museum / Peireus rd. 138

Void Optical Arts Laboratory and Global Eye(London Void Network) will participate in the 2nd Meeting of Greek Photographic groups and Clubs October 27, 28 and 29, 2006 in order to establish contact with photographers and art photography groups from all over Greece. We will present Void Art and Void Network’s philosophy about “art”, collective creativity and construction of cross-platform collaborations and open public gatherings. Void Network will manifest at 12…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network HISTORY>> Prohibit the Prohibitions ! 2ndProtestival 5,6,7 May 2006

Prohibit the Prohibitions! for Justfull, Humanistic and Effective “Drug Politics”3 days NonStop Music Festival 5,6,7 May 2006Ex-Hippodromus- Kalithea Athens Greece on stage:One Drop Fwd, Professor Skank, Locomondo, Doc, Paragga Sound System, Iraklis Mindphaser, Raman, Crystal Zero, d.j.Nikitas, Antiksoes Paragoges, Go Over 1000, Direct Connection, Boogie Base, White Noise Discipline, Aera Patera, Iristho En Parodo, Kako Sinapantima, The Dive, No Way Out, Echo Tatoo, Kilimantzaro, Figment-Insense, Funxion, d.j.Dura, Kostas Flying Agaric,…

UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE at polutexnioupoli saturday 14 october 2006 athens greece

Void Network proudly presents some of the bestELECTROACID TECHNO and DRUM&BASS d.j.s from Greece in another open air high quality event for the benefit of the underground. Void Network started palying techno in the early nineties and still, today, members of the collective are searching deeper into the techno intelligence to keep the electronic underground out of commercial mainstream clubs. This is difficult in Greece since we have never had…

Travelling in Himalaya (Nepal-North India) slide show photo exhibition by Tasos Sagris and Theodosia Doutsiou friday 13 october 2006 at Nosotros

As Tasos Sagris and Theodosia Doutsiou (Void Optical Arts Laboratories) just arrived from Himalaya (Nepal-North India) we will have the opportunity to organize an exhibition of 2500 photographies of them. Two video projectors, three slide machines and special light instalation will produce a multi media void art environment.D.j Crystal Zero and Sissy Stardust they will be responsible for the sound design of the night and they will play the original…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

ambientracedelica Strefis Hill Friday 29 September 2006

Keno Diktuo VOID NETWORK (Theory,Outopia,Synesthesia,Ephemeral Arts) AMBIENTRANCEDELICA electro acid psychedelic trance Friday 29 September 2006 LOFOS TOU STREFI (Strefis urban Hill) from 22.00 until the morning Support by NATURAL HIGH Crew Line up: >>MIND WARPED Live P.A. (Soular Recs,USA/ California) >>Iralkis Mindphaser >>Crystal Zero >>d.j.Nikitas >>Trifon Nats Lofos tou Strefi >> Strefis Hill>>This is an urban hill overlooking Athens, full of trees, with an ampitheatre that is open for all…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network( Keno Diktuo) proudly presents in Athens : Man With No Name Live Free Concert in Polutexnioupoli University Campus Sat.7oct.2006

Void Network (Theory, Outopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts)Keno Diktuo proudly presents :MAN WITH NO NAME Live Free Concert in Athens POLUTEXNIOUPOLI Saturday 7 October 2006entrance from Katexaki rd.starts 10.30 p.m.Two stages high quality event/ squated open air valley of university campus / cultural activism/free entrance for the benefit of Underground Resistance Stage1 :MAN WITH NO NAME (Live P.A.)Stavros SvmixIraklis MindphaserDimitris Nats special support by Natural High Collective Stage2/Psychedelic Ambient,Electro Dub, Roots…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network Manifesto

First Attept of Communication We didn’t invent the following ideas…We are just a small wave in an ocean of the evolution of all these ideas, all libertarian atmospheres, dreams and revolutionary plans that keep expanding in the Vast Open Horizon. Void Network (Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts)Global Eye (London Void Network) WarCryCinema (New York Void Network) Void Network first appeared in 1990 in Athens with aim the radicalization of every…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Void Network? Void Network was originated as an autonomous affinity group in 1990 in Athens Greece .From then until now and with the participation of Global Eye (London Void Network) and WarCryCinema (New York Void Network) by Void Network have been organized more than 170 public situations in many different countries that attracted from 1000 to 7000 people in Outopian Autonomous Ephemeral Zones (in universities ,squatted buildings, old…

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