Regarding this Website …


O Sacred Heart of Jesus

We are a traditionally Catholic husband and wife, living in Ireland, who seek to draw inspiration from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Here you will find testimony to a love affair. It is a love affair with the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Our Lord and Our Lady. And it is a love affair with the Catholic Tradition – a tradition which must be guarded, cherished and preserved in Ireland and the world.

Increasingly, the West is cut off from the font of its civilisation, the Mystery of Christ. Yet in the Catholic cradle of Western civilisation, this Mystery once flourished: People knew they were fallen and turned humbly to the Supernatural Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as He became present in the Holy Sacraments of the Church.

But the Mystery becomes lost, as the Tradition decays. In the past, our beloved Benedict XVI has expressed concern, lest Catholicism become a “clone” of Protestantism. Yet in many instances, the Catholic Church loses her identity, becoming ever more like a Protestant congregation, failing to revere the Living Mystery of Her Sacraments …

And Christianity becomes lost in the world at large. The contemporary society becomes ever more arid materialistic – devoid of the sense of the Supernatural. Or it turns, instead, to New Age mysteries: denying Christ and His Church.

Yet ‘the light shines in the darkness’ and the Heart of the World and the Heart of the Church, the Cor Jesu Sacratissimum continues to offer moral courage, hope, joy, strength, meaning and more, infinitely, inexpressably, unfathomably more

Here are indications of the chief concerns of this site, as well as our hearts. We want to address both our beloved Ireland and the West.

Here it must be said that we are neither theologians, nor especially qualified academically. Still, it is our prayer that in some small way, our reflections here – as well as a developing collection of devotions, images and other resources – can support and stimulate faith and enquiry amongst a community of fellow wayfarers who join us in concern for the future of the World and the Church.

For it is also our continuous prayer that the Mystery at the heart of Western Civilisation – that of the Sacrifice on Calvary – can be saved. It is our belief that if it can be saved, there is hope for the World …

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About Us:

We are Kim and Roger Buck and are, as we say, a married Catholic couple. Originally, we came from London and Los Angeles, respectively.

Prior to our conversion, we were once deeply engaged in the New Age movement. After entering the Catholic Church, we studied theology at both British and Irish colleges. We have since lived in France and Spain, but have returned to our beloved Ireland with great joy.

In addition, Roger has written two books: The Gentle Traditionalist and Cor Jesu Sacratissimum: From Secularism and the New Age to Christendom Renewed, both published by Angelico Press.

Roger also has a YouTube channel devoted to his work. He also recently did a two-part EWTN interview both parts of which are now on his Youtube channel:


We hope the personal statements from each of us below can give you a fuller sense of who we are:


Kim Buck:

‘In Easter 2000, I was confirmed into the Catholic Church. The graces, the joy, the depth of meaning I have experienced since then are immeasurable.

As I look upon a world that has become dry, with its emphasis on rationalism, relativism and materialism, I weep.

I weep for the loss of Mystery that the Catholic Tradition holds. I weep for the loss of the Sacramental life which if truly lived, permeates every part of our existence, with the Mystery of Jesus Christ become flesh, through His Immaculate Mother Mary.

The ever pressing reality of our fallen predicament and our incredible need for redemption is brought to life in the daily sacrifice of the Mass and our daily Catholic prayers.

How can these things be communicated to a world with deaf ears? The best I can do is aspire to be a living example of these profound mysteries which permeate my life and the lives of so many.’


Roger Buck:

‘I dedicated nearly twenty years of my life to New Age spirituality. For more than two years, I lived at the Findhorn Community in Northern Scotland, which many see as the leading world centre of the New Age movement.

My way into the Church came through the anonymous masterpiece Meditations on the Tarot.  This book  – I should clarify – has nothing to do with divination through Tarot cards! And without it, I might never have freed myself from the New Age mindset. Despite its unusual nature, this is a book replete with the Catholic Mystery, as well as a book for which Hans Urs von Balthasar – nominated a Cardinal by St. John Paul II – wrote a foreword.

These days, a very profound source of inspiration for my thinking lies with the great Hilaire Belloc. Although he died ten years before I was born, he feels liked a beloved friend and mentor to me.

I join my wife in mourning the decay of the Catholic Tradition. The Sacrifice on Calvary is being buried and forgotten. The loss of the traditional Mass only contributes to this tragedy.

Thus, I honour deeply the work of those who have sustained the Mass in the sacred liturgical language of Latin. And I aspire to join their efforts to sustain a living traditional Catholicism, in faithfulness to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. But at the same time, what I mean by ‘traditional’ is implied in what the last Holy Father Benedict XVI has said: the Tradition cannot be frozen in 1962. For a living tradition always grows – although great vigilance is needed, lest it fall victim to fads and worldly innovations. Alas – this is all-too-evident in the post-Vatican II Church!

