Showing posts with label CDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDF. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Ecclesia Dei Institutes

A browse around the website of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, now under the aegis of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, can be interesting, especially if you can decypher Italian. For example, here is the list of Institutes currently under the authority of the Pontifical Commission, with the dates of the Canonical Erection as Institutes of Pontifical Right. That is to say, these are the major groups in the Church today using the Traditional Gregorian Rite Liturgy.


che sono sotto l’autorità della Pontificia Commissione “Ecclesia Dei” con data della erezione canonica di diritto pontificio.


1. Canonici Regolari della Madre di Dio

-Abbaye Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse ( Chanoines ) 18.05.1997

-Monastère “Mater Dei” (Chanoinesses) 18.12.2000
F – 11700 AZILLE

2. Monaci Benedettini

1. Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine ( Moines ) 26.10.1989

Prieuré dépendant:

-Monastère Notre-Dame de la Garde

2. Abbaye Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation ( Moniales ) 28.10.1989
La Font de Pertus
F – 84330 LE BARROUX

3. Monastero dell’ Oasis ( Religiose di clausura ) 29.06.2007
Oasis di Gesù Sacerdote
E – 08310 ARGENTONA (Barcelona)

( Totale monasteri: 6.)

B. CONGREGAZIONI ( religiosi e religiose con voti )

1. Fraternité Saint-Vincent Ferrier ( di spiritualità domenicana) 28.10.1988
Couvent Saint-Thomas d’Aquin
F – 54340 CHEMERE-LE-Roi

2. Dominicaines du Saint-Esprit 22.01.1990
Couvent Notre-Dame de la Joie
F – 53340 PONTCALEC en Berne
sei case religiose con scuole.

2. Servi Jesu et Mariae 16.07.1994
Kloster Auhof

3. Famiglia religiosa dei Missionari della Santa Croce 29.06.1991

- Mothers of the Holy Cross.
Catholic Mission Puma
SINGIDA ( Tanzania )
cinque case: 4 in Tanzania, una in Brasile, una a Monaco di Baviera

- Missionari della Santa Croce
Gehandu ( Tanzania ),
una seconda casa a Anapolis in Brasile

5. Institut Sainte Croix de Riaumont.
F – 62800 LIEVAIN
( Totale Congregazioni : 6 )

C. ISTITUTI DI VITA APOSTOLICA ( membri senza voti )

1. Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pietro 18.10.1988
Casa generalizia : CH - 1700 FRIBOURG

2. Institut Sankt Philipp Neri 26.05.2004
D – 13355 BERLIN

3. Institut du Bon Pasteur 08.09.2006
F – 33000 BORDEAUX

4. Istituto Cristo Re Sommo Sacerdote 07.10.2008
Santa Maria di Gricigliano
I – 50069 SIECI ( Firenze )

(Istituti di Vita Apostolica: 4)

For the sake of clarity, the Abbey of Mariawald wouldn't depend directly upon the Pontifical Commission but forms part of the Order of Cisercians of the Strict Observance. The Pontifical Commission website includes the text of the 'reconciliation' of the Transalpine Redemptorists or Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer but they don't appear to depend directly upon the Pontifical Commission either.

Also, the most significant body of Gregorian Rite Priests, the Apostolic Administration of Saint John Vianney, is not mentioned in this list because, rather than being a Congregation of Pontifical Rite, it is a special kind of structure that is equivalent to a non-territorial Diocese.

Am I the only person who is wondering who the Mothers of the Holy Cross are?