Most of the writings at this site are my own. I hope they may be useful to some folk. This being said, I stress that although I have studied theology, I am no theologian and do not wish to simulate an expertise I do not possess. These writings are simply my reflections. The same, of course, is also true of my two books from Angelico Press The Gentle Traditionalist and Cor Jesu Sacratissimum: From Secularism and the New Age to Christendom Renewed.

I will just add that there is an archive of posts here devoted to The Gentle Traditionalist and also that the first chapter of that book can be read online here.’


From Roger Buck. Click to buy from Amazon worldwide!



Praise for The Gentle Traditionalist

“This is one of the most unusual books I’ve ever read. It’s a spiritual journey, a romance and a quest; a reflection on history and a discourse on faith and tradition; a fable and a meditation about place and location. It’s sometimes surreal, sometimes eccentric, sometimes didactic, but written throughout with passion and engagement, with a touching and deep-seated love for Ireland and for the sweetness and humanity that have been embedded in Irish country values.

Some readers will want to argue with the text. Others will be stimulated to ponder the question whether in the course of modernisation globalised Ireland has lost the essence that was its soul.”—MARY KENNY, author of Goodbye to Catholic Ireland and Crown and Shamrock



“The Socratic Dialogue is a literary form quite literally as old as Western Civilisation. Boethius, Joseph de Maistre and Vladimir Solovyov—among countless others—made use of it to critique the societies and world-views under which they lived.

Now Roger Buck in The Gentle Traditionalist employs this age-old genre to examine that which would prefer not to be examined —the Western secular ‘religion’ that has come to define the society under which we in the so- called ‘developed’ world all live. Keen, sarcastic, and for all that warm-hearted, Buck’s teaching figure is understanding and genial—even while refusing to pardon the unpardonable. His protagonist is as wooly-headed as most of us, but withal wanting to know the truth—especially if it allows him to understand the woman he loves.

As brilliant a guide for the perplexed as this age is capable of producing.”—CHARLES COULOMBE, author of Puritan’s Empire and The Pope’s Legion



“This striking novel by Roger Buck set in Ireland is composed with extraordinary sensitivity and insight. The Catholic Church is travelling through a time of seemingly paralysing crisis. It has lost touch not only with its roots but also with its unique sacramental nature.

However, periods of crisis can, with the help of the Holy Spirit, create openings—and one prays that the Church will again become an instrument of salvation, prayer and God-centred worship. We are indebted to Roger Buck for his spiritual clarity and striking mental lucidity.”—COLIN MAWBY KSG, Choral Director of Radio Telefis Eireann (RTÉ), Artistic Director Emeritus of Ireland’s National Chamber Choir



“An unusual book: part love story, part theological dialog. But more importantly, its author, Roger Buck, is that altogether too rare Catholic who understands the importance of what I have called the geo-cultural forces that have shaped the modern world—thinking here especially of how Anglo-American Protestant capitalist culture has waged a relentless war against Catholic culture everywhere in the world—and pointedly in Ireland, a country which the author loves and where he sets his story.

Unless Catholics come to recognize the historical place of the Church and Catholic culture in the world, as also the forces that work against her, then whatever our personal piety may be, our action in the public square will be at worst, counterproductive, at best confused.”—THOMAS STORCK, author of From Christendom to Americanism and Beyond


The Gentle Traditionalist is a book with a ‘strange magic,’ like unto the Ireland it loves and mourns. With unforgettable images and a wry sense of humor, Buck unfolds a tale of whimsical fantasy, melancholy realism, and supernatural joy, ever so gently exposing the intolerance and incoherence of the New Secular Religion that is destroying Ireland today, just as it has destroyed every culture that has surrendered to it. The remedy to this scourge is not ‘Christianity lite’ or the ‘spirit of Vatican II,’ but the real religion that raised Western civilization to its glory: the traditional Catholic Faith.

Buck’s deftly-reasoned post-modern apologetic for full-blooded Catholicism—a Syllabus of Errors in narrative form, a rousing hymn to ‘meaning, grace, beauty, life’—will be salutary for those who are still wandering and for those already arrived in port.—PETER KWASNIEWSKI, Wyoming Catholic University; author of Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis


“This is a beautiful, moving book drawn from Roger Buck’s own experience of both the sacramental and secular perspectives. He has managed to explain these perspectives, but perhaps more importantly, he has enabled us to feel the consequences.

To read this work was a joy, and I thank the author for helping me realize that, despite the passing of three generations and 150 years in the Irish-Australian diaspora, my heart is still Irish. I can still be moved with longing for what sacramental Christianity has to offer, not only in eternity, but also for the here and now.”— GERARD O’SHEA, University of Notre Dame, Australia; author of As I Have Loved You


The Gentle Traditionalist is a book long overdue. Writing with great wisdom, insight, and a most warm sense of humor, Roger Buck offers us a contemplation of the religious predicaments of our time in the spirit of Chesterton and Belloc.

He takes on everything—from the reforms of Vatican II to the New Age, from the postmodern religion of science to the fallout from agnostic ennui—in a charming (and disarming) manner sure to delight readers already participant in Christian tradition, and to prove at least intriguing to those who are not. It is a wonderful book.”—MICHAEL MARTIN, author of The Submerged Reality: Sophiology and the Turn to a Poetic Metaphysics


The Gentle Traditionalist is a tremendous book: moving and humourous, opening up the most profound issues, engaging the most strident of polemics with the lightest touch. Ireland’s place in the English-speaking world, the revolutions and counter-revolutions of the Enlightenment and the modern era, and the human weakness and divine resilience of the Catholic Church, are the book’s themes.

But it remains for all that an easy read, above all a gentle appeal to those outside the Church to reconsider the hostility which, for so many, is now an unthinking, bred-in-the-bone prejudice.

Today it is hard to know what to say to the sincere enquirer, when the Church appears to send out such mixed signals and internal disputes are take up so much of her time and energy. Roger Buck is to be congratulated for making the case for the Church at this moment of confusion. For Christ has not ceased to be our one hope, the Spes Unica; and the Church is today, more than ever, the only path back from the barbarism that seems to be engulfing the West.”— JOSEPH SHAW, President of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales

From Roger Buck. Click here to buy from Amazon Worldwide!


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From Roger Buck. Click here to buy from Amazon Worldwide!




Click here to see book at Amazon worldwide.

  • The Gentle Traditionalist Returns!

    New Book from Angelico Press!

    "The Gentle Traditionalist returns with a vengeance in this stand-alone sequel ... this book skewers the modern malaise with the kind of sanity we have come to expect from this author” — CHARLES A. COULOMBE

    ”Buck’s latest foray is a grand success ... The story features the same singular combination of whimsy and surprise, keen social commentary, and deft argumentation as the first [book]. The Gentle Traditionalist Returns appeals to what is best and deepest in us, so that we will reengage with that which ultimately matters while there is yet time.” — PETER KWASNIEWSKI

    ”A brilliant diagnosis of the spiritual malaise of modern society, written with gentleness, generosity, humour, pathos ... and, above all else, love”— MAOLSHEACHLANN Ó CEALLAIGH

    buy-at-amazon Video about New Book here:

  • Books from Roger Buck


    The Gentle Traditionalist


    ”Roger Buck ... in the spirit of Chesterton and Belloc ... takes on everything—from the reforms of Vatican II to the New Age ... a wonderful book.”— MICHAEL MARTIN

    ”A tale of whimsical fantasy, melancholy realism, and supernatural joy ... Buck’s deftly-reasoned post-modern apologetic for full-blooded Catholicism—a Syllabus of Errors in narrative form, a rousing hymn to ‘meaning, grace, beauty, life’.” — PETER KWASNIEWSKI

    "As brilliant a guide for the perplexed as this age is capable of producing” — CHARLES A. COULOMBE


    See Reviews in Full Here!


    Read First Chapter Online Here!


    Cor Jesu Sacratissimum



    ”Buck goes to the heart of the problem paralyzing our broken-hearted world ... moving beyond the spirit of the age to the Spirit who moves all ages.” — JOSEPH PEARCE

    ”In this elegant feast of a book, Roger Buck ... expertly skewers the modern world ... without a drop of malice in his compassionate soul ... to reveal the bright, shining love and truth at the center of the universe—symbolised by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and incarnate in the Catholic Church.” — CHARLES A. COULOMBE

    ”A great service to the Church ... Buck shows that the New Age is an attempt, however flawed, to escape the materialism of modernity, and that it is Catholicism in its traditional forms that can best reveal the immense reality of the suffering and love for all mankind of Christ’s Sacred Heart.”— JOSEPH SHAW


    See Reviews in Full Here!


  • EWTN Interview with Roger Buck here!

    TWO-part “Celtic Connections” EWTN  Interview!

    Part One here.

    Part Two here.

  • YouTube Channel – Featured Video with Roger Buck

    Probably my favourite video. Shorter, more succinct, it captures the essence of so much I’m trying to say …

  • First Video from Kim Buck!